Views drupal meta tags in different languages. What are meta tags in Drupal and where to look for them. Removing the Generator Meta Tag

From the author: in fact, search robots are "blind"! They don't have eyes to read and appreciate your site's content. They only accept the meaning of a few markup fields. Because of this, even a high-quality publication can remain out of sight of the target audience. That is why it is so important to be able to set the Drupal meta tags correctly!

With your own hand!

Many specialized modules have been created to work with SEO. But not all of them function as they should. Based on my own experience, I can say that your own search engine optimization will never let you down. In the admin panel, go to "Content" and select the desired one in the publications table.

After that, at the end of the line with the name of the material, click on the "Change" link.

Then we go down below the text editor window and find the "Tags" field. Here you need to enter the keywords by which the search engine will index your page.

The title of the publication is entered at the top in the editor. But this is not the title that search crawlers are looking for. Let's prove it. To do this, open the web page markup in an editor. And what we see. It doesn't even smell like a "cloud" of tags

By default, Drupal inserts the name of the domain on which the site "hangs" there. It works for me on a local server, therefore localhost. So what to do about it? Where to insert the description?

Good because simple

A simple Simple Meta module helped me solve the problem. It works locally. After installing it, go to the desired page, click on the "Meta" link, fill in all the meta-fields and save.

To check the correctness of its work, open the HTML pages in the browser again, and observe the specified keywords, title.

Despite the fact that Drupal 6th version has lost the official technical support I'm sure there are a number of sites that still use this version of the engine.

By default, Drupal does not have built-in meta tags such as "Description" (short page description) and "Keywords" (keywords). But this, in its own way, is one of the important points in website promotion.

Today I will tell you how you can fix this situation.

1. To solve this problem, there is a plugin such as “ Nodewords", And the first step will be his. As many avid webmasters claim that the most stable version of the existing ones - this is the version 6.x-1.9, then I also recommend that you install it. You can download this version at the end of the article.

2. After the archive with the plugin is downloaded, unpack it. Content (folder nodewords) upload via FTP to your site, to the folder / sites / all / modules /.

3. Go to the control panel of your site, section " Site construction", paragraph " Modules» – « List"(A quick way to go to this section is to add / admin / build / modules / list to your site URL).

On the page that opens, in the list, we find the module Nodewords and cancel the items “ Nodewords 6.x-1.9" and " Nodewords - basic meta tags»

Here we mark the fields you need, which will appear for filling in your materials. In our case, these are the fields “ Keywords" and " Description».

In addition to these fields, you can include fields of authorship, canonical address, or, for example, include a meta tag that tells the robot after what time it can re-index the material. It’s not so important for us now, so we go down the page and click “ Save configuration».

5. If you have several types of materials, then change each of them (section " Content", paragraph " Types of materials» – « List"Or a quick jump - / admin / content / types / list) by clicking on the corresponding button.

Check that in the setting " Meta tags settings"The ability to edit meta tags has been enabled.

6. And the final stage will be to check the possibility of adding metadata to the materials of your site. To do this, go to adding material and see if a column has appeared to add relevant information.

If everything is so, then you did everything right, otherwise write about the problem in the comments to this article.

Besides the fact that the metafields are filled in, check the correctness of their saving and output to the site. To do this, open the source code of your site and see if the corresponding tags appear.

In fact, the plugin is quite functional and, in addition to adding simple meta tags, it can work with tokens (macros that store information about the site), set metadata for error pages, and also configure page indexing.

SEO site optimization, which is managed by the Drupal system, is primarily about creating more flexible settings. After all, from the point of view SEO optimization in Drupal everything is configured correctly. But to optimize the resource so that users and search engines could use it as comfortably as possible, it is simply impossible to do without installing additional third-party modules.

1. Create a readable url

It is worth starting to optimize the resource with the CNC. Setting up readable URLs is described in detail in the article Getting Started with Drupal 7. Create Readable URLs for Pages (CNC). Now we will consider this issue in a nutshell.

Drupal, namely the platform package, already has a built-in module called Path... It makes it possible to create synonyms (clear to both the user and the search engines of the site page addresses) during the creation of new pages.

With the help of this module, for each new node, its own special address is created according to the type your_site / node / Node, in which the node number is assigned automatically.

If the Path module is not active, then the node address and its own number in it will look like your_site /? Q = node / Node #.

Also, the module makes it possible, when creating a new material, to independently set the desired address at which the page will be displayed.

It follows that this page in the search engine can be accessed by the user at once at three completely different addresses... During optimization, only the last (custom) version of the page address is left. The solution of the problem can be done in two ways:

  1. In robots.txt, we block unnecessary variants of the page address from search engines. But this option can cause confusion in the particular case if some internal links on the site will lead to pages that are closed to all search engines.
  2. The best option is to create a redirect (301 redirects) from the first two of the above address options to the third, created specifically for potential users, the page address. A module called Global Redirect automatically performs 301 redirects for all pages of the resource without exception. And the settings of this module do not need to be changed, they are initially configured optimally.

If you need to form addresses based on the headings of the material posted on the page, then in this case you need to install the Pathauto module. But to install it, you need to install Token first. It allows you to use templates of different data from one page.

If the Internet resource is in Cyrillic, then you should install the transliterator module. This module converts Cyrillic headers before being addressed.

In the settings of the Pathauto module, you can set an automatic template for each of the types of content that is posted on the site.

2. Create a sitemap

Now you can move on to creating the optimal sitemaps... Since, as practice has shown, ordinary applications and services for creating sitemaps can include a lot of unnecessary information. Fortunately, we work with Drupal, and therefore for this we have a convenient module with flexible settings that allows us to create the sitemap that we need. This is an XML Sitemap module.

After installing it, we will get several modules. I would recommend configuring them like this:

After connecting the sitemap creation to the materials and taxonomy terms that we want to see in our sitemap, we need to create a new sitemap. To do this, in the "configuration" section, select "search and metadata", then "XML sitemap" and there we actually select the creation new card site.

After creating a sitemap, select the "update sitemap" tab, update it and now we have our own sitemap file without anything superfluous in it.

The generated sitemap is automatically assigned an address. By default, the module is set to save the sitemap file to the directory your_site / sitemap.xml. If desired, you can change it, but this is not recommended, since search engines usually look for this file in the root directory of the site. This address should be added to the panel for using the web search engine wizard.

Now, after adding a new material to the resource, the sitemap will be automatically updated. This means that no additional administrator actions are required for the update.

3. Optimizing page titles

Let's go directly to site page titles... Using a module called Page Title, you can customize the page title at your own discretion. To do this, in the settings of this module, you must specify what exactly should be the title of the page, depending on its type.

When using this module, the Token must be in the enabled state. Indeed, in this case, the same settings are used as during the CNC setup. See description above.

In addition, this module allows us to create our own titles, different from the ones it generates by default for specific pages. To do this, you need to check the box in the settings for the types of materials, which will make it possible to set titles when creating new units of content for this material.

4. Simplifying the process of internal site linking

As for the internal linking of pages, the administrator has two ways to solve this problem:

1. Re-link pages with your own hand. This is tedious, but can be done without installing additional modules.

2. And you can speed up the process of adding internal links by using CKEditor editor... A module called CKEditor Link in tandem with this editor allows you to conveniently add links to already created resource pages. After installing the modules, the linker is connected in the CKEditor settings (section configuration, working with content, CKEditor). We select the text format in which the lightweight input of links will be available (I chose full html), click change.

Here we open the change in appearance.

And with a tick, activate the link plugin.

That's it, now we don't even need to remember the url of the page or its name to create a link on the site. It is enough to select the desired item from the list that appears on the monitor and confirm the selection by pressing "ok".

5. Add meta tags to pages

To create on the site meta tags you can use several different modules, but one of the easiest to use is Metatags Quick. This module allows you to add a "meta" text field to a specific content type. The inscription that will be entered in this field will be located in the head of our page, as it should be, with a meta tag. A new field for the types of material required by the administrator is added through the tab under the eloquent name "field management". There we create fields for the meta description of our page (description) and assign it keywords (keywords), select the field type "meta", save it.

That's it, now, when creating new nodes, we can assign meta tags to them.

6. Specify the main site mirror

In automatic mode, Internet resources are available to users on mirrors with www, and without them. As a general rule, the leading search engines are perfectly fine at detecting a mirror. Only now there are such cases when it is necessary to explicitly specify a resource redirect with or without www symbols. To do this, you do not need to add any additional modules, since in Drupal, in a file called htaccess there are separate pieces of code that only need to be uncommented. In the .htaccess file (located in the root of the site) from Drupal 7.34, we are interested in lines 93-94 if we want to redirect users to a mirror with www, and 99-100 if our main mirror is without www. To explicitly indicate the option we need, we need to uncomment (remove the hash at the beginning of the line) the lines we need.

7. Optimizing the site theme

Now the time has come customize theme site. In different materials on working with WORDPRESS, H1-6 tags are optimized. But you won't be able to influence these specific tags from the Drupal admin panel. These tags can only be changed manually in the theme. All themes are placed in your_site / sites / all / themes / your_theme folder. However, there are simply no universal tips for setting up a theme - they are individual for each of them.

Theming Drupal is a topic not even for one lesson, but for a whole series of courses. For now, I would just suggest adding the following code to your template.php file.

function your_theme_html_head_alter (& $ head_elements) (unset ($ head_elements ["system_meta_generator"]);)

It will remove the Generator meta tag from the Drupal header. After all, you do not need an extra open link created by Drupal by default to a third-party Internet resource from all pages of your site, right?

8. Configuring pages for 404 and 403 errors

You can customize the service pages in the section called "configuration". These pages will be shown if a potential user makes 404 and 403 errors (a transition to a page that does not exist on the site or to a page that the user does not have access to).

9. Speed ​​up page loading

Now it's time to start optimizing the loading of the website pages. Drupal 7 automatically links many style and script files to the resource page. By going to the "Configuration" section and selecting the "performance" tab, you can enable automatic optimization of the style files. In the same tab, you can set your individual caching parameters for all pages and blocks of the site.

Despite the fact that Drupal 6th version has lost official technical support, I am sure that there are a number of sites that still use this version of the engine.

By default, Drupal does not have built-in meta tags such as "Description" (short page description) and "Keywords" (keywords). But this, in its own way, is one of the important points in website promotion.

Today I will tell you how you can fix this situation.

1. To solve this problem, there is a plugin such as “ Nodewords”, And the first step is to download it from the official site. As many avid webmasters claim that the most stable version of the existing ones - this is the version 6.x-1.9, then I also recommend that you install it. You can download this version at the end of the article.

2. After the archive with the plugin is downloaded, unpack it. Content (folder nodewords) upload via FTP to your site, to the folder / sites / all / modules /.

3. Go to the control panel of your site, section " Site construction", paragraph " Modules» – « List"(A quick way to go to this section is to add / admin / build / modules / list to your site URL).

On the page that opens, in the list, we find the module Nodewords and cancel the items “ Nodewords 6.x-1.9" and " Nodewords - basic meta tags»

Here we mark the fields you need, which will appear for filling in your materials. In our case, these are the fields “ Keywords" and " Description».

In addition to these fields, you can include fields of authorship, canonical address, or, for example, include a meta tag that tells the robot after what time it can re-index the material. It’s not so important for us now, so we go down the page and click “ Save configuration».

5. If you have several types of materials, then change each of them (section " Content", paragraph " Types of materials» – « List"Or a quick jump - / admin / content / types / list) by clicking on the corresponding button.

Check that in the setting " Meta tags settings"The ability to edit meta tags has been enabled.

6. And the final stage will be to check the possibility of adding metadata to the materials of your site. To do this, go to adding material and see if a column has appeared to add relevant information.

If everything is so, then you did everything right, otherwise write about the problem in the comments to this article.

Besides the fact that the metafields are filled in, check the correctness of their saving and output to the site. To do this, open the source code of your site and see if the corresponding tags appear.

In fact, the plugin is quite functional and, in addition to adding simple meta tags, it can work with tokens (macros that store information about the site), set metadata for error pages, and also configure page indexing.

or how to set up a CMS yourself using a tutorial

In general, let's start by continuing the last lesson, where we downloaded and installed modules or extensions, as I sometimes call them. And to those who only
now I have joined the learning process of Drupal, I strongly recommend to go through
in practice the past lesson. If you know what this is about - it's about time
continue and go to system settings. But according to tradition, at first a brief
theory. We will configure the CMS so that our site has everything you need
for work and was competitive when
the matter concerns his advancement,
i.e. SEO. I think you will not mind.

Let's move on to the settings of Drupal 7th version

Now let's go through the previous lesson, namely, Drupal module settings.

In the control panel, in the Modules menu, enable Global Redirect:

In the same place, in the panel for Rules and SEO, I noted the following parameters:

Meta tags have been tagged like this:

Under the OTHER heading, enable the rest of the extensions, save the settings at the very bottom.

Please note that opposite each of the modules there is a link to its settings. It’s not hard to guess what it’s called. You can go to the extension settings in another way - through the drop-down menu in the admin panel:

The admin panel was modified in the last lesson and now we have quick access to all of its points, which is very useful for those who are just starting to learn Drupal. We will go through the settings of some modules in detail in the subsequent chapters, but for now we will consider the creation of a sitemap.

1. Under the XML SITEMAP heading, include everything except the XML sitemap internationalization clause. Using any of the two methods listed above, open the settings of the sitemap generator - XML ​​sitemap. Further in the settings, in the SEARCH ENGINES tab

we note that our sitemap, every time a new publication appears, is sent for indexing to the search engines Google and Bing; save the settings:

2. Further in the extension settings

we make basic settings. For example, to change the priority of an article when indexing it by search engines from 0.5 (the default) to 0.8 or 1, click on Article:

and we get to the article settings page, where we go to the XML sitemap tab, enable the parameter, designate the priority and save the type of material:

Go back to the map settings, open the Content and see that the priority has changed. So go through all the parameters yourself and do not forget to save the settings below.

Drupal Meta Tag Settings

Above, we have included the meta-tags module and now we will analyze its settings for further work.

In the administrative menu, open Configuration → Meta tags:

Consider the structure of the main header, what's inside HTML tags , using the example of the content. In the picture below, you can see that by default the page title consists of the title of the publication itself and the title of the site at the end:

This structure is not required for SEO. Click Override and remove the second half:

After changing the settings, click Save. As a result, when publishing articles and pages, everything remained the same for me: after the title, the name of the site follows. Apparently we need the meta-tags module for something else. By the way, when adding pages (Basic page), they are not displayed on the main page, unless, of course, you check the corresponding item in the settings even during publication:

With the pages sorted out! For those who have not understood everything, I recommend looking at the lesson by page.

But we still need to resolve the issue with the titles of publications. We look further.

Customizing headers in Drupal

In the Drupal site control panel, open the Configuration, select Search and Metadata, then Page Titles. All of this is in your admin menu (i.e. control panel), provided that you have taken my previous Drupal tutorials, installed and activated the appropriate modules.

So, open Page Titles for editing and remove the second half of the title:

It turned out this: At the bottom, save the settings.

When we add new content again, it will only have its own title.

We will continue to familiarize ourselves with the settings for published materials. Ahead of us is URL editing. You will learn how to write your own arbitrary URL for each individual article, plus manipulation of the already familiar heading inside HTML tags - it turns out that it can also be independent and differ from the one that we write in the editor when adding new content.

Drupal configuring logs, errors and states

Let's proceed to the development settings, go to Logs and errors:

After you get enough experience with Drupal and your site becomes visited, cancel error messages so that if something happens, visitors do not see notifications:

Everything is clear, let's step forward! Let's see the state of the site:

in the panel that opens, we see the state of the system and the site itself. You should go here if you suspect that your site is somehow not working correctly.

In one of the upcoming lessons, you will learn how to set access rights for users. Attention is required of you!