Do-it-yourself phone stand for a socket. How to make a phone stand? A handy gadget made from improvised materials. Video: Phone stand with speakers

In our progressive time it is difficult to meet a person who would not have mobile phone. Even sending a child to first grade, parents provide him with the necessary means of communication. We use modern mobile devices not only for communication, but also for gaming applications, typing, reading, watching videos and much more. Often, the owner, who wants to have a phone always at hand, wants to arrange it in a convenient way. The stores offer various expensive holders, but from our article you will find out what you can do

Stationery binders

Surely those who study or work in the office will have several stationery clips called binders on their desktop. Next, let's look at how to make a phone stand from these devices. To create a strong holder, you can use 1, 2, 3 or even more binders. Some craftsmen assemble three-dimensional structures from a variety of clips of various sizes. But such coasters look bulky, and they are inconvenient for temporary use. It is enough to fasten two binders together and do not forget to bend one metal end of the holder slightly towards the phone located on it. Even one piece with a folded lug will be enough to support the mobile device.

From the same binders, you can build another structure by placing the clamps opposite each other so that the ears look to the sides. The phone is inserted into these ends, as if into grooves. To keep the clips stable, clamp a small piece of cardboard on both sides.

Using pencils

If there are no binders at hand, the question may arise: how to make a phone stand out of pencils. Before building this design, prepare 4 rubber bands and 6 pencils. In fact, you need to assemble a three-dimensional geometric figure - a tetrahedron. The principle is that it is necessary to fasten two pencils with an elastic band, and stick the third between the turns. It is advised to use pencils with an elastic at the end to prevent slipping on the table and a stronger grip on the phone.

bottle models

In the household, we use a variety of cleaning and detergent products. Most of them are contained in plastic containers. It can be used as a mobile device holder. And how to make a phone stand out of a bottle, we will consider further.

The type of fixture will depend on the shape of the container. It can be a container for shampoo, shower gel, cleanser and more. Take a bottle twice as long as your phone. Cut off the neck and part of the container on one side approximately to the middle. All sizes are relative - measure at your discretion. On the opposite area of ​​the bottle, cut a hole that matches the parameters charger. You should end up with a piece that looks like a handbag or a pocket with a handle. Put the phone in the stand and connect the adapter to the network through the hole. Your mobile communication device will not lie on the floor, and the risk of crushing it will disappear. You learned another way - how to make a phone stand. If desired, this holder can be painted, pasted over with beautiful paper or cloth.

paper clips

The simplest and most affordable stand option is an ordinary metal paper clip. It must be unfolded into a straight line and folded as shown in the diagram. The resulting product is quite strong and stable. This design perfectly holds the mobile phone without interfering with watching the video at all.

Cardboard and plastic cards

How to make a cardboard phone stand? You will need a cardboard sheet from which you will need to cut a strip measuring 10 x 20 cm. Then you need to fold it in half along the short sections. Next, draw a shape as shown in the photo below. The fold line must remain intact. Opening the detail, you will see that you have a comfortable and stable phone stand.

If you have an unnecessary card lying around (any discount card), it will also make an excellent phone stand. To make such a device at home is very simple. Step back from the edge of the card 1 cm and bend the part along the short side. Bend the rest of the card in half in the opposite direction. You will get a zigzag shape. Place the phone on the formed ledge. The stand is ready.

Unusual coasters from simple things

Savvy people began to use ordinary glasses as a phone holder. They only need to be turned upside down, which, in turn, must be crossed. Mobile device is located between the frame of the frame and the temples that hold the phone.

How to make a phone stand from a children's designer? In this case, it all depends on your creativity and imagination. To create such a model, you need to use a platform and several bricks of various shapes. The stand made of parts can hold the phone both vertically and horizontally. The tilt of the screen can be adjusted by adding or removing additional bricks.

Another interesting detail that will help keep the phone upright is the old cassette holder. It must be opened and the lid folded back, thereby turning the box inside out. In the hole that once served as a pocket for an audio cassette, you can put your communication device. The convenience of the stand is that it is quite durable and transparent, does not interfere with the use of the phone. In addition, it can be easily washed.

As you can see, from the simplest items that can be found in every home, you can make such a useful thing as a phone stand.

A phone stand can be made from the most unexpected materials. We have prepared for you the most interesting ideas and workshops with photos and videos, with which you can easily make this useful accessory with your own hands. Stands made of paper clips, a sheet of paper, corks and other simple gizmos - everyone will find a suitable option for their phone.

Earlier we told you how to make a popsocket. This is also a kind of stand for the phone. We recommend checking out this collection of ideas.

Paper clips

With the help of paper clips, you can make an excellent DIY phone stand in just a minute. This is very convenient when you need to look at something during any other activity, but there was no popsocket or any other stand at hand.

We will need:

  • any cardboard;
  • 2 clamps.

Just attach them on both sides - and the stand is ready. The phone will be firmly fixed in the "ears" of the paper clips.

This fixture can be used as a tripod. The holder is useful for creating group photos when there is absolutely nothing at hand.


You don't even need special instructions here. The main thing is to find a suitable shell from which you will make a phone stand. It must be large enough.

You'll also need a liquid nail or rubber glue that cures into an elastic, plastic mass. If this is not there, you can use acrylic clay - it will not stain anything.

To make a phone stand, you need to apply a layer of this glue to the place where the gadget will come into contact with the surface of the shell. If it is not stable, glue can also be applied at the bottom to firmly fix it.

This homemade mobile phone stand looks very nice and will fit into any interior.

Beautiful jar

The simplest stand for a mobile phone can be made from an ordinary can. The main thing is to choose the right size and design.

Choose a jar that the phone fits freely into and does not topple over under its own weight. If the source does not look too pretty, arm yourself with acrylic paints. With their help, you can make a beautiful phone stand with your own hands. Paint it in an original way, add splashes or patterns, any inscription.

You can decorate the jar with a winding of twine or braid.

Wine corks

Do not throw away wine corks - this is a great material for creativity! They will make just a great stand for your smartphone. Durable, eco-friendly, beautiful, comfortable.

We will need:

  • 20 wine corks;
  • Super glue;
  • lace;
  • leg-split;
  • any decor.

Glue the corks to each other in columns and in a row. First, assemble the blanks for the back wall. Then glue the front completely. The bottom of the stand is glued gradually. Lay the corks against each other one at a time. Then lean the back wall.

For beauty, you can add lace, thin twine or floss threads and any pretty little things.

Bamboo deck chair

A very interesting option for a phone stand is a homemade mini-chaise lounge. It looks creative, and you can make it at home in just a few minutes.

We will need:

  • bamboo rug;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • 6 coffee sticks;
  • any paint;
  • wire cutters;
  • glue gun.

Watch this short video tutorial, in which the author shows step by step how to make an original do-it-yourself mobile phone stand. It turned out to be a bright stylish accessory that you can decorate your desktop with or even give to someone.


How do you like the idea of ​​making a phone stand out of just paper? Earlier, we told you in detail about the origami technique and its basic principles. We advise you to read our material on this topic, especially if you are a beginner.

For this craft, you only need a sheet of thick paper.

Watch the video instruction in which the author makes a cool stand for a phone or tablet with his own hands. Repeat after him - it's easy enough. Such an accessory is easy to make in the office, university or school to use a mobile phone to read or watch videos.

Simple and beautiful

The simplest phone stand without glue can be made not only from paper clips. You will need a plastic mayonnaise bucket and scissors, and the rest is a matter of taste. It is better to choose the most dense base so that the phone is fixed securely.

A step by step tutorial is shown in the video below. You can decorate the craft with acrylic paints, markers, stickers, sparkles and anything else.

We hope you were able to choose the right master class to make a useful accessory for your phone. Each of them can be modified, improved or customized. Your coasters will turn out beautiful, original and very comfortable.

Views: 484

In the article you will find tips on making your own stand for a mobile phone or smartphone.

It is simply impossible to imagine a modern person without a smartphone or telephone. This gadget is very closely connected with the daily life of both youth and adults.

Today, a telephone is not just a device for telephone communication. This is an organizer, messenger, graphic editor, TV, game console and music player.

For convenient use of smartphones (which are both compact and very large), a lot of stands and holders have been invented that comfortably position the gadget horizontally, vertically, help organize and keep its accessories in one place: charger, headphones, cords and more.

If you don't want to spend money and time looking for the perfect stand for your smartphone, you can make your own! This requires only a little of your imagination, desire, a modicum of creativity and some improvised materials.

INTERESTING: What coasters are not made of! In the course is the office, building materials, packaging from products, goods, toys and even garbage!

Types of homemade stands for smartphones:

Pillow - a stand for the phone, sewn with your own hands

How to make a phone stand with your own hands from cardboard, paper?

The most popular material for creating a phone stand is paper or cardboard, which anyone can easily find. Of course, it is best to use high-quality and thick cardboard so that the stand is reliable and strong. However, the strength of the stand also depends on the weight of the phone: the lighter it is, the easier it is to hold.

Stand options:

  • From a bushing. The sleeve is the cardboard base of the roll, on which toilet paper or paper kitchen towels are wound layer by layer. For a stand, you need a third of a towel roll or one small toilet paper roll. Also stock up on push pins. Make a horizontal slot in the sleeve on one side so that the phone fits into it. The legs of the stand should be made of buttons.
  • From cardboard. Any thick cardboard (packaging, for example) will come in handy. A long wide strip of cardboard should be folded into a triangle and secured on one side by making a slot. You can fix the cardboard with glue or push pins. The stronger the cardboard, the more weight of the smartphone it will withstand. The width of the cardboard strip should be slightly larger than the width of the phone.
  • Origami stand. This is a simple paper device, of course, disposable. However, it can help you out in the most uncomfortable situations. Having instructions and paper folding procedure, you can easily make a stand in a few minutes.

Video: Paper phone stand

How to make a do-it-yourself phone stand from wood, plywood?

A small wooden plank or piece of plywood will come in handy in order to make a phone stand: practical, simple, very comfortable, durable.

Of course, to work with wood, you must have the art of sawing with a jigsaw. Nevertheless, such coasters are very durable and will be able to please you with their practicality more than once. There are many ideas and forms of coasters that you can create yourself and it all depends on your imagination.

Materials for work:

  • Block of wood or plank
  • Sandpaper
  • jigsaw
  • First choose your favorite design
  • Then, following the template, cut out the shape
  • Sand the sharp edges of the wood with sandpaper
  • Open with varnish

IMPORTANT: Plywood is much easier to work with, but it should also be cut with a jigsaw or saw. Unlike wood, it can not be varnished, but painted with acrylic paints.

Types of stands made of wood:

Video: Wooden phone stand

How to make a do-it-yourself phone stand from a metal clip, clips?

It turns out that in order to make a practical, and most importantly, a stand that really holds the phone, expensive materials and many hours of time are not required. Inventive gadget owners come up with new coasters, both durable and disposable.

You can “figure out” a strong stand for a small smartphone from stationery paper clips (the larger, the better). To do this, they should be fastened in a certain order (see the diagram and video below).

If you don’t have stationery clips at hand now, you will need a regular paper clip (of course, also a large one, because a small one cannot afford to hold a mobile phone). The secret of such a stand is in the correct twisting. This should be done in such a way that the weight of the gadget is easily and evenly distributed on the paperclip (how to fold the paperclip, see the photo and video below).

Video: Simple paper clip phone stand

How to make a phone stand with your own hands from improvised materials?

Some of the materials at hand, which you would seem to already want to throw out, can be very useful to you if you are thinking of making a homemade phone stand.

For example, a plastic card. This can be a regular discount card from a store (unnecessary or one that you don’t use) or an old credit card that has expired. This plastic is strong enough that all you need to do is just fold the card in such a way that you get the right curves to hold the gadget in a vertical or horizontal position.

INTERESTING: Of course, you can dream up cutting out a certain shape from a plastic card for a more stable position on the surface, but not all cards lend themselves to scissors.

On the other hand, a plastic bottle is always at hand and it is always cut. Using diagrams, photos or your own ideas in your head, you can cut out a stand of any complexity, the main thing is to want. Then it is quite possible to paint this blank with paints as desired.

INTERESTING: Do you keep old cassette boxes? These simple plastic boxes in position offer you a ready made stand.

Video: Plastic card stand for smartphone

DIY music phone stand

Have you ever thought about the fact that sometimes you really want to have a powerful stereo system for your smartphone or a convenient delivery in order to comfortably watch movies in the evenings? There is an exit! You can make any stand, holder, stereo system or “dummy cinema” with your own hands.

For example, a wide sleeve from kitchen towels or any cardboard tube will at times amplify the sound of the smartphone speakers located below and bring it out in different directions. The same effect can be achieved by attaching paper cups on both sides.

Types of "acoustic" stands:

Video: Phone stand with speakers

DIY movie phone stand

The effect of "cinema" can be easily made from the most ordinary cardboard box:

  • Cut a hole for your smartphone
  • Cut out a hole for your head (to watch movies on your phone while lying on your back)
  • Make acoustics (if you wish) from cups (see the video below)

Video: Home cinema: phone stand

Now it is difficult to find a person without a mobile phone, which has become an integral part of our modern life. And every phone requires regular charging from the network. When all family members charge their mobile phones and gadgets, it seems that the room is entangled with numerous wires that often get tangled and get in the way. Savvy craftsmen came up with a holder for charging the phone especially for such cases and shared with the world how to make it with their own hands!

In such a case, both a smartphone and a wire will fit, and the bright appearance looks much more pleasant, more aesthetic and more modern than just a phone lying on the floor. A holder for charging the phone was made from a bottle of Johnson`s cosmetics, pasted over with a colorful paper napkin using decoupage technique.

How to make a DIY phone charger holder?

Everything is very simple. We find a suitable plastic container. Johnson`s products are perfect for the holder due to the elongated oval shape. We outline the outlines of the future cover with a pen and cut the workpiece with sharp scissors or a knife.

A cut bottle will be easier to wash and clean from cosmetic residues. Make sure the inner surface is not greasy. In the protruding part of the holder, cut a hole suitable for the plug of your charger. Then carefully sand the entire surface of the bottle and the edges with sandpaper.

You can decorate the holder with anything, not only decoupage napkins. You can try to paint it with acrylics, wrap it with threads, stick ribbons and beads, pebbles, twigs and shells - let your imagination run wild! If you decide to follow this example, then prepare a bright paper napkin, decoupage glue and a sponge (brush).

Carefully cover the bottle with a napkin, outer part also covered with glue (or varnish).

A mobile phone is a thing that should always be at hand. per century information technologies it's hard to argue with that. Sitting behind the wheel, cooking in the kitchen, doing needlework or doing other things when your hands are not free, a homemade and original phone stand will become a necessary accessory.

It is simply impossible to imagine a modern person without a smartphone or telephone.

By material

In order to know how to make a comfortable phone stand, let's find out what material is used to make it.

Often, the owner, who wants to have a phone always at hand, wants to arrange it in a convenient way.

  • Metal. The metal accessory will be durable and will last a long time. The cost of such a thing will be higher in comparison with the rest, made from more budgetary material.
  • Tree. Popular and affordable material. Bamboo, ash is a common type of wood that is used to make holders.
  • Ceramics. These holders look elegant, but, unfortunately, are very fragile. Masters working with this material make coasters in the form of animals, shoes, hearts, geometric shapes.
  • Textile. A more childish option, when the phone is located on a small, specially sewn pillow or soft toy. This type of phone stand can be made by hand.
  • Plastic. A versatile material that allows you to choose the color and shape.
  • Paper. With your own hands from paper, you can very simply build a stand for the phone. This is a practical, lightweight option when no other alternative is available.

Modern smartphones have learned to do many different things, successfully replacing our clock, voice recorder, navigator, player and even a mobile cinema.

By style

Note! When choosing a stand style, take into account not only your individual preferences, but also the design features of the room in which it will stand.

Before ordering or creating a DIY phone stand, decide on a style.

  • Vintage. A variant made in the form of an old thing made of wood, metal, leather or ceramics, with a design for fixing the gadget.
  • Minimalism. Plastic and paper are the main materials of this style. An excellent choice for those who are not interested in extra details.
  • Classic. Option for conservatives. Mostly the manufacture of holders in this style of wood, metal.
  • High tech. Modern style, without additional decorative elements. The material used is plastic.

A stand is a useful and convenient thing in everyday life.

By appointment

On the table.

The main thing is the strength of the structure.

  1. Adhesive based. Products in the form of a circle, one side is glued to the phone, imitating a support, which makes it possible to put the phone at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. On a stand. Fixes a device of any size. It consists of a bottom plate, which is installed on the table and a clamp, in which the gadget is placed.


If you are a creative person, then you will find the makings of a phone stand in any item.

  1. There is an option when the bottom side of the holder has a mount that can be attached to a table or any other surface. The base of such a device is usually flexible and rotates 360 degrees.
  2. The second popular option: in the form of a flexible tripod that can take absolutely any shape. This type can be used: on a walk, in bed, while washing dishes, in a car - absolutely in any convenient place.

A desktop phone stand for the home should not only be comfortable, but also durable, stylish and fit well into the interior of the home.

In auto.

It is very convenient to purchase a magnetic holder for the car.

Installation principle: one side is attached to the device with a magnet, and the other to any accessible place in the car.

Phone stand made of unusual and improvised materials

Stationery binders

The device is strong enough and able to hold the phone.

If suddenly in the office it was necessary to fix the phone in a vertical position: here's how to quickly make a phone stand from improvised materials with your own hands. The binder consists of two parts, a colored clip made of plastic or metal and a steel-colored paper clip. We take two binders and fasten them together. We put forward one paper clip in the direction of the phone.

Using pencils

Try making a phone stand out of pencils.

Materials needed: 6 pencils and 4 rubber bands. We assemble a three-dimensional triangle: a tetrahedron. We fasten the ends of two pencils together and put the third one between them.

Important! To build a design, you need to take pencils with rubber bands at the ends to avoid unnecessary slipping.

bottle models

To make a model from bottles, prepare the material: any bottle from a cleaning agent, dishwashing liquid or shampoo, scissors.

Bottom line: the work should resemble a pocket.

Important! The size of the bottle should be at least twice the length of the phone.

Cut off the neck of the bottle and the front wall to the middle. This stand will be relevant for use while recharging. To do this, make a hole for the charger in the upper back of the container. Fold the phone inward, and insert the charge first into the hole, then into the socket.

Such a model can be painted, decorated with paper or cloth.

paper clips

The variant with a paper clip will require minimal costs and time.

The paper clip must be straightened into a straight line. We bend both edges of the paper clip upwards, retreating by 1 cm. Then we retreat by 4 cm from both sides, this part of the structure should fit snugly against the table, like a support. The next step is to bend the paperclip in the middle up so that the previous bent parts remain even, perpendicular to the table.

From a credit card

Set the resulting zigzag on the table, the work is ready.

Place an old, unnecessary credit card in front of you in an upright position. Step back from the edge 1 cm and bend the edge towards you. Divide the rest in half, bend, but in the opposite direction.

From Lego constructor

Take a wide plate - the basis of the children's designer.

It is necessary to fix several bricks from the designer on the plate, in order to support the back panel of the phone, the angle at which it will be fixed will depend on the height of the wall. To fix the device on the sides, take a few more identical bricks and fix them on the base.

From a cassette case

We insert a mobile device into the pocket where the cassette was once stored.

If you have an old cassette cassette left at home, it is very easy to create a holding structure: open it as far back as possible so that the part with the cassette pocket remains in front, and the cassette cassette top cover is placed on the table.

DIY phone stand made of paper and cardboard

Attention! Before you make an origami paper phone stand with your own hands, find and prepare the patterns you like.

You can make a small phone stand with your own hands from the simplest materials.

  • Folding cardboard stand. You can make a phone stand out of thick cardboard. Take a sheet of cardboard and cut out a figure: 10 by 20 cm. Fold it in half. Step back from the fold 2 cm and at an angle of 45 degrees cut the cardboard with scissors, not reaching the edge of 2.5 cm. Then change the angle at which you cut, it should be perpendicular to the bottom edge, in this position cut another 1.5 cm, lower the corner of the scissors 45 degrees and cut 1.5 cm down and then again perpendicular to the bottom edge, to the end.

Homemade cardboard smartphone stand.

  • Cardboard triangle. Before you make a simple cardboard phone stand, prepare the materials: a strip of cardboard, pushpins, glue or tape. Take a strip of cardboard and fold it into a triangle. Fix the edges with glue, tape or buttons.

In 5 seconds, you can make a solid and strong stand for your phone.

  • From a bushing. An excellent do-it-yourself phone stand made of cardboard will come out from the remaining paper towel sleeve. The wide sleeve must be cut in half. In the resulting part, cut a horizontal hole where the phone will fit. From the buttons you need to make legs so that the stand can be placed on the table.

Here's how to quickly and easily make a functional do-it-yourself phone stand out of cardboard.

  • Origami. A good paper phone stand will come out of a regular A4 sheet. There are several schemes by which you can fold an excellent support for the device. Knowing how to make a paper phone stand, you can always fold it in a few minutes and enjoy it.

Origami paper phone stand.

DIY phone stand made of wood

We take a wooden beam and make a blank out of it, aligning and processing the edges. Attach the gadget and cut it to size. Corners must be rounded and sanded. Having made the markup for the grooves, cut them out. Take a chisel and carefully clean the cut grooves. Sand the work again before oiling.

Homemade and original stand is ready.

DIY phone stand made of wire

Using ordinary wire, by twisting the most different ways according to the schemes, you can create an original holder for a mobile. The main thing is that the weight of the device is evenly distributed on the homemade holder.

The advantage of this DIY phone stand is that you can place your phone on it both horizontally and vertically.

Everyone knows why and when you need a phone stand, knowing the quick ways to create it from improvised means, you can always comfortably watch a movie or do household chores and chat with friends via video link.

Also, this stand can be used as a holder for tablets and e-books.

VIDEO: How to make a phone stand.

50 variants of original phone stands: