How to remove tweaks from cydia via ifunbox. How to make uninstalling programs from Cydia as convenient as possible. How to remove jailbreak if iTunes can't see your device

For a year and a half of the existence of our site, we managed to see how difficult it is to please all readers. If we talk about some elementary things, there is a reason to scold us for primitivism. If we write about complex matters, then there will be even more dissatisfied people. Let today's material seem like a button accordion to someone, but there are readers who ask us about such simple things as removing packages from Cydia... This is what we will tell you about today :)

As you know, in order to remove it, you need to go back to Cydia, look for the installed package and remove it - for a beginner, this is a rather laborious process. So why can't you delete programs from Sidia in the same way as you delete programs from App Store? This is what the creators thought CyDelete utilities... We thought, thought, and created a utility.

So, CyDelete will allow you to delete programs from Cydia directly from the iOS desktops - when you hold any icon, a cross will also appear next to them. You can find CyDelete in the BigBoss repository, which is added to Cydia by default.

It should be noted that CyDelete is not as omnipotent as it seems at first. It will only remove packages that have an icon on their desktops. If the program exists as a small tweak, then it can only be removed from Cydia, from the tab Manage-Packages.

After installing CyDelete in Settings you will find a new line.

To say that the settings are modest is to say nothing. All that is possible there is to disable the protection of Sidia herself from deletion. It is enabled by default so that you don't uninstall it by mistake. Well, if you specifically need to demolish the Cydia icon along with CyDelete, then this can be done right there.

If you install and uninstall a lot of programs from those offered in Cydia, then CyDelete will save you a lot of seconds spent waiting for the launch of Sydia. For beginners (and lazy users) it is recommended;)

The process will completely remove Cydia from Iphone, Ipad or Ipod touch is usually an easy task, but many people don't know how to get it right. Many people think that the steps are difficult and difficult to do. Some users have been forced to go through a difficult process to restore their device just because they want to get rid of Cydia. If you find that Cydia or any Cydia apps are affecting your device with instability, you can follow the instructions below to uninstall Cydia completely. Please pay attention properly before running these steps because all installed Cydia applications will be removed and you will not be able to use any of them.

Step 1: Uninstall All Cydia Apps

First of all, you will have to uninstall any Cydia apps that you have installed for your device. Don't worry, you don't have to delete them one by one. There is a way to uninstall all Cydia apps at once. Launch Cydia from SpringBoard and go to Manage -> Packages. You will see a list of installed Cydia applications, sources and settings. Look for “Mobile Substrate” and click on it. Click on the “Modify” button in the upper right corner and you will see three buttons Reinstall, Uninstall and Cancel. Click on the Uninstall button and your device screen will turn black with some explanation of what it does. Reboot SpringBoard as soon as the process is complete. After restarting, you will not be able to see any Cydia apps, sources, and other apps on your device because they have been removed.

Step 2: completely remove Cydia from your device

Launch Cydia and go to Manage -> Packages. Look for Cydia Installer and click on it.

Again click on the Modify button located in the upper right corner and you will see three buttons - Install, Uninstall and Cancel. Obviously, the only choice to enable is "Delete".

PressConfirmand then click on Force Removal (Unsafe) (force deletion (unsafe)). Your device will uninstall Cydia within seconds.Now restart your device and you will no longer see Cydia on it. This device is now non-jailbreak, and you can update software currently. Isn't it easier than you think? If you feel like reinstalling Cydia you can follow the steps we shared before here:

Among the owners of the iPhone, an application called Cydia has gained great popularity, which allows you to install many applications that require a jailbreak. But despite such an obvious usefulness and the need for its presence in the number of applications, there are user reviews indicating that Cydia interferes with the normal operation of the system and slows down performance. mobile device... In this regard, many people have a question: how can you uninstall Cydia?

In this article, we just want to talk about how to remove Cydia from iPhone, computer and iPad.

Removing the program, first of all, must be deliberate and must have passed the preliminary stage - removing all tweaks from Cydia. The uninstall procedure takes only a few minutes and is a fairly simple set of steps. There are several ways to uninstall the Cydia application, we will explain each of them in the form of visual instructions, illustrating each step: where to click, which section to go to, where to look and check. In general, even the laziest user can handle it, so let's get down to business, and we'll start with the simplest option - deleting it from your iPhone.

Remove Cydia from iPhone

In order to exclude the above application from the list of installed programs, the first thing to do is to connect to the Internet.

Stage 1: Open up Cydia, enter the "Manage" section and click on the "Packages" item.

Stage 2: In the new window, select "Cydia Installer" and follow on.

Stage 3: Here you will see a complete description of Cydia Installer, which you do not need to read. In the upper right corner, pay attention to the icon called "Modify", where you will need to go next.

Stage 4: You will see three possible options for your actions - "Reinstall", "Remove", "Cancel". The option we are interested in is "Remove".

Stage 5: And the last action is to confirm the started deletion process. To complete, click the button also located in the upper right corner - "Confirm". After that, be sure to restart your smartphone. Ready! You have completed the task of removing Cydia.

Do not forget that after uninstalling this application, all previously installed tweaks will irrevocably disappear from the memory of your iPhone.

Remove Cydia via computer

Perhaps this method will be the most radical and reliable in removing Cydia, since the state of your phone will take the same, so to speak, "factory" appearance. To uninstall, you must have iTunes installed. You can download iTunes from the official.

Remove Cydia via iPad

Uninstalling the Cydia app via iPad is similar to the previous methods. This can also be done with a few clicks.

When you start the program, you will see a list of applications to update. To remove Cydia, it is recommended to remove all tweaks first.

For real jailbreak enthusiasts, over time, a large number of unnecessary tweaks downloaded to the iDevice become a problem. The accumulation of add-ons can have a negative impact on the operation of the mobile device, so it is still advisable to get rid of them from time to time. If we are talking about a couple of add-ons - there are no problems here, but what if several dozen of them have accumulated?

In fact, there is a way to batch remove unused tweaks from iOS. It includes the selection of all unnecessary programs and the uninstallation process itself. We bring to your attention step by step instructions on how to remove a large group of tweaks in just a couple of clicks.

How to remove multiple tweaks in one go:

Step 1: Open Cydia on your desktop.

Step 2: Find the "Installed" button and click on it. Select the tweak to remove.

Step 3: Having entered the program page, click the "Change" button in the upper right corner and select "Delete" from the drop-down window.

Step 4: Do not press the "Accept" button that appears, but instead select the "Return to queue" option. The tweak will be marked with a flag, which means it is ready to be removed.

Step 5: Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 until you have checked all the necessary tweaks.

Step 6: Return to the Installed tab and click on the Queue button.

Step 7: You will see a complete list of selected tweaks. Click “Accept” and remove them from your iOS device.

Once the deletion is complete, the system will ask for a restart in order to save the changes.

Please note that the reverse process - installing a group of tweaks - is similar to the method described above, but only in reverse order. You can select several tweaks at once and install them on your iPhone or iPad with one tap.