Instructions: How to Make Your Own Cellular Jammer. How to make a jammer or a cellular jammer with your own hands The difference between cellular jammers

The emergence of a huge number of listening devices allows third parties to obtain information that no one should know about. But at the same time, equipment is being developed that prevents unwanted guests from entering personal or business life. The simplest option of which is jammers for mobile phones, they are also blockers and suppressors.


Blockers are used to protect privacy, ensure the confidentiality of conversations, and to maintain silence in in public places where mobile phones are not allowed. Among the standards that the jammer jams are GSM, GPS, 3G, 4G, less often bluetooth and wi-fi.

Jammer Efficiency depends on several factors. The most common are the degree of battery charge and the distance between the phone and the base station. In the first case, for normal operation, the battery must be full. In the second, the quality of signal suppression is inversely proportional to the distance of the receiving device from the source. Influencing the latter does not seem real, it remains just to take this moment into account.

Depending on the power and available frequencies, mobile phone jammers are able to stop transmitting information from the following devices: GSM and GPS bugs, navigators, trackers and 3G Internet.

The devices protect against information leakage and unauthorized tracking of a person or his vehicle.

Operated The mobile phone jammer is simple - to start, you need to charge, install antennas (if any) and, in fact, turn it on. The first item is optional in devices that have a connection to a household outlet or car cigarette lighter.

Frequencies. To turn off unnecessary frequencies, just use the settings. This method also corrects the inherent frequency parameters, which makes it possible to intercept non-standard signals.

Range of action. A personal mobile phone jammer has a short range of about 20 m. This zone is reduced in the presence of obstacles in the form of walls, so neighbors in the entrance will easily use wireless networks.

Device Operation Check (Standard Type)

Powerful stationary jammer

How much does a muffler cost mobile communications? Buying yourself simple option with one frequency range will be approximately 4-5 thousand rubles. The more standards, and hence the means of communication, can paralyze the device, the higher the price will be.

Products designed for mass use are already sold for hundreds of thousands. For private use, the functions of a product worth more than twenty thousand are hardly useful. In addition, there is a question about the legality of the operation of the equipment.

Legality. What is strictly forbidden is to invade someone else's privacy. And to stop unauthorized encroachments means to protect personal space, here the law supports the user. But, as soon as the action of a personal suppressor extends to gadgets and similar devices of other people, the situation changes in the opposite direction. The layman has no right to do this.

Device features and settings

There are three principles of operation of silencers that suppress the communication of gadgets and bugs with base stations. In domestic conditions, the most convenient second type.

Types of signal jamming:

  1. sending a signal to the phone or bug that causes a malfunction;
  2. the creation of radio interference that blocks the signal;
  3. conclusion in an electromagnetic shield that suppresses signals in both directions.

Device device. The mobile jammer has three main components. The main component is a voltage-controlled generator that creates a connection with the suppressed equipment. open or with feedback the circuit allows you to adjust the frequency. The produced signal is propagated by an antenna.

Expand coverage Connecting an RF amplification unit will help. This will increase the power of action and the area of ​​coverage, but the operating time will decrease. homemade device tuned once to the selected frequency ranges, unlike most industrial products.

Sometimes a charged and turned on jammer does not paralyze calls, mobile internet and other activities or operates at a minimum distance. This suggests that the telecom operator uses non-standard frequencies. The problem is solved by adjusting the settings of the blocker, if such a function is provided by the manufacturer.

Device board

There are two resistors in the circuit - regulating the upper and lower limits. The desired one turns either to the right to increase, or to the left to decrease the frequency. It is important to remember that this method is intended for professionals and in the event of a breakdown, the blocker is not subject to warranty service.

When using a silencer, it is necessary to isolate third parties from its influence. The exceptions are confidential negotiations and maintaining order in places with a ban telephone conversations. Technologies are designed to protect against information leakage, surveillance, and they cope with this task.

A program to detect wiretapping of your phone.
. A simple and reliable program for detecting the activity of GSM Monitoring System equipment designed for active and passive interception of voice and data of any modification GSM networks. Supports up to 4 GSM bands (850, 900, 1800, 1900), which makes it applicable anywhere in the world where there is a GSM network.

Detects the activity of the following types of spyware:

  • 1. Active GSM Interceptor with A 5.x decoder, which can intercept incoming and outgoing GSM calls and sms with any type of real-time encryption. Work with moving and stationary objects and provide conversations and real-time data, analyze received data, intercept IMSI / IMEI and do selective suppression of GSM traffic in a given area
  • 2. 3G IMSI/IMEI/TMSI Catcher (invader) designed to influence the selected phone to force it to switch to GSM mode, in order to be able to intercept data from such a phone by a passive interceptor.
  • 3. Blocker of selected cell phones (Cell Firewall), for selective or mass jamming of GSM/UMTS targets. Based on the Active Base Station, the Cellular Firewall allows authorized GSM/UMTS subscribers to use their phones as usual, receive calls, make, receive and send sms and so on, while unauthorized phones in the immediate vicinity of the system are deprived of service. cellular communication.
  • 4. GSM IMSI/IMEI/TMSI Catcher (invader), which is designed to detect the presence of GSM phones in the area of ​​interest. The whole system is based on a laptop and a compact mini BTS and is an active system and thus it makes the GSM phones in its vicinity register to it.
  • and the like...

The program was developed with the advisory support of technical specialists mobile operators having a moral conviction about the right of each of us to privacy, the prohibition of any form of arbitrary interference in private life by the state and protection from such interference by third parties.

In progress:

  • 1. Choice between 2 sim.

Pro version:

  • 1.2 Dual sim support
  • 2. Auto-blocking (resetting) the connection of hardware interceptors to your phone.
  • 3. Analysis of the statistics of "interceptors", so that you can see in what places, when and how often, your phone falls into the range of "interceptors"
  • 4. Identification of interceptors. (fortunately, spies usually don't clean up fake eavesdropper data, knowing that phone owners don't see GSM connection specs and don't suspect eavesdropping). This will allow you to determine: who listens to you and how often, whether "he" follows you around the city, whether "he" knows where you live and work, and so on. Or you accidentally got into the zone of interceptors. In the longer term
  • 5. Definition of wiretapping through the operator. A very difficult task to implement and without a 100% guarantee of the accuracy of the definition. Will only be in the paid PRO version.
  • 6. Detection of non-selective GSM signal jammers. These are often used by car thieves who, with the help of a signal jammer, block the operation of a car GSM GPS location finder.
  • 7. NEW! 7. Calculation of hacker virtual cells stealing your money from your phone!
  • 8. Notification about disabling encryption of conversations.

Download GSM Spy Finder app for Android you can follow the link below

Until quite recently, we used only a home or work phone as a means of communication and did not think at all that someone might be looking for us. But times are changing, and now a person cannot even imagine how he will do without daily communication via a cell phone with the world around him.

Of course, the use of this device brings us a lot of advantages, but most people forget that if you do not follow some rules for using it, then a cell phone will become an irritant. For example, everyone was probably confused because of the unexpected ringing of the phone next to him in the theater - at that time the melody from Boomer was a little out of touch with the tragic scene that took place during the performance. Perhaps you yourself have ever found yourself in an awkward position when your phone suddenly played the voice of the lead singer of the Rammstein group at an important meeting? FYI, about 90% of people get annoyed by inappropriate cell phone calls. This irritation rose to such incredible levels that scientists had to invent cell phone jammers, or as they are also called jammers - devices that help get rid of intrusive phone calls.

Blocker schemes of this type are quite simple. The device acts as a noise generator with high power. Its working principle is to suppress ties mobile phone from the base station, i.e., the reverse signal is blocked. That is why incoming calls from mobile phones that are within the range of the jammer cannot pass through the so-called security barrier. Now you can be absolutely sure that inappropriate calls will not disturb you at this time.

As soon as similar GSM jammers appeared on the market, they immediately became interested, and these were people of art, not security structures! Today, cell blockers are increasingly being used during cultural events, and all the artists breathed a sigh of relief - after all, now you can safely do your work. Before the introduction of jammers, the environment left much to be desired. Once in Copenhagen, during a performance in the hall of the symphony orchestra, a mobile phone rang. At that moment, the conductor stopped the performance, and the musicians began to play the melody from the very beginning. Pianist Andreas Schiff was not so patient at one of his concerts. He steadfastly and courageously withstood the calls of two mobile phones, but after the third time the bell rang in the hall, he stopped playing and left the stage. The pianist invited the audience to take advantage of this break so that they could cough, call friends or just make some noise.
Jammers are also widely used ... in churches! The mobile phone blocker scheme assumes that such a jammer, depending on its type, is able to cover all kinds of premises. Several of these cell phone jammers are often installed in churches, and now holding worship services is becoming an event that the ringing of a cell phone will not disturb. Until that time, the holy fathers often complained to each other that their patience would soon run out, because they were listening all the time phone calls in the temple it was already simply unbearable.
Initially, gsm suppression took place only as an experiment, when devices were installed in only a few churches. Still, the experience turned out to be successful, and now most churches have already freed themselves from intrusive phone calls with the help of jammers!

This is a radio transmitter that operates on the same frequencies as base stations. The jammer signal does not carry information, it is noise that imitates a useful signal. Cellular telephone(or a Wi-fi device, glonass / gps, etc.) cannot connect to the operator's channel, the signal of which is weaker than the radio noise of a nearby jamming device. The silencer is selected according to the necessary requirements for various parameters:

  1. jammed channel set: only cellular GSM signal, additionally Wi-fi, all channels, including 4G;
  2. signal power and directivity, the presence of additional antennas;
  3. device version: portable (portable), stationary, outdoor.

Some models allow you to adjust the range, power, signal directivity or use different types of antennas. Special signal suppressors work according to intelligent algorithms and adapt to the specific conditions of the installation site.

How to bypass the jammer of cellular communication and the Internet?

It is worth trying to position the phone at the maximum distance from the device or in the “radio shadow” behind a large metal object. This might work with a low powered, portable jammer.

Inexpensive jammers operate in the GSM band and jam only voice communication. There remains the possibility of 3G / 4G Internet connection, these communication ranges are supported in modern smartphones. Messenger applications installed in the system will allow you to send both text and voice messages.

How to bypass a jammer that works in all ranges wireless communication– no real (civilian) technical solution has been found yet.

Quality muffler options

Among the most popular models for which there are only positive reviews, the following can be noted:

Signal Jammer EaglePro Pelena 2 is a small portable jammer for jamming GPS and GLONASS signals. She can also muffle the fuel sensors. Works flawlessly with any trackers. There are only 2 marriages per 1000 sales. This suppressor has existed for many years, constantly being modified and improving performance along with the development of monitoring systems.

Jammer EaglePro Metel-Z is an improved modifier of the Buran-Z suppression device. Works stably and reliably, has more wide range and increased power. Therefore, it cannot be interrupted by any signal amplifiers.

Jammer EaglePro Tsunami. Option for guaranteed suppression of signals in the room. A very large range, along with a wide range of frequencies - leaves no chance for wiretapping and retrieval of information during important business meetings. It is taken mainly by large serious firms for meeting rooms. There are jammers with a wider range, but most often it is overkill. But the advantages of this particular model include reduced noise.