How to rollback IOS version on iPhone, iPad. How to rollback iOS version on iPhone, iPad How to rollback ios 7 version

There are no particular problems with how to downgrade from iOS 7 beta to iOS 6. First of all, you should select and download to your computer the version of the operating system that you want to install. For this purpose, it is most convenient to use the website On the main page, you need to select the device type, model and firmware version. For iPhone 4 and 4S, the latest firmware is 6.1.3, iPhone 5 is 6.1.4. You can install an earlier version if you wish.

After that, you need to connect your device to your computer and turn on iTunes. Then you need to put your phone into DFU mode. To do this, you need to hold down the "Home" button and the lock button, hold them for ten seconds. Then release the lock button. The Home button must be held down for a few more seconds. ITunes will then notify you that it has detected the device in recovery mode. All buttons can be released.

Then, on a Windows computer, you need to hold down the Shift key, and on a Mac - Alt. After that, a window will appear where you need to click the "Restore" button. Next, select the downloaded file with the previous version of iOS 6. The iOS 7 rollback process will start, which can take from 10 to 15 minutes. After the process is complete, the iPhone will boot from the good old iOS 6.

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Sometimes, after updating the system, it becomes necessary to return it to an old version. The reasons for this need may be unstable work devices, problems in the work of some mobile applications and much more. To roll back the firmware version, you can contact service center or reinstall the system yourself.

The procedure for rolling back ios 10 to ios 9 or 8 takes no more than 30 minutes. Install an earlier version software can be done in two ways. Both of them are simple and do not require any special knowledge and skills. Behind the reinstallation process operating system can be observed through a special program. When rolling back ios to version 9 or 8, you cannot interrupt the installation process by the operating system. In no case should you minimize the program window, disconnect the device from the computer, use other programs and the computer during system installation, and also turn on the device during system installation. After the previous version of the system is installed, a welcome message will appear on the device screen, after which you need to activate the device.

Preparing to reinstall

Before installing the old ios version 9 or 8, you need to copy all data from the device to a computer or flash drive (this can be done using the iTunes program). A backup must be done in order to avoid data loss, since when you reinstall ios, all information from the gadget will disappear. You also need to make sure that iCloud sync is enabled on the device (this can be done in the settings), make sure that the media files are automatically copied.

To make a backup, you need to connect the gadget via a USB cable to your computer, open the iTunes program and log in to it. In the top line of the program window, select the type of your device, then make a backup.

Before rolling back the operating system, you must disable the Find iPhone function, Touch ID / Password (if the operating system is reinstalled on the phone). If you do not do this, you will not be able to reinstall the system. To disable passwords, you need to go to settings, select Touch ID and password, and then select the "disable passwords" section.

A dialog box will appear, confirm disabling passwords. To disable the "Find iPhone" function, you need to open the iCloud section through the settings and open the "Find iPhone" section, disable the function.

Reinstallation via system update

The latest version of iTunes must be installed on your computer. Next, you need to go to the official website of the IOS developer, select the type of device on which you want to roll back ios 10 and download the version of ios 9 or ios 8. On the developer's website, you can check which version of IOS a particular Apple gadget supports. The file with the operating system for Apple gadgets has the IPSW extension.

After you have downloaded the required firmware version, you need to connect the gadget using a USB cable to your computer and launch iTunes. Open the device management page. To open it, you need to hold down the Shift button and refresh the page. If you are using a MacBook, then you need to hold down the Alt button. In the explorer that opens, select the "update" option, then the old version of the firmware that you downloaded in advance, confirm the reinstallation of the system.

Reinstall via system restore

Next, you need to do a number of manipulations in order for the iTunes program to launch the gadget's system recovery mode. First, you need to turn off the device for 3 seconds, hold down the lock key and without releasing it, press the "HOME" button. Secondly, after 10 seconds, release the lock key and hold the HOME button for another 30 seconds. ITunes will prompt you to do a system restore. To start the recovery of some models of gadgets, just press and hold the "HOME" button, having previously turned off the device.

In the iTunes program, choose to restore the device, accept the user agreement and confirm the action.

Many users of devices on iOS have already appreciated the advantages of the seventh edition of Apple's mobile operating system. And, of course, not everyone was happy with what they saw - some are not delighted with the design of the firmware, others complain about the OS "slowness", comparing it with Android in terms of performance and optimization. IPhone 4 owners who have updated to iOS 7 have the opportunity, provided they have saved SHSH blobs certificates, to roll back to iOS 6. We are talking about versions of iOS 6.1.3 and iOS 6.1.2.

To avoid problems with iGadget on iOS 7, you can follow our instructions on how to downgrade from iOS 7 to iOS 6.


  • iPhone 4 running iOS 7.
  • Latest version.
  • for Windows.
  • Official firmware file or.
  • Windows computer.

How to upgrade from iOS 7 to iOS 6.1.3 or 6.1.2

Step 1: Make sure you have iTunes 11.0.5 or earlier installed. If you are using iTunes 11.1 - uninstall the program and download an older assembly. The latest versions of Apple's iTunes have custom iOS 7. When uninstalling the player, make sure to also uninstall additional services - Apple Mobile Device, Apple Software Update, and Bonjour.

Step 2: After restarting your computer, download iTunes 11.0.5. If you see an error with the iTunes Music Library.xml file, go to the iTunes Music folder and delete this file.

Step 3: Download the latest version of iFaith.

Step 4: Start iFaith. If you have saved the SHSH certificate on Cydia's servers, click the “Show Available SHSH Caches on Server” button for the program to copy it to your hard drive. Now on the iFaith start screen select the Build “* signed * IPSW w / Blobs” option. You will be taken to the iOS 6 custom firmware creation page.

Step 5: Specify a location SHSH certificate and the downloaded iOS 6.1.3 / 6.1.2 IPSW file. In this step, iFaith will create custom firmware to install on your iPhone 4.

Step 6: Put your smartphone in DFU mode. Without this, iTunes will show error 1600. The sequence of actions is as follows: hold the lock button for 3 seconds; without releasing the lock button, press the Home button for 10 seconds; While holding the Home button, release the Lock button. Continue to hold the button for 30 seconds.

Step 7: Launch iTunes and connect iPhone to computer. The program will inform you that the connected gadget is in recovery mode. While holding SHIFT on your keyboard, click the Restore button.

Congratulations! After installing the OS, you will have a fully functional iPhone 4 running iOS 6.1.3 or iOS 6.1.2 that you can use.

If now there was an opportunity to provide users of Apple devices with a way downgrade from iOS 7 / iOS 8 to iOS 6 are sure that most of them would want to do it. And it's not even about flat design, which many people still don't like. With the release, the firmware began to work rather unstably, and old devices generally began to noticeably "slow down". The developer posted a video tutorial where he demonstrated downgrade (rollback) on iOS 6.1.3 on iPad 2 and iPhone 4s.

You can roll back to iOS 6.1.3 using the tool odysseusOTA which was released a few hours ago for Linux and OS X. The Windows version should come out a little later. Note that users don't even need to use SHSH certificates as Apple still signs iOS 6.1.3 for iPad 2 and iPhone 4s.

However, only owners of jailbroken iPad 2 and iPhone 4s will be able to downgrade to iOS 6.1.3. You will also need to download the iOS 6.1.3 IPSW file beforehand. The whole process is described in detail in the video below, albeit in English.

How to downgrade to iOS 6.1.3? Instructions in Russian

Step 1: Prepare for a firmware rollback. To do this, back up all data on your device via iTunes.

Step 2: Downgrading the firmware is only possible with a jailbreak. If you are using a non-jailbreak device, jailbreak using. At the moment, this is the most current version of the exploit for untethered jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 - iOS 8.3.

Step 3: Download the iOS 6.1.3 firmware file for your device model.

Step 4: Download the dedicated archive. In case of an error, use this version of the utility. The tool must be downloaded, saved and unzipped to your desktop.

Step 4: Open Terminal and enter the following commands:

cd ~ directory where the folder you downloaded above is located
cd macos (or linux)
./ipsw ~ directory where the firmware file is located custom_downgrade.ipsw -bbupdate

Don't close the terminal

Step 5: Now install the OpenSSH tweak on your device. In terminal enter the following commands:

./idevicerestore -t custom_downgrade.ipsw
./xpwntool `unzip -j custom_downgrade.ipsw‘ Firmware / dfu / iBSS * ’| awk '/ inflating / (print $ 2)' 'pwnediBSS (this is one command)

Step 6: Open the section Wi-Fi settings your device and remember the device's IP address. Next enter the following commands:

../kloader [email protected] YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:
Next enter yes
Enter alpine password
ssh [email protected] YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
Enter alpine password
./kloader pwnediBSS

Step 7: Your gadget's display will turn black. We open new tab in the Terminal and close the first tab. Now we enter the following line:

./idevicerestore -w ./custom_downgrade.ipsw

Ready! You now have iOS 6.1.3 installed on your iOS device.

Such well-known hackers as tihmstar, ih8sn0w, winocm and pod2g took part in the development of this method. Of course, not all iOS users will be able to use the method, but only a small part of them. Nevertheless, the opportunity to return to skeuomorphism will appeal to many!

ATTENTION! In case of error Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libirecovery.2.dylib Referenced from: / Users / "username" / Desktop / odysseusOTA / macos /./ idevicerestore Reason: image not found you need to reopen the terminal from scratch and enter the commands:

sudo chown -R `whoami` / usr / local(may ask for user password).

Now install Homebrew using this command:

curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C / usr / local

brew install libpng or brew install libpng - —universal (if there is an error)

Now start the rollback from the beginning using the instructions above!

Downgrade (firmware downgrade) with iOS 8 before iOS 7.1.2 is still possible! We are already used to the fact that Apple within 24 hours after the official release of the new version, iOS stops signing the previous modification of the system. So with the advent of iOS 8, everyone understood that there would be no turning back after the update. However, this time things did not happen as usual.

In contact with

Server Apple still signing firmware iOS 7.1.2, which means that users can easily "roll back" to the seventh version of the operating system.

How to downgrade (downgrade) from iOS 8 to iOS 7.1.2

For downgrade with iOS 8 no additional utilities are required, the whole process will take you a few minutes. So, we do the following:

1 ... Download the firmware iOS 7.1.2 for your device, you can do it on our website.

2 ... In the settings of the iOS device with iOS 8 go to iCloud and turn off the feature Find iPhone,

3 ... Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes.

4 ... Select a device, hold down the button Alt(for OS X) or Shift(for Windows) on your computer keyboard and press Restore.
5 ... In the window that opens, select the downloaded firmware iOS 7.1.2 and confirm the recovery process.

6 ... After a few minutes, the firmware will be downloaded to the device.

So, if iOS 8 does not suit you for a number of reasons, or if you do not want to lose the jailbreak. Hurry while in Apple did not cover the vine.

Many iPhone 4 owners have already wondered how to downgrade from iOS 7 to iOS 6. Why do this? To do this, have iPhone users 4 reasons may be: the brakes of the new firmware on devices, the habit of using 6 OS, etc. Until today, it was impossible to restore iOS 6 and reset the sixth version of the operating system. There was not a single worker and effective way... We want to tell you about a new method that allows you to downgrade the operating system on the iPhone 4 (other models, unfortunately, are not yet supported). We warn you right away that you can downgrade only if your SHSH security certificates from the sixth version of the operating system are saved, then you can roll back. Otherwise, you won't be able to rollback iOS. Below you will find detailed instructions for iPhone 4 to help you rollback iOS.

After downloading and installing the seventh version on their smartphone, most iPhone 4 users regretted their action several times and decided to roll back to 6. The apple owner was not ready that the new OS would bring such radical changes, because of which it would have to be rolled back. You can find an article on our website about why you shouldn't update your iPhone to iOS "seven". Officially, it is impossible to rollback iOS: Apple is actively promoting the "seven", and all the old ways that it allowed to rollback it closed can be rolled back with jail. But we still have a couple of aces up our sleeve and hackers' sleeves that will allow us to carry out a downgrade.

Rollback iOS 7 with saved SHSH: step by step instructions - first part

To roll back the firmware you need:

  • For the rollback to be successful, we need iTunes version 11.0.5 - only this version is suitable for performing this operation;
  • Download the iFaith utility to help you safely rollback iOS system- the program is safe and will not take up much space on your PC hard drive;
  • Find and download a working iOS6 1.3 firmware for an iPhone4 smartphone;
  • Another condition is unattached jailbreak iOS 7. How to install it on your device, you can learn from our previous articles in step-by-step and clear instructions on downgrade (rollback);
  • Downgrade also requires the iReb utility;
  • Stored SHSH security certificates from the sixth iOS for downgrade.
  1. First of all, for downgrade, launch the iFaith program and in it we find the item "Build * signed * IPSW w / Blobs" - it will not be difficult to find it. By clicking on it, Downgrade will require you to specify the path of the saved iOS 6 certificates. Having indicated the correct path, click on the "Browse for SHSH blobs" button and select the certificate file.
  2. Now the program will ask you to restore the firmware file of the sixth version of the operating system 6 1.3, which you prepared in advance. Click on the "Browse for an IPSW" button and indicate the correct path and select our firmware to roll back to it;
  3. Now the program will check the firmware itself, and also analyze the compatibility of certificates. Click on "Build IPSW". That's it, iFaith has started downgrade your iOS. If the rollback goes well, you should be able to see the new firmware file on your desktop. Save it - we need it.
  4. We're done with the iFaith utility. Now, for further downgrade, open the iReb program. It's time to connect your iPhone to personal computer via USB cable. We enter the smartphone into DFU mode (without it, it will not be possible to roll back and reset).

Before proceeding with the rollback and resetting the OS, we need to examine the iReb program so that the rollback is successful. For those who know how this program works and how to roll back from iOS 7 and know how to switch to iOS 6, you can immediately restore the old firmware and go to the second stage, which tells you how to roll back and reset.

IReb program

Untethered jailbreak iOS 7 is not all. You need to be able to roll back the firmware using the iReb program. The utility is specially made for Windows users who want to update the broken OS 6 or remove the new version of iOS 7 or 6. Almost every owner of an Apple gadget (in our case, the iPhone 4) faces iTunes problems. Recover version 6 with iTunes help it is impossible due to the fact that the program will constantly give a 16xx error. You can work around this error, then rollback, return. For this purpose, you can use iReb, a program that was created to work around such problems, with the help of which downgrade (rollback) has become much easier. How to roll back the firmware using this utility?

You need to connect and roll back your iPhone 4 to your PC, then launch iTunes. Then put your iPhone 4 into DFU mode. To do this, hold down the power button and do not release it for three seconds. While holding the power button, hold down the "Home" key and hold it down for 10 seconds to roll back and return the system. If everything is done well, iTunes will inform you that the device is in recovery mode - you can get it back. To continue downgrading, return and restore iOS 6, you can and even need to close aytyuns and start iReb (to rollback successfully, you need to rollback on the latest version of iReb). In the window that appears, you can select your iPhone 4. After selecting, the utility will scan and offer to return to custom firmware. As you can see, rollback, or rather, downgrade 6 and rollback is not difficult.

Second phase

We continue to rollback (or downgrade) 6 OS. The downgrade itself is almost complete, it remains to go through a few simple steps to make the downgrade high-quality. Do not forget that changing the system means that all data will be lost, so before changing, do not forget to create a backup copy of the data, which can be rolled back and returned to 6 OS. By the way, only those applications that are compatible with the sixth and seventh versions can be restored. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore your favorite games to firmware after downgrade ends.

The rollback is almost complete. To restore and return to the previous old OS, you need to return the iPhone 4 to iTunes: we connect the iPhone 4 to the computer. You need to reset the aytyuns (go out and go in) before restoring the six. Reb will help restore it - we go into it and put the iPhone 4 into PWNED DFU mode. Close this utility and reopen iTunes to reset and restore recent items.

You can now rollback in iTunes and return. The downgrade can be completed. ITunes will see iPhone 4 in recovery mode. To roll back to the end, press "Shift + restore". Now you can select the firmware file from iFaith on the desktop for downgrade. Now we are waiting for the rollback to be completed. As you can see, downgrade is not that difficult. We hope the downgrade tutorial helped you. You can go back and roll back to 7 at any time.