We disassemble asus eee. How to disassemble a laptop yourself: step by step instructions. Is it possible to replace the processor in a laptop with a more powerful one

A detailed description of how to disassemble and repair a laptop at home. Shows how to replace cracked hinges on a laptop as an example.

General information about disassembling laptops

In this article I will try to show you how to disassemble and assemble a laptop, I will dwell on important nuances that will help you do everything right. This guide complements other repair material:.

Important note: disassembling and repairing a laptop is a rather complicated operation. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust the work to the service center. The author is not responsible for any consequences of your actions.

I was prompted to write this article by the need to replace the right loop in laptop Asus N61Vn:

Unpleasant situation. I had to order new loops on eBay. A couple of weeks of waiting and new loops on my desk:

To replace them, you need to disassemble almost the entire laptop. Let's get started.

Disassembly and repair of laptop

First of all, you need to make some small preparations. For disassembly, we need a set of screwdrivers:

The fact is that in a laptop you can find a variety of bolts. In order not to damage them when unscrewing, you need to use an appropriate screwdriver.

It is also highly advisable to use an anti-static wrist strap and mat. In some cases, static electricity can damage laptop electronics. Before disassembling, it is advisable to discharge excess electrostatic charge from yourself by touching a grounded battery or pipeline.

Let me tell you briefly what we have to do. To gain access to the hinges and other internal components of the system, you must first disassemble the laptop base. It most often consists of two halves, which are bolted together on the bottom and sometimes under the keyboard. Also, these two halves are fastened along the perimeter with numerous latches. We have to carefully separate these halves.

Important note: since different bolts are used in different nodes of the laptop (at least 2-3 types), then before parsing, remember where which bolt is used. This will simplify the subsequent assembly of the laptop.

Now you can move on to your laptop. Without fail, disconnect the laptop from the power supply and remove the battery:

Remove the bottom cover and drive. They usually hold onto bolts. Actuators in most cases have a similar mounting system: they are held on one or more bolts. One is located approximately 20 cm from the center of the disc tray. It can be accessed both from the bottom side and from the keyboard side. In this case, in addition to it, there is one more bolt that holds the drive:

We unscrew both and take out the drive itself:

Winchesters in laptops are most often placed in frames or other mounts:

To remove it, you first need to unscrew the bolts, and then move the basket with the hard drive to the side and lift it up.

When disassembling a laptop, it should be borne in mind that, in addition to panel bolts, hatches and other parts can hold such latches:

You need to be careful with them. In some cases, you need to gently pull the panel up, and in others, move it a little. To replace the hinges, you must completely disassemble the entire laptop, disassemble the bottom. We unscrew all the bolts on the bottom and remove the cooling system:

Now carefully turn the laptop over and remove the keyboard. In many modern laptops, it is held on to the latches at the top:

These latches are pressed into the case and at the same time we lift the keyboard:

Removing the keyboard, you need to disconnect its loop. There are two main mechanisms for attaching the cables: using a frame that protrudes from the connector and which folds up. In this case, to remove the keyboard, use a screwdriver to carefully move the frame away from the connector:

In the same way, you need to pull out the cable above. But to disable the touchpad loop, you need to turn the frame up:

I specifically focus on this, since often ignorance of how to open the connectors leads to damage to the frames, the connectors themselves and the cables. It is difficult to fix them.

Let's continue. Now you need to unscrew the bolts under the keyboard. They hold the halves of the laptop base together. When all the bolts are unscrewed, carefully separate the halves of the base:

At this stage, it is important to do everything carefully so as not to damage the latches. After a little disassembly, we finally get access to the hinges. Here is the left one:

And here is the broken right one:

We unscrew them and free the roof with the matrix:

Now let's take a look at the cover itself. It usually has two halves. They hold onto bolts and latches. The bolts are usually found under the pads:

We remove them and unscrew the bolts:

After that, we finally get access to the broken matrix loop:

We change it to a new one:

Please note an interesting detail. There is a small nut on the hinge:

It serves to adjust the tightness of the buttonhole. If you twist it a little, then the lid will open more easily, if you twist it, it will be more difficult. The loops can be adjusted if desired.

Putting the cover together with the overlays:

And now we collect the entire laptop. Pay special attention to the trains. Before installing the cooling system, do not forget to remove the old thermal paste and apply a new one:

This does not apply to heat transfer pads. You don't need to change them.

After a few minutes, the laptop is assembled and working. The hinge has been replaced:

That's all. Thank you for your attention!

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A guide to reducing noise from a laptop, netbook, computer and other similar devices. The manual also describes how you can extend their service life.

  • Solving Sound Problems

    A detailed description to get rid of the slowdown of sound, various extraneous clicks, wheezing or jamming when playing music or video.

  • Cooling the laptop

    If your laptop just turns off, freezes or just sometimes slows down in games, then this article is for you. This article describes how to detect if a laptop is overheating, as well as how to deal with overheating.

  • Instructions

    A laptop is a more complex and compact system than a conventional computer tower, and when disassembling it, you need to be very careful not to break the device and make it unusable. Analysis should begin with a thorough external examination. Turn upside down. On the bottom, you will see covers, under which various peripheral modules will be hidden - RAM, hard disk, Wi-Fi module and others. The first step is to remove the battery. Even if you previously unplugged your laptop from the network, many of its nodes may be energized. Remove any screws you can see, making sure not to lose sight of the screws hidden under the modular covers and the battery.

    Now you need to remove all devices. The hard drive is usually removed by sliding it away from the connector. Some discs may have a special tab to make this task easier. The next step is to remove the disc drive, the screws for its fastening are located on the bottom, but in some cases it may have additional fasteners underneath, and then you will have to postpone the removal of the drive. Disconnect the power cables of the processor cooler and the Wi-Fi module, remove the cooler. The need for periodic cleaning of the cooler from dust may arise, even if you work in a clean, ventilated area. You will be surprised at the dust accumulated on the fan. If the cooler was your goal, then after cleaning it, the laptop should be assembled in the reverse order of disassembly.

    But this does not always help, sometimes it becomes necessary to clean the heatsink and update the thermal paste on the processor crystal. Remove the screws securing the radiator. Usually the heatsink is secured with 4 screws and one of them is hidden under the warranty sticker. If the old thermal paste has dried, it may take a little effort to separate the heatsink from the processor, but remember, be careful - your everything, brute force can completely ruin your computer. This completes the work with the bottom and turns the laptop over to its normal position. All other fastening screws are located under the keyboard; in different laptops, the keyboard is removed in different ways, but upon close inspection, they all have grooves and latches, which can be used to remove the keyboard from the laptop. Disconnect the keyboard cable. If you set out to get to the matrix, then you will need to remove the top cover of the laptop. Do not forget to disconnect the matrix cable before doing this. Examine the laptop for hidden screws, unscrew them. Remove its top cover. The matrix itself is attached to the case with screws; during dismantling, it also becomes possible to access the inverter.

    To remove the display, you need to remove the caps located around the perimeter of the screen, unscrew the screws under them and with gentle effort remove the frame from the display. Throwing back the ribbon cable, you can easily remove the display matrix from the laptop. The extent to which a laptop is disassembled will depend on your ultimate goals, but remember, you need to know exactly what you are disassembling for. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact a special repair service, the specialists working there will cope with the disassembly much faster and better, and most importantly, they will not harm the computer due to the lack of the necessary experience.

    Greetings, dear friends, readers, subscribers, acquaintances and other personalities who happened to read this material. I am glad to welcome you again on the pages of the project and its website " Sys.Admin's Notes". I think that many people remember various articles about all sorts of computer hardware and internals (namely, about assembly, selection, configuration, etc.), as well as

    Today we will continue this interesting direction and talk about such a thing as dismantling to the cogs in order to bring it back to life and expel any dirt from it (namely, the aforementioned dust). How is it? Yes, everything is simple: laptops are the most harmful in terms of assembly and disassembly of devices, and with all this, they are most quickly clogged with dust (wherever they are not dragged around and wherever they are placed) because of, in fact, their purpose.

    Moreover, laptops have the peculiarity of perceptibly warming up due to weak cooling systems and poor air circulation, which leads to the most dire consequences, ranging from slowdowns and ending with skates being thrown away, as a rule, immediately by the laptop itself (only some specific detail). In general, it is imperative to carry out cleaning, albeit less often than in the case of a conventional stationary computer.

    However, aside the lyrics. Go.

    Foreword or what we have and why we need it

    It so happened that I had a need to clean another laptop, and therefore it was decided to finally write an article, so to speak, along the way and in hot pursuit. Therefore, I armed myself with a camera and by personal example I will tell you what's what, along the way making comments about what is necessary, how to do it right and what mistakes can happen.

    Attention ! Before you start, read the entire material, very thoughtfully, several times. If you decide to disassemble a laptop of another model, then look for the service instructions (about this at the end of the article) for your model and carefully study it as well.

    Attention ! Disassembling a laptop, in 99% of cases, you lose the warranty from the manufacturer and the store.

    Attention! The author disclaims all responsibility for any of your actions and the consequences to which they may lead. Disassembling or assembling a laptop, mentioned or not mentioned in this article, you act at your own risk. The end result depends on you and only on you. If you are not confident in your own abilities, then do not start or stop at the moment when it seems to you that further actions may lead to breakdown.

    What we have:

    • HP tm-2100 laptop with touch (and swivel) screen, which lasted about 5 years without hardware maintenance (i.e. not disassembled or cleaned). After 5 years, it began to buzz very loudly (it works almost 100% and does a poor job), to warm up, to turn on on its own (it does not really go to sleep and hibernation), to slow down even when opening pages in a browser, etc.

    What they were doing:

    • Software cleaning,. Does not help. The problem is clearly of a hardware nature.

    What did you decide to do:

    • Disassemble, clean, change the thermal paste and, if possible, the cooling system.

    Actually, I am writing an article just on the example of this laptop, because it is rather capricious in disassembly, if you do not know the nuances. Therefore, I decided to disassemble the conditionally complex option, so that later it would be easier for you to deal with less complex solutions.

    Now we can get down to business.

    We disassemble and clean the laptop in order to bring it back to life

    We will need:

    Disassembly and cleaning process:
    Before we get started - one more comment for beginners. Take pictures of the ENTIRE disassembly process for yourself. This will help you put the laptop back together. Trust my experience - it is LIFE. At first, no instruction will help you as much as your own photographs. Collecting in reality is often more difficult than disassembling.

    • We take a laptop and put it in the workplace, where we will disassemble it:
    • Turn off naturally ( Start - Run - Shutdown):
    • After waiting for the shutdown, close the screen, turn the laptop belly up:

    • The first thing to do after shutdown is to remove the battery in order to completely de-energize the laptop. To do this, with some effort, pull the latch in the direction indicated by the arrow and pull out the battery:
    • Having done this, we need to remove the hard drive and RAM. For this, there are special bolts on the back cover, which, as a rule, are signed or indicated by pictures:
      What's important here:

      Firstly, often, if the assembly is good and the firm is adequate, then the bolts do not unscrew to the end. More precisely, they are unscrewed to the end of the groove, but you cannot get them with a screwdriver or shake them out, because they are secured with a ring that prevents them from falling out, which is great, because the bolts are small, it is quite easy to lose them. However, due to inexperience, you run the risk, at best, to sit for an hour or two, thinking that the bolts are scrolling in the groove, although this is not so .. Therefore, there is this warning from me, because once upon a time I myself fell for this "trick" :)

      Secondly, not always one pair of bolts holds one cover. It happens that, as in this case, the second pair of bolts from another cover (for example, RAM) participates in the clamping of the first cover (from the hard drive), and then it turns out that all the bolts need to be unscrewed and everything removed at once, and not partially. This is not found on all laptops, but quite often.

    • Next, we need to remove the hard drive. This is done first by moving in the direction from the connector (see the red arrows), and then by pulling the disk up from the laptop:

      There is nothing difficult in this, but be sure to be careful and careful. Just in case, as they say. Don't pull or jerk if it doesn't go. It is most important. Better to measure ten times .. In short, everyone knows this saying :)
    • Then we extract the RAM. To do this, pull the side white (in this case) clamping clips and push them apart at the same time (see the red arrows):

      After that, the memory bar, in most cases, will rise up and it can be removed manually without any obstacles.
    • Having removed the memory sticks, we need to remove the Wi-Fi module. This is done as follows:

      First, we pull out the contacts (wiring with rounds) from the slots of the Wi-fi board (blue arrows in the photo), and then unscrew (red arrows) the bolts and take out the board, putting it aside.
    • Before proceeding, I recommend that you take the A4 paper mentioned above and a pen (s) or marker (s) / felt-tip pen (s), as well as a camera or camera on the same mobile phone... What for? Then, in order not to get completely confused in further steps and not to get lost in the number of screws, bolts and other things during assembly.
      What's the point? The fact that it would seem that we are all so smart, we remember and know everything, we have an ideal memory and all that stuff, but .. Believe my personal experience, when assembling, it turns out that nothing of the kind. I have assured myself many dozen times that everything is sensory-obvious and that it’s impossible to forget this cog with that bolt. Yeah, yeah :) In fact, it turns out that the bolts are different, located in the most unusual places and for different details, there are really a lot of them, but memory is not the smartest thing and tends to be mischievous. Seriously, in short, everyone who is naively confident in their abilities is 100% like a superman - I'm very happy for you, really. For the rest .. Distribute all the screws to be removed on paper as they belong to something and circle in a circle with a caption where they come from. If the circles are multi-colored, it is generally ideal. Once, in my youth, I even drew a sketch of the motherboard diagram, they say, from where - what, but these are unnecessary details. And, yes .. Try to photograph every step, so that even if the diagram fails you, then from the photograph you know exactly what is coming from and why. Believe me, this will come in handy when assembling
    • The next step is just responsible for unscrewing the bolts, but before that, let's remove the battery from the motherboard (by simply pulling it out of the connector):
    • Next, we unscrew all the bolts available to us. In general, everything (the photo below is just for an example of legs, deep grooves and other things):

      Keep in mind that very often the bolts are hidden under the legs (you will have to tear them off and then re-stick them) or under labels, whether they are labels with the name of the laptop model or serial number Windows. Usually these are easily felt by hand, but not always. One way or another, keep in mind that it is better to search than to break. I repeat that disassembling a laptop and, even more so, violating the integrity of the labels, you lose your warranty.
    • After making sure that we have unscrewed all the bolts, we turn the laptop over to its normal position, i.e. "belly" down. Then you have to be careful, because ..

      Attention ! Further steps to disassemble a laptop are often associated with negligent breakdowns. Be careful and careful.

      The thing is. In 95% of cases, after you have unscrewed everything, you need to open the surface of the case, and this is fastened with plastic clips and latches, which tend to break off, resist in every possible way, etc. In my case, I had to pry the surface with two screwdrivers and very carefully tighten it with my fingers to open the lid:

      Again, don't pull hard if something won't go or open. Often, you either forgot to unscrew the bolt, or push and pull in the wrong place. Be careful, find where it opens, where it doesn't and why. Otherwise, by being impudent and tugging at the plastic, you risk damaging the case. Plus, you don't have to drag everything up at once. Be patient. Under the cover, as you can see in the photo above, a touchpad (a surface that replaces a mouse) and a keyboard are usually attached by a loop, and they must be removed as calmly and adequately as possible.

    • Further, for understanding, just a disassembled photo, i.e. without the top cover + the same cables:

    • Then we need to pull out everything that is stuck in. Here, too, you need to be careful, photograph every step and remember which one is coming from.
      Turn off the on-off switch, i.e. laptop power button:

      Something related to cooling in some way:

      Two loops from the monitor (it is very important not to forget to pull it out, because then remove the monitor):

      Others according to "taste" (in my case, this is a connector for a stylus, but in yours, anything can be connected to the motherboard):

    • When all possible cables are removed, then we, in fact, are interested in removing the monitor. In ordinary laptops, this process occurs in a very different way, but if you have already turned it off, and the bezels are all removed, then you just have to unscrew it. In my case, this process looks like this:

      Three bolts on one side, three on the other .. And the monitor is removed:
    • Next, we have a bare board that is still screwed to one of the remaining parts of the case:

      We unscrew, in fact, the bolts and carefully (as a rule, it is fixed) we take out the motherboard. Note that you may need to twist something else, depending on your laptop model. Look carefully for the bolts and latches before pulling with your hands with all the dope.
    • Now we finally get to the cooling system by flipping the board over:

      As a rule, it consists of a heat pipe that transfers heat to a radiator, blown by a fan. The tube is strung on plates that transfer heat and hold down the function. In the photo above, you can see an interesting point - two bolts are missing on the left of the chipset, which appear in the service manual, but are not screwed in by good assemblers (they steal, save, something else?). Such is the romance.
    • We are interested in cleaning this entire system. To begin with, it is worth removing the fan, which is easy, because it is enough to unscrew a few bolts, which you can easily find:
    • Further, the fasteners of the heat pipe and its plates are disassembled:

    • Well, then the matter is small.
      • First, remove any dust you can find from the radiator and fan.
      • Secondly, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the old thermal paste with a napkin. If instead of thermal paste, what I call it, a pad of pseudo-thermal paste is used and it is not damaged, then it is not necessary to remove it (the pad). If damaged, it is better to replace it with a layer of good thermal paste. In the photo above, you can see that one pad is damaged, one is intact, and in the very middle there is just a print of thermal paste. In this case, I deleted everything unnecessary (i.e. the pillow itself) on the left and in the very middle, and left everything as it is on the right.
      • Thirdly, it remains to apply thermal paste to the cleaned surfaces (an article on how to do this here - "").
    • Well ... the most important thing is to put everything back together. It is done in the reverse order, exactly the opposite.

    In a nutshell, something like this.


    There is one more important point that I just have to mention. There is such a thing as service manuals. In essence, these are instructions for service centers in which (instructions), in fact, it is painted how to disassemble and assemble the whole thing (with pictures and other things). You can find it in (most likely) or Yandex (not sure here) by request "Service Manual + n", where n is the name + company of your laptop model. In most cases, if you wish, you can download either this same manual (though, as a rule, in English), or find someone else's instructions (like, for example, what you just read on the HP tm-2100) ... I highly recommend looking and trying, just in case, as they say. If suddenly your specific model is not there, then look for adjacent ones - often the disassembly process is identical.

    Well, for the rest .. I tried to simplify the text of the material as much as possible, along the way making comments on the most key points. If someone has something to supplement, correct, and so on, I am always glad to see you in the comments. As well as always happy with questions, thoughts, gratitude and everything else.

    Stay with the project. Here you are always welcome.

    Dismantling the Asus Eee PC netbook may be needed in the following cases:

    1. the netbook heats up and makes noise - you need to check and replace the thermal interfaces;
    2. the date is constantly lost and the netbook reports errors - replace the CMOS memory battery;
    3. the device does not detect the HDD, the failure of the hard drive - on the netbook;
    4. other problems with the contact and loops - disassemble, check the contacts, if you need to replace the loops;
    5. with another, including a complex, netbook.

    Despite the fact that this netbook is easy to disassemble at a first glance (all 4 screws are visible on the bottom of the case), you still have to try a little.

    It is necessary to disassemble carefully, observing a certain sequence. Otherwise, violations of the integrity of the case, chips, deformation, and complete failure of the device are possible.

    Disassembly start

    We begin disassembly for subsequent cleaning from dust by disconnecting the battery - this is a standard requirement.

    The battery in this device is removed by switching the latches on the underside of the case to the open lock state.

    Unscrew 4 "obvious" bolts and a screw for the RAM compartment from the bottom cover.

    There is another one under the cover of the OP - we unscrew it too. You can not remove the RAM from the slot.

    Next, you need to remove the keyboard. The keyboard is held, as in most laptops, by latches located along the upper edge and recessed into the space between the keyboard and the case.

    It is necessary to remove the keyboard by sequentially pushing back the latches and lifting the edge.

    In no case are we pulling the buttons - we will ditch the keyboard!

    Pushing back the latches, we can find that the keyboard is holding tight enough - this is the tape holding it in place. Pull gently upwards, you will hear how tearing off adhesive tape characteristically bursts.

    After removing it, disconnect the keyboard cable by prying the frame-mount with your fingernail.

    Find a picture under the keyboard (see below). To completely disassemble the Asus Eee PC, unscrew the screws, including the screw under the yellow warranty sticker, and disconnect the touchpad cable.

    After we have removed the screws from the top and bottom of the netbook, we can open the case. We take the device by the corner, and, in the absence of a special tool, gently push apart the flaps of the plastic case with our nails. They will open with clicks - the case with latches.

    Next, opening the case, we turn off the Wi-Fi module, cables - screens (the cable may not be the same as in the picture, it doesn't matter) and intermodular wired connections.

    We remove the motherboard by turning it from left to right to remove it from the slots for VGA and USB outputs.

    Further, directly replacing the thermal paste in the Asus netbook. And this is a matter of technology. From this position, it will be easy to carry out other work - replacing the battery, hard drive, checking the loops, and more.

    Disassembly is complete.

    Assembly is carried out upside-down.

    To avoid static damage to the elements of the motherboard when disassembling an Asus Eee PC netbook, it is recommended (in the absence of special bracelets) not to move on surfaces that can generate an electrostatic charge, to touch heating batteries, stoves, and so on ...

    SC "ABECOM" is not responsible for damage, loss of warranty and any other damage caused by actions taken after reading this article. The material below is for informational purposes only.

    The main rule when assembling and disassembling a laptop: no action during assembly and disassembly requires physical force! If something does not work out, make sure once again that the actions performed are correct!

    Any laptop owner has a desire to disassemble his laptop at least once during the period of use. Some are driven by curiosity, others want to upgrade their laptop without paying for the services of service centers.

    We have chosen the Asus A7 model. This laptop is of average complexity of the internal device, its nodes are quite versatile and the disassembly algorithm is suitable for many laptops.

      1. Turn the laptop upside down. Here are the covers that cover most of the peripheral modules: hard disk, RAM, modules wireless.

      2. First, remove the battery. Although the laptop is turned off, many components are energized. We unscrew all the screws and remove all the covers. Pay attention to the screws hidden under the covers and under the battery.

      3. Next, remove everything visible devices... Let's start with hard disk... As a rule, it is removed by shifting to the side opposite to the connection connector. On many hard drives a special tongue is made to facilitate grip. From it you can determine the direction of the offset.

      5. Disconnect the power cables of the processor cooler and antennas of the wireless communication modules. The antennas themselves are located along the laptop matrix, so you need to turn them off to remove the top cover of the laptop.

      6. Remove the cooler of the cooling system. If you're taking your laptop apart for cleaning, it's time to do it. Preventive cleaning is necessary for a laptop, even if it is used very carefully and in a clean environment. Why - you can read in the article “Why does the laptop heat up? ".

      7. However, just cleaning the cooler is not enough for normal operation of the cooling system. It is necessary to clean the heatsink and replace the thermal grease on the processor die. We unscrew the 4 screws securing the radiator, one of them is always under the warranty sticker and removes the radiator. If the thermal paste is old, the heatsink may dry out to the processor, then a little effort will be required. But be careful not to damage the processor itself.

      8. The notebook can now be flipped to its normal operating position with the keyboard facing up. The rest of the housing fixing screws are located under the keyboard, therefore, we need to remove it. Methods for attaching keyboards are different. Most often, on one side there are protrusions that are inserted into the grooves of the case, and on the other, there are latches that finally fix the keyboard. Sometimes, instead of latches, there are screws that are hidden under the case panel. Then you must first remove the panel and unscrew these screws. In our case, latches are used.

      9. Disable the keyboard loop and all other visible loops. The fastening of cables is the same in almost all laptops - it is pressed to the connector by a bar that opens either by shifting or lifting.

      10. Next, you need to remove the top cover of the laptop. To do this, disconnect the laptop matrix connection cables. These connectors are located either under the keyboard, or under the case panel above the keyboard, or under a special cover. In our case, the last option is used.

      11. Remove the covers covering the hinges and unscrew the remaining screws securing the hinges.

      12. Now you can remove the top cover of the laptop.

      Please note that this model has hidden screws under the cover. They also need to be unscrewed.

      13. The laptop case can now be detached. There are latches around the perimeter, you can deal with them with a spatula used by radio amateurs, or a fairly thin flat screwdriver.