Embed html but not iframe. Iframe and Frame - what they are and how best to use frames in Html. Tag attributes and properties


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) provides two types of frames. Floating is more flexible and easier to insert into an existing one. In general, the construction describing a window frame using a floating frame looks like this: Here, an existing site is specified as the data source for this frame (src attribute). It will be opened in a 400 x 300 frame, as specified in the width and height attributes. You can also specify the page of your site in the src attribute. In this case, it is enough to specify a relative address (that is, an address relative to the page into which the frame is inserted): This sample does not specify the frame height either, but it does have an id attribute. Using it, you can use CSS () to set the required dimensions for this frame:

Another type of frames - "classic" - requires a separate page that will contain a description of the frame structure. The frames themselves will be on separate pages, maybe even on separate sites. The HTML for such a frame container page might look like this:

No blocks ... and ... , required for regular pages, shouldn't be here. In this example, the container opening tag contains the rows attribute - this means that the page space should be split vertically and the top will be given to the first frame. If you replace rows with cols, the division is horizontal. The value of this attribute "*, *" indicates that the split proportions are equal - 50% each. If you specify, for example, "20%, *", then only 20% will be given to the first frame, and the rest of the space to the second. The user can change these proportions by dragging the borders of the frames with the mouse, but it is possible to disable this action. To do this, add the noresize attribute to the tag of a specific frame. You can also specify the dimensions of the vertical and horizontal indents from the adjacent frame (the marginwidth and marginheight attributes): It is possible to set the rules of behavior for the scrollbars of each frame separately. For this, the scrolling attribute is used, which can contain one of three predefined values. If you specify scrolling = "auto", then scrollbars will appear when the content of the frame does not fit into its borders. If "yes" - stripes will be present all the time, regardless of the need for them. If "no" - this will mean disabling scroll bars for this frame.

Based on the information provided in the previous two steps, you need to design the html code that is more suitable for solving your problem. After that, all that remains is to insert it into the source code of the page. To do this, you can use the page editor of your site's management system - open the desired page in it, switch to the html code editing mode and paste your code in the desired place on the page. Alternatively, you can download the page source code file by the hosting management file manager or content management system, open it in a text editor and paste the code into it. And then in the same way upload the changed code back to the server.

Tag .



align Determines how the frame will be aligned to the edge, as well as how text flows around it. frameborder Sets whether to display a border around the frame or not. height Height of the frame. hspace The horizontal padding from the frame to the surrounding content. name The name of the frame. scrolling How the scroll bar is displayed in a frame. src Path to the file, the contents of which will be loaded into the frame. vspace The vertical padding from the frame to the surrounding content. width The width of the frame.

End tag


Example 1. Using a tag

Description of tag parameters


absmiddle Aligns the middle of a frame to the middle of the current line. baseline The alignment of the frame to the baseline of the current line. bottom Aligns the bottom border of the frame with the surrounding text. left Aligns the frame to the left of the window. middle Aligns the middle of the frame with the baseline of the current line. right Aligns the frame to the right of the window. texttop The top of the frame is aligned with the tallest text element on the current line. top The top of the frame is aligned with the tallest element on the current line.

The most popular options are left and right, which create a flow of text around the frame. So that the text does not fit tightly to the content of the frame, it is recommended that the tag

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit ...



By default, a 3D border is drawn around the frame content. To hide it, use the frameborder parameter.



yes (or 1) Displays a border around the frame. no (or 0) Hides the border around the frame.

Default value

Example 3. Hiding the original border around the frame

IFRAME tag, frameborder parameter

Parameter HEIGHT and WIDTH


To resize a frame using HTML, the width and height parameters are provided. Values ​​in pixels or percentages are allowed. If a percentage is set, then the dimensions of the frame are calculated relative to the parent element - the container where the tag is located


Any positive integer number in pixels or percent.

Default value

width - 300 pixels, height - 150 pixels.

Example 4. Width and height of a frame

IFRAME tag, parameter width

Parameter HSPACE and VSPACE

HTML: 3.2 4 XHTML: 1.0 1.1


For any frame, you can set invisible horizontal and vertical margins using the hspace and vspace parameters, respectively. This is especially true when text wraps around the content of a frame. In this case, so that the text does not "run over" tightly on the border of the frame, it is necessary to add empty space around it.



Any positive integer number in pixels.

Default value

Example 5. Margins around a frame

IFRAME tag, hspace parameter

Parameter NAME


In a normal HTML document, when clicking on a link, the current document is replaced with a new one in the browser window. To route content to a frame, it must have a unique name, specified by the name attribute. In this case, when creating a link from the tag you need to specify the target parameter, the value of which is the name of the frame.



A character set is used to indicate the name, including numbers and letters. When referring to a frame by name, use the same spelling as for the name parameter.

Default value

IFRAME tag, name parameter


Crocodile Gena


SCROLLING parameter


If the content of the frame does not fit into the allotted dimensions, scrollbars appear automatically to view the information. In some cases, scrollbars interfere with the design of the web page, so you can opt out of them. The scrolling parameter is used to control the display of the scrollbars.



auto Scroll bars are added by the browser only when necessary, in the case when the content of the frame exceeds its visible part. no Prevents the display of scroll bars. yes Always causes scroll bars to appear, regardless of the amount of information.

Default value

Example 7. Hiding scrollbars

IFRAME tag, scrolling parameter

SRC parameter


Specifies the address of the file (URL) that will be loaded into the frame. It can be an HTML document, an image, or a server program. Not only is the file path valid, but also the name of the JavaScript function that returns the value.



The value is the full or relative path to the file.

Default value

Example 8. Path to file

IFRAME tag, src parameter

Frame tags

  • FRAME defines the properties of an individual frame into which the browser window is divided.
  • FRAMESET defines the structure of frames on a web page. Frames divide the browser window into separate areas that are close to each other. In each of these areas, a separate web page is loaded, defined using the FRAME tag.
  • IFRAME creates a floating frame that is inside a regular document, it allows you to load any other independent documents into an area of ​​specified sizes.
  • NOFRAMES is displayed in the browser when it does not support frames and cannot interpret them. Framed browsers completely ignore the contents of the NOFRAMES tag.
  • Hello everyone. There is one interesting tag in html, with the help of which you can insert another on your web page, and it will look as if it is sewn into yours. This article is about how to insert into html iframe with an example.

    Iframe features

    So, using this paired tag, you can insert a page into your article from any website on the Internet. Let's take a look at this piece of code:

    As you can see, all the insertion parameters are set in the tag attributes. About the first two, I think, you don't need to explain anything - these are the width and height of our frame, in which the required page will be located. The dimensions should be selected based on the width of your content block.

    The address of the required page is specified in the src attribute. In it you need to write the full address to the site. The next attribute is the name of the frame. You can write an arbitrary value here. Finally, scrolling is responsible for the appearance of the scrollbars, and its auto value makes it so that the scrolling appears only when needed. You can also set the value here to no. In this case, the scrollbars will not appear, but then it will not be possible to scroll the page - you can only view its fragment, for how long the specified height is enough.

    The rest of the parameters, if necessary, you can set via css. For example, it can be padding or a border.

    An example of embedding an iframe in html

    In the example code that I gave above, you only need to change the page address to your own, as well as the frame size, if necessary. Here's an example:

    Now a web service has appeared in this article, in which you can select colors by moving the cursor around the screen, and when you click, they are saved. I use this helpful site a lot when experimenting with creating beautiful menus, buttons and forms.

    This is how you can simply insert another site into your page. Perhaps, in this regard, you will have a lot of your own ideas for inserting an iframe to yourself. The main thing is that now you know how to do it.

    I thought for a long time what to name the article, I could not think of better. But now you will immediately understand what the point is. You have a website, you write articles on it, and that's great. But something is missing? The man came, read, and left, perhaps forever. And you so want him to return to your site more than once. Where do people return most often? That's right, services!

    But not everyone can make even a small service on their website, such as or a link shortener, some experience is needed. But what prevents us from showing someone else's service on our website? Almost nothing! How to do it? This is where the title of the article is appropriate: how to insert a site into a site?

    For the pros, I will not make a discovery, but for beginners it will most likely be useful. Although, to be honest, I have never seen such an approach on any blog. And in vain, all these chips often give good results. A good example is my way of getting backlinks,. Result - 38512 links, and all natural 😉

    In this case, everything is decided by a banal iframe. I'll go straight to practice: I sometimes use the png image compression service. There are wonderful online services, they can be used without any problems. But there is a drawback: you need to constantly keep in mind or bookmark all these services, you leave your site and use someone else's. And so, if you insert a site into an iframe site, then you will use the service (and not only you) without leaving your site!

    I have already made such a pseudo-service on a separate page for myself - (of course, there is a good LF request in the title, and in the explanatory text too)

    How do I make an iframe responsive?

    Here's the method you can use in this case:

    .video (height: 0; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%;) .video iframe (position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;)

    Didn't find the answer? Use the site search

    Scanning a site for viruses often does not detect iframe inserts, which may include links to questionable sites, but a new version The WP of the AntiVirus plugin will indicate them.

    Iframe inserts are not malicious code by themselves, therefore they are often not detected by online services that scan the site for viruses. With the help of Iframe inserts, files are often loaded that can be located on an external resource. For example, this method can be used to upload a video to your site from You Tube. But very often iframe inserts are used by cybercriminals to upload files of suspicious content to the victim's website.

    I have already written that I have repeatedly come across clearly infected sites, but checking them on the antivirus-alarm.ru resource using the databases of leading antivirus developers did not reveal anything suspicious. A check on 2ip.ru showed the presence of suspicious iframe inserts, but without specifying a specific place in the code where they can be found. It also did not indicate whether these inserts are useful or harmful.

    But with the release of the latest version of the WP plugin, the situation has changed. According to the developer, this plugin now shows iframe inserts. And you yourself will be able to determine whether they are harmful or not. Knowing what the iframe insert looks like:

    if the plugin found it, by the address of which resource is indicated in this insert, it is easy to decide whether it is useful or harmful.

    Unlike antiviruses for computers, which themselves find and remove malicious code themselves, most antiviruses for a website, such as AntiVirus, only find code that is suspicious from their point of view. The decision to remove it and the removal itself is made by the user. Moreover, for beginners who are not familiar with PHP, only the TAC plugin, designed to check the theme, will really help. I know of only one plugin that not only finds, but also removes bad code. Unfortunately, this plugin has one unpleasant feature. If he does not cope with the infection on the site, then he blocks access to the site without asking but this is permission.

    Therefore, you should not install antivirus plugins if nothing suspicious is happening to your site. For a preventive check of a website for viruses, it is wiser to use the online services mentioned above. Only after something suspicious has been identified on these services, you can turn to plugins that can help to specify the location of the malicious code. For this, again, not everyone has the qualifications. It will be easier for beginners to ask for help from those. hosting support.

    The lion's share of sites becomes infected after infecting the host's computer. As a result, the login and password from the admin are stolen. panel or from hosting. And only a small part gets infected as a result of hacking. Therefore, the most important measure to protect your site is to maintain the security of your PC. Do not forget that in addition to the computer, there must be a good one.