Remove HD Task adware. Task Host Windows: what is this process and can I get rid of it? What does task host windows mean

You may have noticed the Taskhost.exe process when you opened the Task Manager on your PC or laptop in Windows 10, 8 or 7.

You might be confused if you don't know what taskhost.exe is and some questions will pop into your head: is it safe for your computer or not, is it a virus, why is it taking up space on your PC, etc. .

What is taskhost

Taskhost.exe is a generic host process for Windows tasks. It is also known as the host protocol. It is responsible for running all DLL files (Dynamic Link Library files) on Windows 10, 8 and 7 operating systems. It can be found in the System32 folder.

The path to find the task host file is C:\Windows\System32. Taskshost.exe is a hidden file that you won't be able to see, but you can see it in Task Manager as the taskhost process.

TaskHost is a Windows program, not a virus or malware. When you shut down your system, the taskhost manager ensures that previously running programs have been properly closed to avoid data and program corruption.

It is technically necessary to close running programs before you shut down or restart your computer. But if you think that no action was taken before starting the program follow these steps/methods.

Repairing corrupted system files

Download and run Reimage Plus to scan and fix corrupted/missing files and then see if the issue persists. If this happens, move on to the next method below.

Disabling Hybrid Shutdown/Quick Startup

In Windows 10, the problem is usually caused by Hybrid Shutdown and Fast Startup, which are designed to speed up Windows. Technically, this feature, on startup, suspends running processes in their existing state rather than closing them, so when the system resumes its operations, it doesn't need to restart programs from scratch, instead it simply restores the processes and resumes them.

Therefore, the method in this guide is to disable the use of Hybrid Shutdown/Fast Startup.

Holding down the Windows key, press R. In the run dialog, write powercfg.cpl and click OK.

Now in the "Shutdown Settings" section, uncheck the "On. quick launch" to remove it. Then click "Save Changes". Now restart your system and test.

Editing WaitToKillServiceTimeout Using the Registry

WaitToKillServiceTimeout measures how long the system waits for service delays after notifying a service that the system is shutting down. This entry appears when the computer shuts down.

Click Windows button and R at the same time. Write regedit and then ok. Proceed to the next path:

task windows 7

  • SYSTEM ->
  • CurrentControlSet. exe ->
  • Control

In the right pane, double click WaitToKillServiceTimeout and change to 2000, then ok. Automatically equals 12000.

Now go to the next path:

  • Control Panel ->
  • Desktop.

With the Desktop highlighted on the left side of the panel, right-click in the empty space on the right side of the panel and choose New > String Value. Name the value of the WaitToKillServiceTimeout string.

Now right click on WaitToKillServiceTimeout and select Edit. Enter 2000 in the Value Data field and click OK.

Exit Registry Editor and reboot. Then check if the problem is resolved or not and then go to method 2.

After a recent windows updates 7 had numerous problems. One of these problems is the one we are discussing. For users experiencing this issue after update 1709, there is a workaround.

Press Windows + S to launch the search bar. Enter account in the dialog box. Open the first matching result.

In your account settings, navigate to Sign In Options and uncheck (disable) the option "Use my login information to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or reboot".

Restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

Familiar when, during the shutdown of the computer, a window appears with the title Task Host and a suggestion to terminate any application? Today we will consider what it is, and what methods to deal with the appearance of a dialogue that slows down the shutdown of the computer.

The essence of the process

More knowledgeable users already know that the taskhosts.exe process of the same name is responsible for the task host in Windows. Going into the task manager, sometimes you can see that it consumes 80 or even more percent of the CPU resources.

It is unrealistic to find detailed information about the functioning and purpose of the taskhost.exe file even on the Microsoft website. The only thing known is the system service that is started when each account is logged on. It is needed for the launch and proper functioning of applications that have a different launch method than the executable exe file. Taskhost.exe extracts and runs executable code located in user processes and Windows dynamic libraries. Based on this information, the conclusion suggests itself that the task host is an alternative to the well-known rundll32 and svchost, but the developers know better, especially since little is known about the application.

Why sometimes the process loads the processor to almost 100%, which slows down the computer, one can only guess. It is probably known that the service calls a significant number of dynamic libraries registered in the system at the same time, which increases the load on the CPU during times of relative inactivity. In addition, he constantly refers to rundll32.exe, which loads dynamic libraries to perform the functions assigned to them. Even in the task host there is an active function related to the task scheduler.

Another thing to know is the location of the file: the "system32" directory in the Windows system directory. If a different path is specified in the task manager, malware is probably running. In this case, scan your computer for viruses, for example, using a domestic AVZ product with updated databases.

Often, tskhost.exe loads the processor due to scheduled system maintenance (defragmentation, cleaning). If a clock icon is displayed next to the Action Center icon, there are scheduled tasks.

You can view their list in the scheduler along the path "Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler". How it starts, read the next paragraph.

Disable taskhosts.exe

The slowdown in shutting down the computer, as a rule, does not occur due to the functioning of the task host executable file itself, but due to the use of resources of active applications (especially background ones), services and processes.

By closing the process just before shutting down the computer, you can speed up its shutdown, but the taskhost.exe process will automatically start after the next Windows boot.

In order to speed up the shutdown of the PC, we perform the following chain of actions.

Warning: To perform the following steps, you must have system administrator privileges.

  • We start the task scheduler by any convenient method:
    • through the "Administration" item of the "Control Panel";

    • by means of a corresponding request to search line windows;

    • by entering the Taskschd.msc command.

  • We put a tick in front of a single item to activate the option to display hidden icons.

  • In the scheduler library, follow the path: Microsoft - Windows.

  • Let's go to the "RAC" group.

  • We select the only scheduled process called "RacTask" and disable it through the action bar located on the right, or the context menu.

  • To disable the task host before restarting Windows, we call the task manager and end this process.

Many Windows users very often have the following problem - every time before shutting down Windows 7/8/10, the system asks to disable Task Host Windows. We will talk about what the Task Host Windows program is and what it is for. You will find out why it slows down the PC shutdown. We will detail how to fix or remove taskhost.exe virus problem.

What is Task Host Windows?

Many people wonder what kind of process this is - after all, it loads the system and prevents you from turning off the PC. Let's break it down and describe the Host Process for Windows Tasks!

Task Host Windows (taskhost.exe process) is the process responsible for the existence and normal functioning of libraries. These libraries contain a huge number of system commands that are necessary for the stable operation of most programs and Windows 7/8/10 itself. Disabling taskhost.exe will result in precarious work other programs and processes.

The taskhost.exe file is a system file located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder and has an approximate weight of ~50 KB. Many people try to call this program a virus, but it is an absolutely safe system process from Microsoft Windows. There is also a grain of truth about viruses - today many viruses disguise themselves as system processes and can be detected by a good antivirus. We will talk about this below.

How to disable Task Host Windows?

As a rule, the Windows system starts to slow down when it is turned off, not because of the Task Host program itself (the full name of the Host process for Windows tasks), but from controlled programs that have not yet closed. There can be from one to ten such background programs, so the closing time is different.

If you do not want to see any messages when shutting down, then turning off this program is not difficult and anyone can do it:

  • go to "Control Panel" - "Administration" - "Task Scheduler";
  • open tab "View" and see if there is a check mark on "Show hidden icons";
  • Next, follow the branch on the left: "Task Scheduler Library" - "Microsoft" - "Windows" - "RAC";
  • In the center you will see RAC Task. Right click on it and select Disable.

In most cases, this helps, the process will bother you more.

How to remove taskhost.exe virus?

Another thing is when, during operation, the process abruptly begins to load the system. Here, most likely, you are dealing with a virus that disguises itself as the taskhost.exe process. Taskhost virus changes system settings and monitors other programs. How to determine if you are dealing with a virus:

  • taskhost.exe is located in the C:\My Documents\… folder branch. or C:\Program Files\…;
  • the process file has a larger weight than the declared one (~50 Kb), on average, virus files weigh from 150 to 400 Kb;
  • during operation, you see a sharp load from this process on the system (you can view this in the task manager);
  • when the process ends, it automatically starts again;
  • the computer slows down a lot.

It is possible and necessary to clean the computer from this virus. Such viruses are called spyware, they disguise themselves as normal system processes. Let's start removing the malicious taskhost.exe:

  1. End the taskhost.exe process in Task Manager. Select exactly the virus process. It is NOT in the System32 folder. View the location of the malware.
  2. Delete all files from the folder.
  3. Check the autoload with the cleaner.
  4. Check your system with antivirus. In 98% of cases, the virus is a regular Trojan. Kaspersky and Doctor Web handle it well.

Familiar when, during the shutdown of the computer, a window appears with the title Task Host and a suggestion to terminate any application? Today we will consider what it is, and what methods to deal with the appearance of a dialogue that slows down the shutdown of the computer.

The essence of the process

More knowledgeable users already know that the taskhosts.exe process of the same name is responsible for the task host in Windows. Going into the task manager, sometimes you can see that it consumes 80 or even more percent of the CPU resources.

It is unrealistic to find detailed information about the functioning and purpose of the taskhost.exe file even on the Microsoft website. The only thing known is the system service that starts when each account logs in. It is needed for the launch and proper functioning of applications that have a different launch method than the executable exe file. Taskhost.exe extracts and runs executable code located in user processes and Windows dynamic libraries. Based on this information, the conclusion suggests itself that the task host is an alternative to the well-known rundll32 and svchost, but the developers know better, especially since little is known about the application.

Why sometimes the process loads the processor to almost 100%, which slows down the computer, one can only guess. It is probably known that the service calls a significant number of dynamic libraries registered in the system at the same time, which increases the load on the CPU during times of relative inactivity. In addition, he constantly refers to rundll32.exe, which loads dynamic libraries to perform the functions assigned to them. Even in the task host there is an active function related to the task scheduler.

Another thing to know is the location of the file: the "system32" directory in the Windows system directory. If a different path is specified in the task manager, malware is probably running. In this case, scan your computer for viruses, for example, using a domestic AVZ product with updated databases.

Often, tskhost.exe loads the processor due to scheduled system maintenance (defragmentation, cleaning). If a clock icon is displayed next to the Action Center icon, there are scheduled tasks.

You can view their list in the scheduler along the path "Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler". How it starts, read the next paragraph.

Disable taskhosts.exe

The slowdown in shutting down the computer, as a rule, does not occur due to the functioning of the task host executable file itself, but due to the use of resources of active applications (especially background ones), services and processes.

By closing the process just before shutting down the computer, you can speed up its shutdown, but the taskhost.exe process will automatically start after the next Windows boot.

In order to speed up the shutdown of the PC, we perform the following chain of actions.

Warning: To perform the following steps, you must have system administrator privileges.

  • We start the task scheduler by any convenient method:
    • through the "Administration" item of the "Control Panel";
    • by means of an appropriate query in the Windows search bar;
    • by entering the Taskschd.msc command.
  • We put a tick in front of a single item to activate the option to display hidden icons.

  • In the scheduler library, follow the path: Microsoft - Windows.
  • Let's go to the "RAC" group.

as in any other kind of software, in any Windows versions sometimes some difficulties may also appear, so you should know what task host windows is and how to disable it.

Operating system Windows is one of the most common because it has such advantages as convenience, ease of use.

However, as in any other type of software, sometimes some difficulties may also appear in any version of Windows, so you should know what task host windows is and how to disable it.

What is the Task Host Windows process for?

Sometimes, when you try to turn off the computer in Windows of different versions, a line appears that requires you to first disable the Task Host Windows program. Therefore, it is necessary to know what it is and why it is needed.

This program takes up very little space on the system disk, but is of great importance for the correct operation of all components of the operating system.

The thing is that this element of the system ensures the correct operation of the repository of all the commands necessary during the operation. If you disable this process, your computer may start to crash.

There is also a situation when it is not the program itself that interferes with normal functioning, but a virus that has the same name. In this case, it is simply necessary to get rid of it, the main thing is to understand that this is precisely a harmful element.

Options to disable Task Host Windows

If the message about the need to disable this program regularly appears when you turn off your PC, then you can do the following:

  • First, click on Start, then select Control Panel. After that, go to administration, and from there to the scheduler;
  • There you need to select the line "view" and specify that hidden icons are always visible;
  • After that, you need to click on the item “scheduler library ...”, then select “Microsoft”, then “Windows”, and at the end - RAC. The last step is to select RAC Task, right-click on this line and select shutdown in the menu that opens after that;
  • The real TaskHost utility does not particularly interfere with work and does not slow down the computer.

But sometimes it happens that under its guise, malware is launched on the device. software, which significantly reduces the quality of its work. Therefore, it must be identified and erased in a timely manner.

To recognize a virus, you need to carefully study the characteristics of the application, which will differ from the standard parameters of a real Task Host. Thus, a virus program always has a size that is several times larger than that of the original - about 200 Kb against 50.

In addition, such a file is located either among the programs on the system disk, or in my documents. You can also identify a malicious program by the degree of load it creates on a PC. To do this, you need to open the task manager and view the data.

To get rid of this application, you need to perform a number of actions. The first step is to go to the task manager and stop the unwanted file there.

However, it must be located anywhere except the system folder. The next step is to erase all its contents, the final step will be to start scanning Windows with an antivirus.

All of the above actions will help you find out what task host windows is, as well as deal with an emerging problem, from which no user is immune.