Installing the Android ADB plugin in Total Commander. Installing Android ADB plugin in Total Commander Total Commander does not see Android phone

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Total Commander is not only a functional program for simplified use of the computer's file system, but also the ability to conveniently manage your phone. Previously, when you didn't have Total installed, you couldn't use your smartphone's file system as conveniently as now, when you have Total Commander. But keep in mind that in order to start working through Total with your phone, you need to install a special plug-in. There are add-ons for both iOS and Android devices. In this article, we will consider the second one - a plug-in for working with Android-based smartphones, you will learn how to install it and the features of using the add-on.

Why Install an Android Plugin in Total Commander

This is a perfectly logical question. After all, you can already connect your phone via a USB cable, and without installing any plug-in, put things in order in the phone's file system.

But keep in mind that you will never be able to do with the smartphone operating system what you can with Total Commander. This is a very powerful program that literally unties your hands in every sense.

You'll even be able to search inside your phone's files, find various hidden folders, and uninstall stock apps that only take up space and aren't required.

In addition, with Total Commander you can install for free what you would otherwise have to pay money for. For example, you can download a lot of books to your phone, pump up music and movies. And best of all, you can even install and uninstall apps! And all this allows you to do ADB plugin - a functional plugin that transfers the main features of the Total Commander program to operating system Android phone.

You will be able to uniqueize your device. After all, Total Commander even allows you to change icons for apk files. Now you can hide some application under the guise of a calculator, or some stock summaries that are installed on your phone by default. In addition, you will get access to all directories of your smartphone. You can even copy screenshots that you couldn't find. At the same time, Total Commander and the ADB plugin installed on it allow you to control several devices at once using two panels. The main thing is that you have enough USB connectors to connect devices to your computer.

Best of all, you can control any Android device with the ADB plugin, even if the device is not rooted. That is, it is not necessary to get super administrator status in order to see all available directories and change them and files inside! This greatly facilitates interaction with smartphones. Moreover, you can even use Total Commander to view error logs that occurred in the device using the LogCat section.

At the same time, managing your phone with the ADB plugin add-on is a real pleasure. You will be able to use your custom commands that you previously configured in the Total Commander program. And if you connect two phones at once, you will be able to place them in two adjacent panels and move files between them. This is much faster than downloading anything from the Internet or using Bluetooth. In addition, Total Commander with ADB plugin installed will allow you to hide some folders and files and restrict access to them. You can do what many only dream of - blocking only some applications for general use, and not password-protecting the entire phone, which becomes annoying over time.

How to use ADB plugin in Total Commander

To begin with, it is worth noting that the ADB plugin is needed in order to link your Android device (tablet, phone, etc.) with the Total Commander program on your computer. That is, do not confuse this with a regular program for synchronizing a device and a computer - such an interaction cannot be called synchronization, but rather a functional connection between the application and the device. Most importantly, you will be able to work with the root folders of your device, which was impossible to do thanks to the standard Android capabilities.

Please note that for the ADB plugin to work correctly, your computer must have suitable conditions for this. In particular, update the version of Total Commander to the latest version. Or if you have version 7.5 installed, then you can not update - it works properly with the ADB plugin. In addition, you need to take care of installing special drivers called ADB Drivers first. Make sure that the drivers correspond to the type of your system (there are different drivers for 32- and 64-bit systems). Also make sure that the drivers are suitable for your device that you are going to connect to your computer. If there is more than one device, then several drivers need to be installed.

Please note that before installing the drivers, the "Universal Serial Controllers" option must be activated on your computer. USB bus". After that, install the drivers. Next, connect the device itself with a USB cable to the computer. If you did everything right, then it will appear in the file system of the computer - it means that everything is set up correctly, and the computer sees your device.

The next step is to install the ADB plugin in Total Commander in order to start using it to manage your device through the file manager. To do this, first download the plugin archive from the official website of the Total developer. There you will find latest version this supplement. You will download the archive to your computer. You need to unzip it then. Place the unpacked files in a specific folder so that you can later find it in the file system.

Find next setup file plugin already through Total Commander. There will be an almost instant installation process. After that, you need to open the Total network environment. This is where all the plugins are located. You can open the network environment through the menu of the Total Commander program. Next, find among all the icons the inscription ADB. Click on this icon and open the plugin interface. After that, we find the “Connect To Device” button already inside the plugin and click on the device you want to connect to. Next, type 5555 in the field that appears. Now a green robot will appear in front of you, which means that you have successfully connected to the Android device and can adjust its file system to your heart's content.

Now you can turn your Android device into a personalized device with even icons and file names chosen according to your whim. Just be careful not to overplay with the file manager's capabilities, as you may accidentally damage some system data. This can lead to the fact that changed applications do not want to be updated to new versions and errors may occur while working with programs. But this rarely happens if you do everything thoughtlessly and unconsciously. Therefore, before changing something, be interested in the consequences on the forums and look for information about this on the Internet.

The beauty of using the ADB plugin is that you don't even need to connect your device with a USB cable. If you want, you can turn on Wi-Fi and connect the device via wireless network. Only for this you need to install drivers for WiFi ADB. Another plus is the independence from the Android SDK, an application that is usually required to be installed to work with Android devices. If there are any problems while trying to start the device, try restarting Total Commander itself - often this is enough to make the device work in the program.

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Total Commander- two-panel file manager for Android OS. Supports work on tablets. The application allows you to perform such operations with files and folders as: displaying system and hidden folders and files in your Android, creating, deleting, renaming, copying (including to the clipboard), changing the attributes of files and folders. This is the best file manager Total Commander for Android with plugins.

Screenshots of Total Commander for Android:

Features of the Total Commander app for Android:
- Copy/Move/Rename/Delete/Create new folder
- Copy/Move/Rename/Delete/Create new folder by low-level means (no Java API, root required)
- send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
- display thumbnails for pictures
- select files
- sort files
- archive and unzip ZIP
- unzip RAR
- setting up internal file associations (system independent)
- delete and backup apps
- bookmarks
- story
- Search
- built-in text editor
- built-in audio/video player
- root support
- support for Lan, Ftp, WebDAV (via plugins)
- DropBox support (3rd party plugin)
- change file attributes
- customization of the TC interface - size, color and font selection, 1/2 panel interface, adding buttons with custom commands
- internal commands, launching programs with a parameter, executing environment commands (via customizable buttons on the user panel).

LAN connection to Win 7 Ultimate:
1. Create user (with password)

Lan plugin TC android device.
Create a new connection.
Server name - 192.168.1.XXX
User / Password - the one created in Win
1. Create a user
Control Panel - User Accounts - Manage Another Account - Create account
Create a password:

2. Create a folder and open network access to it.
3. Grant access rights to the folder to the user.
Right mouse button on the folder - Properties
Properties - Security - Edit - Add - Advanced - Search

Select created user
OK - OK - OK - OK
Grant read/write permissions if necessary.
3. Give access rights and permissions to the folder to the user.

Lan plugin TC android device.

A common mistake - they created a user, opened a folder for network access, forgot to add the created user to the permissions of the folder.

Set up LAN:
Install the LAN plugin, go to Total Commander in LAN (shared network directories), add a server, name it as you wish, go in and configure it like this:
. Server/Directory Name
Here write your ip address of the PC, for example, you can not write the directory.
. Username
. Password
Create a new user on the PC with a password and enter them here, general access password-protected must be enabled.
Now, in order for everything to work, you need to share folders, read below how to do this.

How to share folders in Win7
First make sure that the network you created is configured as home, if not, change the settings. For this go:
Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center
There, select your home network.

Then go to Control Panel - HomeGroup and select Change advanced sharing settings.

In the window that opens, select the following options:
. Enable network discovery
. Turn on file and printer sharing
. Enable sharing so network users can read and write files in shared folders
. Use 128-bit encryption to secure your shared connections
. Disable password protected sharing
. Let Windows manage connections home group
When done, click Save Changes.

Now you need to share the desired disk (folder):
To do this, right-click on the desired disk (folder) and select properties.
Go to the Security tab and select Edit.
In the window that opens, select Add, in the next window, click Object Types.
In the window that opens, select only Built-in security subjects. Press OK.
Select Advanced in the Search window that opens.
In found choose Everyone then OK. One more time.
Next, select the permissions for the group that we consider necessary. Click OK.

Now go to the Access tab.
Click Advanced Settings.
Check the box next to Share this folder, then click Permissions.
In "groups and users" select our Everyone (all).
Allow it what you need and click Apply.

Keep in mind that a Homegroup can only be created if you have Windows 7 Home Premium or higher. In home basic and elementary, you can only join a home group.

With amenities

The android-sdk is not needed for the plugin to work. The adb utility and the aapt utility for advanced application management are already included in the plugin. For a mobile device, we remind you that "Debugging via USB" must be enabled. And if there is a need to take screenshots from a smartphone, then Java must be installed on the computer.

This add-on is installed, like all TC plugins, by opening the archive in the file manager itself. Then in the TC "Network / Plugins" tab, select "ADB" > "Own device". The available functions will be listed as folders on the Total Commander tab.

Android Commander

Windows users who do not use TC, as well as those who do not like the plugin interface of this manager, can install a separate android application commander. This program for Windows systems also allows you to manage your programs and files on your Android device using the ADB interface.

After installing the program, the user will receive a colorful two-pane interface for file operations, as well as large and beautiful buttons to access the functions of the ADB utility. Other graphical user interface (GUI) charms work here as well, such as drag&drop. But, of course, this manager is inferior to Total Commander in terms of functionality.

Android Commander is installed as a normal Windows application in the "Program Files" folder, where the program will also install its own fairly recent versions of the adb and aapt utilities. Their last update was in September of this year.


And finally, the heaviest and most powerful program, which also provides access to ADB functions in graphical mode. The QtADB application is fully cross-platform, with versions available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

Installation is simple - unzip the package and run the QtADB file directly from the folder. For Linux, you need to resolve dependencies - additionally install the Qt 4.7 libraries: libqtgui4,libqt4-network and libqt4-declarative. For Windows, all these libraries are already included in the archive.

It does not contain its own adb and aapt utilities, and at the first start it requires you to specify the directory where they are located. Using QtADB, it is also possible to manage SMS messages, but for this you will need to install on an Android device special application QtADB.apk, which can be downloaded from the official website of the program.

QtADB has an advanced settings editor where you can customize almost every aspect of the program, from fonts to animations.

The program is "talkative" and often gives out some messages. For example, at startup, the program might tell the surprised owner of a "rooted" phone that "adbd is running without superuser privileges." But this does not mean that QtADB needs to be run via sudo. The message says that, even though the phone's firmware is rooted, the firmware author forgot to change one variable in the ROM image's configuration that allows root mode for ADB. As a result, the user will not be able to play tricks in the / system folder. Although, perhaps, for most users this is good - the phone will be more whole. In this case, root will work both through the shell and on the device itself.

The program also has disadvantages. It seems that the author has lost interest in developing his application, and the last update of the program was in August 2011. Unfortunately, there are some annoying bugs. The program may become unstable during file operations. In the Linux version, the minimum width of the application window does not shrink below 1366 pixels and does not fit on the screen on small displays. Although the Windows version works fine. But there is hope, since the program, that there will be new developers for QtADB, since for Linux this is the only suitable functional front-end for ADB.

All of the listed programs have the ability to connect between mobile device and PC via a Wi-Fi network without resorting to a USB cable. The ADB utility itself has this mode of connecting to devices via a wireless network. But working through Wi-Fi is a topic for a separate article.