How to disable programs from running. How to remove unnecessary programs from startup. Disabling autoload in system configurations

- why is it needed, and how to get rid of unnecessary programs in startup? Autoload is an extremely important function of the operating system. It runs a number of system services, without which its normal functioning is impossible. But, sometimes there are programs in startup that should not be there.

Not being particularly useful, these programs create additional load and significantly reduce the performance of your computer (especially true for weak systems). If you notice that your computer has become "more thoughtful" when booting up the system and performing seemingly simple tasks, perhaps one of the reasons is too many unnecessary programs at startup.

Why do unnecessary programs end up at startup?

In part, we ourselves are to blame for this. Many programs, when they are installed (installed), have the actions of adding to startup! When installing the next program, do not rush - be careful. If you don't want this program to start at system startup, simply uncheck the box.

There are plenty of examples of such programs that are independently added to startup. These are various messengers:, MAgent, Skype, programs, Adobe Reader, Download Master and others.

How to remove an unnecessary program from startup?

This is done quite simply. We do not need special programs or utilities. Enough standard means Windows. All we need is to call the system configuration window.

You can do this in several ways:
1. press a combination of keys Win+R and call the "Run" dialog box, where to enter the command msconfig.exe;
2. go to C:\Windows\System32-> msconfig.exe
3. Start → type msconfig.exe in the search bar → select and ok.

Here is the system configuration window.

Step one- select the autoload tab.

step two- we find and remove (it is necessary to uncheck) those that are not used when starting the program from startup. For example, I have this DAEMON-Tools. Click OK.

If everything is done correctly, a message will appear: "For the changes to take effect, you need to restart the computer." Reboot.

Important: Disable from startup only those programs whose name and meaning you know!

I hope this article helped solve your problem! In the following articles I will tell you how to disable unnecessary programs from startup using special programs and utilities; how to remove programs from startup using

There are times when it is necessary to remove some programs from autorun in the Windows 7 operating system. This is done in order to significantly reduce the consumption of system resources and increase computer performance, while reducing the startup time of the operating system.

Few people know that some programs are set to automatically start after installation by default. Therefore, they must be disabled those that are not needed. But it is worth doing this with special attention, since there are utility programs in autorun, without which the system cannot work.

Disabling autorun through the "Start"

Experienced users could familiarize themselves with it without outside help, and novice users need to go to the Start menu, then select All Programs and go to the Startup folder. All utilities that are in this section are launched when the operating system boots. To prevent this from happening, uninstall applications that are not particularly important.

Using MSConfig

This application does not need to be installed, because it is already installed in the operating system, so you need to run and use it. To do this, go to "Start", select "Run" and register msconfig. After that, you need to click on the shortcut to launch the program. You can also use the Win + R key combination, type msconfig and click OK.

Then in the program you need to find the "Startup" section. To disable programs that should not run when Windows startup, uncheck the corresponding boxes. It is better not to touch unknown utilities. Then you need to click OK, after which you should restart your computer.

Using this program is quite convenient, but it is not very functional, because it is not able to disable all applications from automatic launch.

Disabling autorun through the registry

The first step is to open the registry. To do this, press Win + R and in the pop-up window, register regedit. After these steps, a window will appear with a large number of folders with unknown names. To find the folder with startup programs, you need to go to this path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

The target folder contains utilities that are loaded simultaneously with the operating system. Those applications that should not do this must be removed by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate item.

How to disable autoplay with apps?

To do this, you need to use the free utility Autoruns. At the same time, the program has a large set of functions and is able to disable all applications that run automatically at the start of the operating system in a few clicks.

There is an English version of the program on the official website of the developer, but it is not so difficult to deal with it. You need to download the archive and unzip it. Find the autoruns.exe file in the folder and run it. After that, the installer will ask you to confirm the license, which must be done.

After installation, you need to go to the Everything tab, which contains a list with all applications that are loaded automatically.
To disable unnecessary utilities, uncheck the boxes next to them. Under each program there is a line in which you can see its description and location in the system. The Logon section contains programs that have been uninstalled in other ways.

When disabling any applications, you need to know their purpose so as not to cause more damage to your computer.

Sometimes when we turn on the computer, we have to wait a while after booting up to avoid it freezing. This is due to the fact that the system, when turned on, is forced to run startup programs. In this article, we will talk about how to disable startup and what methods and programs are available for this.

How to disable autoload programs

Exclude extra applications from autorun in several ways. These methods can be divided into groups: disabling autoloads using a special software and without it. Let's look at some of the methods in more detail.

Through the built-in System Setup utility

To disable autoload on Windows XP, you need to go to the "Start" menu and click "Run". AT command line you need to type msconfig and click "OK". In the window that appears, there will be several tabs from which you need to select "Startup". In order to disable autoloading of any program, you just need to uncheck the box next to it. We save the changes by clicking "OK", restart the computer and make sure that all unnecessary programs no longer start automatically.

To disable autoload on Windows 7 in this way, you need to go to the "All Programs" and "Accessories" folder. This is where the "Run" function is located.

Through the folder "Startup"

Shortcuts of some programs that are installed on the computer are automatically saved in this folder. Labels can also be added by the user. a shared folder Startup is located in the following directory: Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

Programs whose shortcuts are in this folder are loaded when you log into the computer on behalf of any user. The individual folder "Startup" is located at Documents and Settings\Username\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. In order for the program not to start automatically when the computer is turned on, simply remove its shortcut from the first or second folder (depending on users).

Through the registry editor

You can also disable autoload on Windows through the registry editor. To do this, go to "Start" > "Run" and type regedit. After clicking OK, the Registry Editor will appear.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run directory is responsible for autoloading programs for all users, and the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run directory is responsible for autoloading programs for the current user. In order to turn off autorun of a certain program, you just need to remove its key. Right-click on the key and select "Delete" from the context menu.

Deleting Startups Using Programs

You can use useful utilities such as CCleaner or Starter to remove programs from your startup list. In CCleaner, you need to go to the "Tools" > "Startup" tab, find in the list the program that you want to turn off from startup, select it and click "Turn off".

In the Starter program, you need to select the "Startup" tab, find the program in the list and uncheck the box next to it. In the window that appears, confirm the action by clicking "Yes".

Almost every program installed on a computer tends to put itself into startup. Therefore, the icons in the system tray (Tray - next to the clock) are becoming more and more, and the boot time of the operating system, every day, is increasing and increasing!

In most cases, there is no need for automatic download programs. How can I turn off program startup and reduce the number of icons near the clock?

Removing programs from startup in Windows 7 is done like this.

Press the START button 1, then in search string 2 enter a word msconfig and press the search button 3 . Although, most likely, you will not need to press the button - the search will be performed automatically.

Rice. 2

Named msconfig, 1 program was found (Fig. 2). Click on the name msconfig.exe

Rice. 3

The System Configuration window will open (Figure 3). In this window, select the Startup tab (circled in red pencil).

Rice. four

. Its general view is as in Fig. 4. Only the programs you will have are those that are on your computer, but not the same as mine.

In the list of startup items, calculate those programs that are brazenly loaded when Windows startup, put their icons next to the clock, and sometimes even open their dialog boxes when no one asked for them!

In my picture, you can see: the programs that run in automatic mode are marked with checkmarks. But this is the tip of the iceberg! Below is a list of several times larger programs whose autorun is disabled.

Your actions on this tab are to remove the checkmarks in front of programs that are automatically loaded when Windows starts, but you do not want this!

Of course, by name Startup element it can be difficult to determine which program the item belongs to. Then see which program folder the Command leads to. If you can't see the entire Command line, then use the mouse cursor to drag the separating element between the words Command and Location to the right. Then the whole line will open.

Anti-virus programs and firewalls do not need to disable autoload.

In addition, for example, I have a Punto Switcher program that automatically switches between Russian and English keyboard layouts. When you work on the Internet, this program is simply irreplaceable. Naturally, every time you will get tired of launching it yourself. Therefore, the best option is when it is in autoload.

But the programs Download Master, Adobe Reader and many others can be launched if necessary - why should they hang around at startup all the time.

After you remove the checkmarks in front of some programs, click the Apply button, and then OK (Fig. 4). The following message will appear.

Rice. 5

If you want to immediately admire the result of your actions, then click the Restart button. And if you take your time, then click the Exit without reboot button, and all the changes you made will take effect after the next shutdown or reboot of the computer.

If the result is unexpected - somehow I accidentally disabled the system clock along with language bar, don't worry! It is enough to set the checkboxes back, reboot and everything will return to its place!

Removing Startup Programs in Windows XP

In Windows XP, removing programs from startup is done like this. Press the Start button and open the main menu.

Rice. 6

In the main menu, click the Run button.

Rice. 7

The Run Program window opens. In the Open field, type: msconfig and press the OK button.

Rice. eight

You will see the System Settings window. You will see 6 tabs in it. On five tabs, you don’t need to touch anything! Immediately click the cursor on the tab -. Its general view is as in Fig. 8. Only the programs you will have are those that you set, but not the same as mine.

In my picture, you can see: green checkmarks mark programs that run in automatic mode. But this is the tip of the iceberg! Below is a list of several times larger programs whose autorun is disabled.

View the list of programs and remove the green checkmark in front of unnecessary, in your opinion, programs.

After you select the startup items to disable, click the Apply button, and then OK (Fig. 8). The following message will appear immediately.

Rice. 9

If you want to immediately admire the result of your actions, then click the Restart button. And if you are not in a hurry, then press the Exit button without rebooting, but all the same, the changes you made will take effect after the next shutdown or reboot of the computer.

Disabling startup in Windows XP and Windows 7 are similar, so in order not to repeat yourself, you can see my tips under Figure 4.

Disable startup programs in Windows 10

Easier and faster, you can disable startup programs in Windows 10 through Task Manager.

To call the Task Manager, press the keys Ctrl+Shift+Esc and a window appears in front of us:

Disable startup programs in Windows 10

In the Task Manager window, click the Startup tab. The tab shows a list of programs installed on your computer, where the Startup status is indicated: enabled or disabled.

Click on the program for which you want to disable autoload. The line will be highlighted in blue1 . Click the Disable 2 button and autorun this program during Windows boot will not work.

By the way, on button 2, instead of the Disable command, Enable will appear. That is, if you accidentally disabled the wrong program, you can correct the error and, by pressing the button again, enable autoloading of this program.

Autorun programs is an absolutely essential feature for the normal operation of the computer. With the help of autorun, the operating system independently launches those programs that should run constantly while the computer is running. But, some software developers abuse this feature. As a result, many programs that the user does not need at all all the time are loaded automatically and create a constant load on the computer without doing any useful work. In this article, you will learn how to disable autorun programs in Windows 7.

There are several ways to disable autorun programs in Windows 7. First, you can open the program settings and disable the autorun feature. But, unfortunately, not all programs have such functions in the settings. In addition, if you want to disable autorun of several programs at once, then this method will not be very convenient and will take a lot of time. In such cases, you can use the MSCONFIG utility or special programs to disable autorun programs.

Method number 1. Disable autorun of the program using its settings.

Open the desired program and go to its settings. Here you need to find the autoplay feature and disable it. Let's demonstrate this using the uTorrent program as an example.

Launch the program and open the "Settings" menu. In this menu, select the item "Program settings".

After that, a window with program settings will open in front of you. Find the autorun feature of this program and disable it. In the case of uTorrent, this feature is on the General tab.

After setting up the program, close the window by clicking on the “Ok” button in order to save the changes. That's it, in such a simple way, we disabled the autorun of the uTorrent program in Windows 7.

Method number 2. Disable autorun using the MSCONFIG utility.

It displays a list of programs that start automatically immediately after the start of the operating system. Windows systems 7. In order to disable their autorun, just uncheck the box next to the program name and save the settings by clicking on the "Apply" button.

It should be noted that some programs may not be displayed in the "Startup" tab. This happens if they are run as services. In order to disable autorun of such programs, go to the "Services" tab and check the box next to the "Do not display Microsoft services" function.

After that, you will see all the programs that start automatically as services on your computer. Disabling autorun of such programs is also very simple. To do this, just uncheck the box next to the service name and save the settings.

Method number 3. Disable autoload programs using special programs.

Also you can use third party programs. So one of the most advanced and convenient programs to control automatic start is . After launch this program scans operating system and collects data about all programs that start automatically. These programs are divided into groups and displayed in separate tabs of the Autoruns program.

In order to use Autoruns, it is enough to uncheck the box next to the desired program. Most of the automatically loaded programs are available to the user on the "Logon" tab. In order to disable autostart of services, go to the "Services" tab.