Programs for designing houses in Russian. Programs for self-design at home on a computer. What is the best program for designing frame houses

Sweet Home application is a program that will help to carry out furniture transposition, design redevelopment and build a new home, taking into account the smallest interior details. Sweet Home acts as an architect and planner, you act as a client and designer.

The simplicity of the program attracts both professionals and amateurs of interior design. You can free download, install in a couple of minutes and in a few hours receive a finished project of an updated room, apartment, house or summer cottage. The only thing left to do is to put it into practice.

The program window is divided into 4 working compartments. In the upper left corner there is a catalog of furniture, which can be added by "dragging" to the project of the house, in the lower left corner there is a list of objects that are already "in use". The third compartment - in the upper right corner - is reserved for the floor plan. Here, the main work on changing the house is being carried out - the arrangement of furniture and the construction of walls. The fourth compartment is an area for 3D viewing of the finished room (with the help of a virtual visitor). The toolbar is located at the top of the work area. The program allows you to open more than two windows at the same time and exchange objects between them.

It is very easy to create a house / room from scratch in the software, or to download a ready-made house plan and edit it. Almost everything can be changed. First, build new walls, remove old ones, change their thickness and texture. Secondly, to mount windows, doors, choose the color of the floor, ceiling. And, of course, arrange furniture. At the same time, in the fourth part of the window, it is possible to track each change in the 3D image. You can print the project as a plan or drawing (in PNG format). Also, the finished project plan can be exported to a 3D graphics program to improve the image.

Features and pros of Sweet Home 3D

  1. Simple and user-friendly interface.
  2. The speed of project creation.
  3. The ability to export the plan to other programs.
  4. Viewing images in 3D at all stages of work.
  5. A wide range of fittings (over 500 models).
  6. Availability Sweet Home in Russian language.
  7. Support for 3D models of fittings of different formats.

You can use the program both offline and online.

Planning a move? The program for designing houses "Interior Design 3D" will help you save time, effort and money. Where to arrange the living room, and where - the nursery, how to arrange furniture in the room and how to equip the kitchen - the editor will solve any issue. Read the article and find out what is special about the constructor and what its tricks will allow you to create a professional three-dimensional model of a house in a couple of minutes.

It is very easy to draw models of houses in the program!

Benefits of designing a house in the program
"Interior Design 3D"

There is a lot of software for creating room layouts: from very primitive to professional. Why is it worth focusing on “3D Interior Design”? There are several good reasons for this:

  • High speed of work. You can create a house plan in just 5 minutes!

  • ✓ The interface of the editor is intuitive and completely executed in Russian.

  • ✓ The result can be shown as 2D plan or visual 3D model.

  • Export the result in a convenient form: printing, saving on a PC, creating a working file for further editing in the future.

  • Wide toolkit: the program has catalogs of doors and windows, blanks for rooms, a collection of furniture, a wide selection of finishing materials.

  • Download Free Version editor and draw the house right now!

Country house interior design

"Interior Design 3D" - this is, which will help to develop a detailed virtual model of a home of any size and draw up a plan for the subsequent renovation of the house.

Country house design

3D layout of a private house

The planning of a private house is a long multi-stage process. A smart and advanced designer will allow you to choose interior and exterior finishes. You will comfortably plan your home with simple mouse clicks and get a full-fledged 3D model.

3D layout of a private house

What to consider when designing a home

When setting up your home, keep the following in mind:

  • square. In suburban buildings, as a rule, there is a lot of space. Organize it so that there are no too empty rooms.

  • colors. Do not choose bright colors for finishing. They are quickly addictive and annoying. Stay in neutral tones.

  • decor. Include in the furnishings things that can emphasize the cozy atmosphere of a country house. They will also help fill the "empty" space.

How to work in a home modeling program

The program for home planning "Interior Design" will help you create a full-fledged volumetric model of housing with your own hands, having thought over the details to the smallest detail:

  • ✓ draw a plan;
  • ✓ install windows and doors;
  • ✓ select external and internal finishes;
  • ✓ Add furniture and decor items.

Let's go through each stage of work in a little more detail.

  • Step # 1. Drawing creation

Create a clean project and select the item "Start from scratch"... Using the tool "Draw a room", draw a shape on the diagram. Be sure to respect the scale. Add all other rooms, both residential and utility rooms, to the diagram in the same way. Adjacent rooms should have adjoining walls.

Draw a floor plan by hand

If the building has several floors, go to the tab of the same name and add a new level to the layout. Use the stairs to connect the floors.

Preparation of the building model and, in particular, design frame houses involves the mandatory selection of materials for facade cladding. The software allows you to customize the exterior finish already at this stage. First of all, uncheck the box next to the line "Transparent walls" if there is one. Open "Properties", click on the item "Walls outside" and choose the optimal material.

  • Step # 2. House layout

Next, you need to arrange windows and interior doors. To do this, use the commands of the same name from the "Project" tab. The catalogs include all possible models. Choose from wide 3-compartment and 4-compartment windows to let in more natural light. A compact single window can be installed in the attic. In the selection of doors you will find not only traditional solutions, but also doorways, including arched ones. Using them will add style and visually make the space more open.

Select a suitable window from the program directory

  • Step # 3. Home interior design creation

Customize wall, floor and ceiling decoration materials in each room. Use ready-made textures - the constructor includes dozens of options that simulate real materials - wallpaper, tiles, carpet, bag and brick. Each surface has its own set of textures. Click on the Properties tab to find finishes for your home design. Upload your own image if desired.

Choose your favorite wallpaper from the catalog

Try to maintain one style. Take a look to get inspired and find ideas that fit.

  • Step # 4. Arrangement of furniture

Equip your home with furniture. For convenience, the set is divided into thematic sections. Open the item "Bedroom"- and you will see beds, cabinets and wardrobes, click "Living room"- and you will find sofas, showcases and walls, click "Kitchen"... - and you can choose a stove, refrigerator and dining table.

Arrange furniture in each room

The type of objects can be customized to your liking by accessing the "Properties" tab. In particular, change the finishing material of the selected item, fix its exact location and adjust the dimensions. When furnishing your home, focus on comfort and functionality. Rate it - this will make it easier for you to come up with which layout will be ideal for you.

Download the program for designing a house

"Interior Design 3D" has no analogues in terms of simplicity and ease of use among those that can be found in Russian. Unlike online editors, with this program you do not depend on the Internet connection, and you can freely design a house at any time. on this site - take the first step towards your dream home!

The house modeling software will help you decide which dwelling layout will be the most optimal for each family member. The software is perfect for both repair companies and novice users who want to independently choose a design for all premises. All settings are so clear and accessible that anyone can easily create a model of even a multi-storey building. Download the software to your computer and enjoy its benefits!

  • ✓ The interface is made in Russian.

  • ✓ In the catalogs you will find furniture for the arrangement of the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, nursery, living room and hallway. You will be able to adjust the size and appearance of objects.

  • ✓ The planner includes a collection of textures for wall, floor and ceiling coverings.

  • ✓ The program for designing a private house allows you to view the result in the classic 2D mode, 3D view or through the "Virtual visit".

  • ✓ Create one-story, two-story houses and even whole mansions. To connect multi-storey buildings, the house design software offers stair models. Adjust their width and specify the number of steps.

  • ✓ With the help of the costing function, you can easily understand how much construction and renovation will cost you.

To create a project for your home yourself, you need to shovel a lot of information. This can take a very long time, because you will have to study the intricacies of building technologies. What will happen as a result is unknown, since there is no guarantee that you will not miss something. Much easier to use software(software). During its creation, all norms and features of materials were laid down and taken into account. In most cases, the program for designing houses itself generates a list of necessary materials, and even gives out a plan, and sometimes a 3D image.

Home Designer by Chief Architect

There is a whole line of English-language programs for the design and creation of houses, apartments and rooms, which is suitable for both professionals and for personal use - Home Designer. It is easy to work in them thanks to the intuitive interface, knowledge of English is required minimal. You can design a house from start to finish. Starting from the foundation, walls, roof and finishing with finishing materials, plumbing and furniture. The results can be obtained in the form of a general and floor plan, with a list and quantity of required building and finishing materials, furniture and sanitary ware. You can work in the house modeling program in three modes:

  • standard 3D view (volumetric image);
  • roofless view (dollhouse);
  • flat two-dimensional image (plan).

The program is really good, there is one drawback - there are no official russified versions.

The principle of operation and the possibility of designing walls

First you need to draw the walls of the future house, and then create the rooms. This is easy to do. The walls in the Home Designer are collected in the corresponding menu (walls). There are several types of walls: exterior, interior, which can be straight or curved. They all consist of several layers. For example, a siding exterior wall consists of: siding, thermal insulation, frame, drywall. This cake can be changed, both the materials themselves and the thickness of the components. Importantly, all materials are displayed in the estimate. When changing the thickness or type of material on the plan, the estimate is automatically adjusted.

Choose an external wall from the catalog, create the desired shape of the house by simply holding down the mouse button. Home Design software automatically measures the dimensions so you can easily control your actions. As soon as the walls are created, the program calculates the foundation. If the proposed option does not suit you, choose your own from the list. The new type is immediately calculated by the program, changes are made to the corresponding section of the estimate. If some parameters do not suit you, you can forcibly change them.

To move and modify walls, you do not need to delete and redo them, just click on the desired wall, hold down the left mouse button and drag the wall in the required direction. There is also a second option - click on the resizing tool (on the numbers that stand next to the object whose parameters you want to change) and enter the desired parameters. These rules apply to absolutely all subjects in the program. Then create the interior walls in the room in the same way.

During all changes to the walls, the foundation and the roof also change, their parameters are adjusted. It's really good program for designing a house.

Windows, doors, roof

Windows and doors are also separate menus, in which different types of these devices are collected. Choose the appropriate type, click with the mouse on the place where you are going to put the door / window, the program will automatically create openings. To resize or move, select the object and move or drag to the desired size.

In the change tab, you can select the type of window or door, size, position, frame, shutters, shape and materials. They can also be changed at any stage of the design. All changes will be reflected in the estimate. In order not to worry about positioning a door or window exactly in the center of the wall, there is a special tool. It is located at the bottom of the program window. Select the object that needs to be placed in the center of the wall, press the button, and it is centered. Very fast and convenient.

"Install" windows, doors

The base and frame of the roof are created automatically. After you have planned out all the walls, marked out the windows and doors, you can do it. In the corresponding menu (Roof) turn on the display of the roof. Don't like the type you suggested? Highlight, in the menu choose from the list the type that suits you best. Replacement occurs automatically, and the corresponding section in the estimate also changes. The changes can be seen immediately in the 3D view. Home Designer software automatically installs roof accessories such as gutters, gutters, and more. Naturally, each of them can be changed.

In the course of work, the planning results can be seen in the volumetric 3d image. This mode allows you to evaluate the shape of rooms, houses. If you don't like something, right there, in 3d mode, you can change the design, move walls, insert / move / remove windows, doors, etc.

Internal planning and budgeting possibilities

Home Designer program for designing houses allows you to do the "stuffing" of the house. There is any furniture, plumbing, accessories, household appliances, sinks, sinks, toilets, bathtubs, tables, chairs, sofas, armchairs, TVs. There are also finishing materials: tiles, bricks, wood, metal, glass, wallpaper, plaster. The stairs are curved, spiral, angled, straight. The parameters of the stairs can be flexibly changed, including the number of steps, the height and style of the railing, material, color and many other options.

Do you want to put a closet? Select the Wardrobe tab from the menu and place it in the desired location. You can easily resize, change door types, materials, handles. The list of options is huge.

Another great feature is the ability to change the color and texture of the material. You can choose from those that are in the program catalog, but you can download something of your own. You will need digital photos, which you can find on the Internet or on your camera. Load these textures into the user library, save them. After that, they become available.

Home Designer has another interesting tool called the glass house. In this mode, you see the house you have created in 3D mode, in which all walls are transparent. So you can assess the proportions created by the environment before everything is implemented. There is also an opportunity to "walk" around the virtual house and record your walk in video format. This is also a separate mode.

The function of generating estimates is very useful. You can view the projected cost of materials. The estimate is divided into categories with a description and quantity of materials in the form of a table. Home Designer saves all the information for each item in a category and adds it to the material list.

Watch the video to understand how Home Designer works. It is in English, but even without knowing the language, you can understand what and how to do, how to work, evaluate the capabilities of this software.

Envisioneer - simple, powerful, but in English

Another simple English-language house design program Envisioneer. The interface is like everything office programs, the operating principles are the same as described above. All tabs are at the top of the screen. Through them you get access to tools. There are such tabs:

In the catalog panel, we can select any walls and materials, doors, windows, roof, porch, stairs, etc. The program has several types of views, you can quickly switch between 3D and 2D. The scale tab will allow you to change it as you need. The navigation tab allows you to walk around the house in 3D, look around and even fly!

For the design of wooden houses from timber and logs

In most programs for the design of houses and cottages, such building materials as logs and beams are completely absent. These are so specific materials that you need to write your own calculation algorithms for them. Therefore, a separate software is created for modeling a wooden house. In most cases, these are Russian developments, but there are also foreign ones.

KZ Cottage

KZ Cottage is construction program in Russian. It is intended to help with the design of a wooden house or cottage from a cylindrical log, profiled bar. You can create walls, beams, openings, pillars. In the program, you can select the shape and size of the log section, build and move walls, beams, install windows and doors. It is also possible to create a drawing of a log, calculate material along one wall or throughout the house, create a floor plan.

When you start the program, you select the type of material and specify the size. For example, the type of section is a log or a bar, the size is set in millimeters, as well as the location of the beams, the type of joining of the logs / timber, its parameters in millimeters. When planning partitions, you can specify their type: with or without a ledge. By default, the software uses the same material as the exterior walls.

Even such a rather large house made of logs can be easily calculated by the program for the design of wooden houses "Cottage"

When choosing the size of windows and doors, their height must be indicated in the number of rows of logs, and the width - in millimeters. This is the difference. Since window and door openings in a building can be the same size, so there is no need to recreate them, there is a copy tool. The copied parameters are simply set where you click.

After creating the walls and partitions, they design the roof for the wooden house. You just need to choose the materials (parameters of the board for the rafters), the step of their installation, indicate the angle of the roof slopes. The program will calculate the shape and dimensions of the cutouts itself.

The last stage is viewing. If everything suits you, go to the reports tab, select those that we need from the list (plan, wall unfolding, estimate, table of logs). All of them are generated by the program at your request, in the estimate it puts down an approximate cost.

The interface is lightweight and accessible in Russian. Your task is to create a model of the house that you want to receive, and the layout drawings, wall sweeps, etc., will be done for you by the program itself. At the end, the software will give you a draft design with documents for production and assembly. You can evaluate the finished model in 3d format and walk around the house yourself.

Home constructor software

For modeling buildings from a bar (ordinary, glued), logs (rounded) there is a program in Russian "Constructor of the house". The interface looks like a similar software. We select the designed parts one by one:

  • walls;
  • window;
  • doors;
  • stairs (if the house is two-story).

Each tab has several options, choose the one that suits you best - it will be transferred to the plan. Identical components are copied in a couple of mouse clicks.

In the process of making changes to the plan, all of them are displayed in the window at the bottom of the screen. A three-dimensional model is being built there at the same time. This is very convenient, since there is no need to switch from mode to mode and you can immediately make adjustments.

The program for designing a house from a log or a bar "House Designer" gives an estimate for the stages of construction

To proceed to the design of the second floor, go to the "floors" section. After installing the floor, the second floor appears on the plan. The “2nd floor” tab appears on the screen in the upper left corner. Here we set walls, windows, doors in the same way, and the program itself will place an opening under the stairs in the ceiling. Next, move to the "roof" tab, select its type and angle of inclination. The last thing that is being designed is the foundation. In the corresponding tab, select one of the possible options.

The finished project can be viewed in volume. Can be viewed as a whole and floor by floor. Going to the tab "estimate", we get a list of materials with an estimated cost. If the indicated prices differ from the real ones, you can change them. Also, the estimates can be viewed individually: foundation, first floor, second, roof - you can estimate the cost of building each of the stages.

Google SketchUp

Google SketchUp is one of the few universal programs in which you can model a house from logs or beams. When creating a project, you can select the type of measurement system - decimal. The program will then dimension in millimeters (not feet). The next stage is the choice of the type of building material - a log / bar and setting the dimensions (in millimeters).

Well, then - you will have to manually draw spikes, grooves, set their parameters. Each of the crowns is a separate layer. They are drawn separately or copied already created, making additions. It is better to make each crown in a separate layer. This will give an opportunity at the end of the project to see how much and what materials you need. But everything is done manually, there is no automatic counting, there is no bill of materials either. This is better than nothing, but not nearly as convenient as in the previous program (see "Building Constructor").

Software for calculating and designing frame houses

Unfortunately, while free software for modeling and calculations, no. They can be created on platforms such as SolidWorks, SketchUp, and ArchiCad. It is easier to work in the second program, since it is a construction program, it contains many parameters and norms, it generates final reports, which contain a list of required materials. But complex projects in this program are a headache. But for a relatively simple frame house, it is convenient.

In SolidWorks and ArchiCad, you have to do almost everything by hand, but you can draw complex roofs or decorative elements. Alas, "manual" work takes a lot of time.

There are several more programs that have been created for certain design organizations. Often they are without names, they are distributed exclusively for a fee, and they ask for a very considerable price. But, since the software is specialized, it is a pleasure to work in it. Two such programs are in the next video.

Construction and interior design begins with a project. House design programs in Russian will help you design a cottage of any number of storeys, make an unusual layout, think about what a garden or courtyard will look like.

Today, an amateur developer does not need to draw primitive schemes of the future home with a pencil on paper.

On the Internet, you can download the simplest programs that do not require experience and special knowledge for the design of buildings and structures. They are usually offered to users for free. More complex software for the work of experienced professionals, designers and architects costs a lot of money, and it is quite difficult for a beginner to understand all the intricacies of their use.

The choice of software for the development of a design project depends on the goal set by the user.

Selection options:

  1. When designing a bath, a cottage, it is necessary to determine whether it is enough to create its three-dimensional image. Or you need to see it in a real area, surrounded by existing objects.
  2. Do I need a project estimate.
  3. Will it be useful to use materials from real companies.
  4. Whether it is necessary to apply dimensions, titles and other marks to the layout.
  5. How accurate should be the transfer of dimensions.
  6. Whether the project needs to be saved to the cloud so that other people can access it at any time.
  7. Do you intend to work with ready-made libraries or will you create objects yourself. Do I need separate themes for landscape design.

For interior design, one tool is better suited, for an architectural structure - another.


Any person who is not involved in architecture and design will understand the free program Dom-3D. It is Russified, easy to use, has a clear interface, does not require special knowledge and experience. Works on the latest Windows versions and does not need a powerful computer. A wide range of functions allows you to perform tasks of any complexity.

The main function of the program is the design of houses and, as well as three-dimensional visualization of objects designed with its help.

Software interface Dom-3D

Features of this editor:

  1. Comprehensive, detailed residential modeling. The graphic editor has a built-in architectural module for designing walls, roofs, window openings, door structures and others. It allows you to edit them, change the size at the request of the user, and then view them in 3D, which is very convenient for a preliminary assessment of the future home.
  2. and the interior furnishings of the premises. With the help of a software editor, you can come up with a layout of rooms, furnish them with furniture. In this case, you can experiment with color schemes, pieces of furniture to achieve the greatest coziness and comfort. Each housewife is given the opportunity to walk through the virtual house to see the advantages and disadvantages of the project.
  3. Designing the most diverse. Viewing it on a flat drawing and in 3D format allows you to identify design flaws in order to eliminate them in a timely manner.
  4. View varieties of ceiling, floor, wall tiles.
    This is necessary to assess the overall color, texture, toilet, kitchen, in order to choose the most suitable option.
  5. Selection of products from the available catalog. you can add ready-made designs of upholstered or cabinet furniture, as well as various additional accessories that the program has. Selected objects can be placed, rotated, moved in rectangular or perspective projection.
  6. Design of auxiliary structures: fences, handrails, railings. Not a single mansion can do without them, especially a country cottage or villa.

Software developers are constantly working to improve it. Users are advised to download the latest version, which is more functional to work with.

Watch the video: design lesson in software House 3D.

Read also

Landscape design software in Russian

It is supplemented by a convenient facade manager, new materials for finishing floors and ceilings, and additional lighting sources.

Dom-3D versions 3.1 and 3.2 are suitable for designing stairs, railings, fences. They include new materials for floors and ceilings, original lighting sources.

The main drawback is that the tool does not work on older versions of Windows.

The program in Russian was created to work on Windows and works for free. In it, a person who does not have the education of an architect and designer can create a project for a house, apartment, office or plan a renovation.

A catalog of more than 120 finishing materials has been developed to create the interior.

Over 50 furniture options will allow you to come up with a unique design for the kitchen, living room, study, bathroom. Various decor options and accessories will complement your dream home.

The plan of an apartment or a cottage is loaded for work. If there is no plan, you can create one using the built-in editor. Once developed, you can start choosing doors, wallpaper and flooring.

Advantages of 3D Interior Design:

  • ease of use;
  • large selection of materials;
  • various furniture;
  • choice of size, color of parts;
  • you can print a finished project for the work of builders or furniture makers.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • not quite accurate transfer of dimensions;
  • restrictions in free version;
  • takes up a lot of RAM.

You can change the setting, add additional accessories by simply selecting the desired detail with the mouse.

Watch an overview video tutorial of Interior Design 3D.


The program for three-dimensional modeling SketchUp has functions for creating an interior, landscape design. In it, you can make a model of a mansion, a sauna, utility rooms, a steam room. It was designed as a quick sketching tool.

SketchUp's main goal is to create precise and accurate geometric shapes.

New project created in SkatchUp

Software features:

  1. Control over project parameters, for which, instead of many windows, there is a frame at the bottom right.
  2. Scaling and dividing the created projects into sections for easy adjustment.
  3. Creation of three-dimensional models of houses from one or more photographs.
  4. Access to various graphic effects that significantly increase the quality level of project presentation: the use of watermarks, volumetric text, the integration of two-dimensional photographs, texts with three-dimensional models.
  5. Simulation of the landscape, the surface of the earth, graphically accurate shadows.
  6. Providing a library of styles, materials, components that you can replenish yourself, and then load them into the developed project.

Thanks to such wide possibilities, the program is used in various fields. It is convenient for developing solutions in architecture, building modeling, and interior design. Stove-makers use it to design stoves and fireplaces, so that they can later view their models in 3D.

The program of Russian developers is effective for other architectural elements, the creation of the interior of office, retail space, apartment. There are basic and professional versions, which differ in price and features.

Elements of a design project can be created or selected ready-made from a thematic library. The basic package includes more than 100 themes, the professional package - more than 700.

The objects included in the library are taken from real-life catalogs of Russian companies.

This allows you to fix the data of the used element when developing a layout:

  • vendor code;
  • title;
  • sizes;
  • quantity in a box;
  • unit of measure;
  • the price.

It is allowed to change this information and export it to HTML or DOC files for preparing estimates and calculations.

Main themes:

  1. Building construction. The section includes architectural elements, for example, balconies, stairs, windows, columns.
  2. Office. Contains everything for furnishing workplaces.
  3. Kitchen. The library includes all the necessary elements for designing a kitchen.
  4. Living spaces. A large selection of mirrors, shelves, armchairs, beds are offered.
  5. Retail store equipment. The library has showcases, slides, counters, cash desks.
  6. Textures. Allows you to change the color, transparency and even the reflection of light. This is convenient for creating glasses, for example. By changing its properties, you can create real stained glass windows.

Libraries are replenished with self-created objects.

The finished project can be seen on a plane and in a three-dimensional model from different points of view, different distances

The result is saved to a file or printed on a printer.

Have you started a renovation, a client has appeared, or is it just interesting to play with the interior? Programs for an interior designer will help. We have described more than 20 of them. Some can be used on a computer, others are available as applications on a tablet or phone.

The era of drawing an interior sketch on a Whatman paper is over. And it was replaced by computer programs. The benefits are clear to both the certified designers themselves and to their clients.

The former can “draw” and change the interior without traces of a pencil wiped out with an eraser, the latter, such visualization helps to imagine how the interior will look like.

Designers who received this specialty in universities (we hope it was useful) need the help of computer programs. But how to figure out what programs are needed for an interior designer?

There are many of them. Some are paid, others are shareware, in others you can work without paying the developer. There are those that show the project on a plane, and many programs are able to present a sketch in 3D, remaining on the printout.

Consider best programs for interior designers. Do you have a favorite program? Which? And is it easy for you to work in it?

3. IKEA Home Planner

A program from a well-known company offering everything for the home. To get even closer to customers, IKEA has created it.

Even beginners can handle the program. There is a room, there is furniture, decor items (though from IKEA). So gradually, step by step, you can plan any room in the house: kitchen, living quarters, hallway, bathroom, regardless of their size.

The program is free.

Advantages: you can not only arrange everything as "live", but also calculate the approximate cost of the furnishings.

Flaws: no freedom of choice. Everything that stands in a potential room can only be selected from the company's products.

4. Interior design 3D

A program for apartment design and renovation planning with wide functionality. In the catalog of objects there are more than 50 pieces of furniture, over 120 options for wall and floor finishes, a choice of colors, apartment layouts.

User-friendly interface in Russian. You can install and remove partitions, move furniture.

After reviewing the demo version, you will need to buy the licensed version if you like the program.

Advantages: you can choose the size of furniture, room. Expand, rotate the resulting sketch, print. Easy to use. Standard layouts are available. There is an option "virtual visit", when you can "walk" around the apartment or house. One of the few free programs for interior design in Russian, albeit conditionally.

Flaws: Only elements that have already been programmed can be used. And, as often happens, you want more, better and, of course, free.

5. ArchiCAD

The program is suitable for professional designers and architects, as it has a whole range of all kinds of options - from a floor plan to construction documentation and specifications.

Shareware. Trial period use - a month. Then you need to purchase a license to operate all the functionality. The software is currently owned by Grasshopper.

Advantages: all parts of the project are not isolated, but interconnected. If you make changes to one of them, it will immediately be displayed in the general plan, in section, in the views where this part is involved.

Flaws: no multi-move. That is, the created project cannot be created in several variants at once. Complex geometry is also "too tough" for the program. You can use the help of other software - is it necessary?


6. Google Sketchup

The program is intended for aspiring interior designers. There are two versions - paid (Google Sketchup Pro) and free. The first has more options, broader functionality.

But even in the free version, you can create a high-quality interior design in 3D format, changing the layout, color, arranging furniture, varying the size.

There is a free and paid version of the program... Designers, those who use it, how do you like the free version?

Advantages: You can add markings and dimensions to already made objects. In the program, you can design not only a living space, but also a car, furniture, landscape design, airplane, street - everything that exists in space in three dimensions. The created project can be sent to the Internet.

Flaws: there are few objects in the free version. However, they can be downloaded from world wide web... Simple lines and shapes are available, but flat shapes easily turn into three-dimensional ones.

7. FloorPlan 3D

Professional interior design software - suitable for planning any interior with the ability to virtually move through rooms, offices. Possibility to rotate for a better view of the project. You can choose finishing materials for walls, floors, stairs, ceilings, doors, windows.

V new version added interesting options: broken lines, terraces, gates, attics, paths, fences, railings, balconies, etc. You can do landscape design.

The program is shareware. A little time is given for acquaintance, then it is offered to buy a license key.

Advantages: incredible realism of the sketch, ease of use, wide possibilities. Don't have time to develop a plan? The library has ready-made layouts and typical interiors. They can be taken as a basis and brought to a presentable look.

Flaws: takes up a lot of space in the computer, the latter should have good RAM... A program for beginners. Professionals are unlikely to learn new things for themselves.

8. Astron Design

The program for planning from Astron allows you to set the parameters of rooms, choose the color of decoration for walls, ceilings, floors, select and place furniture, decor items, indicate the location of windows and doors.

However, Astron Design can hardly be called a full-fledged interior design program. It is more of a planner for arranging furniture in a room with specified parameters.

The program is free.

Advantages: ample opportunities, realistic picture. Updated catalog of items and furniture in a new version.

Flaws: poor colors. The project is shown in 2D format, that is, flat, like a regular drawing.

You can download it by entering the name of the program in the search.

9. PRO100

Software from Russian developers. In it, you can not only create design projects for a house or apartment, but also design an interior and furniture. The service is easy to understand and can be used by both beginners.

But after all, no one said that it should always be difficult for professionals, did they? The main thing is to realize the idea, idea and present it in printed form or on a tablet to the client.

Shareware program... The demo version has limited functionality, but it is also enough for an amateur. The licensed version is not expensive.

Advantages: objects can be moved, the project can be rotated for review, layouts and objects can be found in the library. There is a possibility of applying dimensions to the room.

Flaws: the program sometimes "plays" with textures on its own. They suddenly stretch or shrink.

10. Home Plan Pro

The Home Plan Pro program for interior design allows you to quickly create a plan for a house, office or apartment, operating with modifications of doors, windows, furniture, decorative objects. I am glad that there are a lot of these objects, so you can create an attractive interior design.

The program is simple, and just this simplicity makes it unattractive for professional designers.

The program is shareware. You have to pay for the license.

Advantages: the finished project can be sent by e-mail or fax directly from the program, printed.

Flaws: English interface. According to professionals, it is not worth its money - it is too simple.

11. Apartama

This is not a program, but an online service for creating interior design in 3D modeling. It also contains ready-made projects so that you can get an idea, and a decent amount of all kinds of objects, finishing materials.

You can create a project specification, print it, send it to an email address. After finishing work on the design, you can take a virtual walk around the object.

Advantages: furniture, finishing materials, decor items are taken from online stores, so they are always relevant and the choice is constantly expanding. Here, you can immediately calculate the cost of redevelopment with the furnishings, and change something if necessary.

Flaws: This is an online service and requires an Internet connection. Therefore, sitting in the country, in the forest and doing creativity without a network will not work.

12. Planoplan

Another online service for interior design. The catalog contains real furniture, not created by programmers. You can create a drawing of an apartment as a background and drag and drop images onto it. The layout can be your own or typical.

In objects, you can change the texture, color, add dullness or gloss, change the scale, some spatial parameters. There is a PRO account, the possibilities of which are wider.

You do not need to pay for the use.

Advantages: The program is full of real objects, and the picture quality is pleasing. And its demo version can be downloaded for free.

Flaws: the service works only online.


This is a narrow-profile service. However, the user-friendliness deserves to be mentioned. From the name it is clear that only kitchen design is possible. But her options are not limited to this.

In the program, you can make a 3D kitchen, as well as prepare estimates, reports, calculate the cost including VAT, discounts, currency fluctuations.

14. AutoCad

This program is for those who like to draw in the old fashioned way - on a Whatman paper, using a ruler, pencil and compasses. This is now possible in AutoCad.

Create vector plans, images using simple lines: arcs, straight lines, curves, hatching, etc.

15. 3D Max

This is a program specifically for professional designers. The picture is clear and realistic. Therefore, the customer will be able to see how his home will look in the end. The designer is given complete freedom of action.

But it should be borne in mind that the sketch takes a long time, so you need to be patient. If the result is worth the wait, you can be patient, don't you agree?

Advice to designers: It would be nice to accompany the picture with drawings, an estimate or just a description of the sketch on paper. This will be useful for both the customer and the one who will supervise the repair.

16. VisiCon

In this program, not only changes in the layout of an apartment, a room, but also its creation are available. In the tasks, you can enter the number of rooms, the plan of the dwelling, the purpose of the room.

The plan is created in a three-dimensional image, variations of textures (including your own) and colors, selection and placement of furniture, decorative items are available.

Shareware program... In a simplified demo version, limited functionality is possible. VisiCon Pro is a licensed, more complete version of the program.

17.Room Arranger

Using this program, you can create a project for the entire office, home or its separate room, furnish it with furniture, add accessories, choose the color of the finish. You can move walls, erect partitions.

The possibilities of the service also allow you to design a landscape design or a garden.

Shareware program... 30 days free trial

Advantages: the program is Russified, 3D format, virtual walk.

Flaws: The graphics are far from realistic. Another program is needed for a virtual view - the so-called 3D viewer. Room Arranger developers recommend Cortona3D Viewer.

Beautiful, functional online service to create the layout of a house, office, apartment, residential and non-residential premises with realistic graphics. To furnish rooms, objects that exist in reality are proposed. You can buy them later.

The created project can be sent by e-mail, published in one of the social networks or on the website.

Advantages: arrangement of furniture in 2D and 3D, virtual walk. You can build walls yourself, giving the room any shape, so the service is also suitable for those who are building their own house or summer cottage.

Flaws: you can work only if you have an Internet connection.

To work, you need to log in through your FB account or register in the usual way.

Advantages: real picture, three-dimensional image.

Flaws: there is no Russian version, but artists should understand each other without words, do you agree?

Another clear and fun online service for creating interior design. You can enter your own layout plan and already operate on it. To work, you need to register.

The smallest details right down to the heating system, stairs, flooring and space for partitions.

Advantages: three-dimensional format, virtual viewing of the apartment from the inside. The monitor immediately shows the dimensions of the partitions and walls.

Flaws: picture visualization suffers. The service is in English. But even without knowing the language, you can understand the functioning of the resource.

Having figured out what programs interior designers use, let's move on to the applications.

Interior design software isn't just for Macs, computers and laptops. Owners of tablets, smartphones, iPads can now download one of the applications listed below to their gadgets.

And immerse yourself in the delightful world of concrete, wallpaper, paint and furniture. Further we will focus on applications.

21. Photo Measure Lite

In this application, you do not need to draw a floor plan. Enter its dimensions and insert furniture, decor.

The originality of the application is that you can come to the store with a tablet or smartphone, take pictures of objects of interest: furniture, plumbing, kitchen sink or stove, washing machine, etc. Write down the parameters. And then add a picture, indicating the parameters, to the room plan.

Visually it will be seen whether the one you like is suitable or not. Of course, you can draw everything by hand. But progress is fascinating.

The application may be of some interest to designers as well. Having come to the client's house, you can "transfer" what you saw into your pocket equipment and bring the project to mind at home or in the office.

22. HomeStyler Interior Design

An application that will be interesting for both amateurs and professionals. Its beauty is that it already contains many projects created by other users. Inspired by ideas, it's easier to generate a new design masterpiece.

An application is almost indistinguishable from a computer program. There is a plan of the apartment, you can upload your photo and work with it. The arrangement of furniture is carried out not on a plane, but in a three-dimensional image.

23. Master-Design Interior

This application was created by programmers to help designers. Wherever you are, dear professionals, you can manage your project by creating kitchens, bedrooms, nurseries, living rooms. Choose a layout, dimensions, furniture from the catalog and arrange.

The free version does not have as many options as we would like. But they are enough to create a draft design. And if you want to work in the application all the time, you can buy unlimited.

24. Interior design

This application provides a wide creative flight for designers and owners of houses, apartments. But this is, rather, a piggy bank of ideas, rather than an algorithm for creating your own interior.

But it presents bedrooms and kitchens, children's and living rooms, balconies, hallways, bathrooms. As a source of inspiration, the application has a right to exist.

25. Home Design 3D

But in this application, you can already create interior projects. Moreover, you can choose between two-dimensional and three-dimensional formats. And you can switch from one format to another without losing what was created by back-breaking labor.

In the free version, you can create designs, and save only with screenshots. But, having acquired full version, the user has the opportunity to enjoy all the options, a wide selection of objects and functionality.

A pleasant surprise from the developers of the application- high detailing of the interior and objects located in it, colorful graphics, accurate rendering of textures, realistic lighting with shadows.

26. Planner 5D

This application almost completely repeats the full-fledged program. There is a function of creating a detailed plan of a room or site design, you can design a pool, a house facade and such functional elements as windows, stairs, partitions, curtain design.

To help the user, a rich catalog of various objects: from furniture and objects to texture and shades.

The 3D graphics are mesmerizing. The resulting interior looks very realistic. You can even recreate the interior of an apartment or house from a movie. An interesting feature, don't you think?


Of course, we have not covered all the programs. It is even possible that some did not mention it.

What do you think about the programs and applications that we reviewed? What programs do you use as a professional designer or home owner? Please comment in the comments.

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