How to check if smart screen is enabled. What is the SmartScreen process for and why does it work on my computer. What do the messages from the Smartscreen filter mean?

Windows 8 has a lot of secrets and "tricks" that you can not immediately understand the principle of operation and operation. Well, one of these options was windows function smart screen. Since the system was created by the developers, this option is enabled by default.

What does this give the user?

In fact, sometimes it turns out that there is little that is pleasant. The filter is engaged in the fact that it monitors the applications installed on the device, from time to time "spoiling" the user with its simple warnings about the security status of a particular program. In general, the principles of operation are quite clear and simple.
SmartScreen has a big rational, positive start: it helps users recognize what is a normal program and what is potentially dangerous (with a few vicissitudes, but still).

In addition to all this, Windows SmartScreen is endowed with the ability to send a certain category of data, certain information to Microsoft servers.

To work or not to work with this "chip", it's up to you. But one thing is for sure: if you want to disable all options, you should pay attention to the information that will be given below.

What happens when the options are enabled?

In total, three of the most significant "pillars" can be distinguished:

Require administrator confirmation before running downloaded unknown software. Like something like this: “Are you really confirming that the program is running as administrator?” (pictures and threat icons are attached).
Warn the user before executing software unknown to the device
Disable SmartScreen, which frankly got its warnings already.

A few pluses shutdown Windows smart screen

It is worth saying that the obvious and visible to all the problem of the presence of surveillance of the installation of unknown software included by default in the program is just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, it is worth digressing and trying to look a little deeper, to appreciate the very essence of this problem. The operation of Windows SmartScreen is a violation of the privacy of information and the actions that users take. Sometimes such an impression is created that new technologies, which seem to serve for the benefit of humanity and its development, turn out to be an attempt to “control” the entire population (and, most surprisingly, at the own will of each of us). The problem has been discussed more than once, which is associated with the use of the same Skype and existing on this moment social networks, in the user agreement of which the possibility of "draining" information about a particular user in one case or another is directly prescribed (a special procedure is used and all that). Not so long ago, another “novelty” appeared, which is perceived ambiguously. It is connected with the "revolution in fingerprints", with the help of which the security of the user's devices will be ensured (maybe something else?).

The Windows SmartScreen tool is just a kind of "lever" that can be used far from always, not in all cases, but potentially has a place to be. If Windows SmartScreen collects information about users, this indicates the potential for pressure on Microsoft in the future. The purpose of pressure is the issuance of private information, private information to government agencies, as well as legal representatives of the owners of certain copyrights. The flow of information that is slowly but surely moving from your computer has the potential to be intercepted by hackers. Without big problems, you can study and understand which programs are installed by the user, what features they have, and so on.

How is the "dangerous-safe" SmartScreen turned off?

Method number one.

In the Windows Control Panel, you need to find the Action Center. The left column should grab your attention with an option called Change Windows settings smart screen. Here you need to select a tab called "Do nothing / disable Windows SmartScreen"

Method number two.

gpedit.msc (this is needed in order to "call to work" the Local Group Policy Editor)
Computer configuration
Administrative Templates
Windows Components
Configure Windows SmartScreen (choose what you need in the box).

As you can see, the second option is several times longer. As they say, for those who are not looking for simple ways. Well, as for the question of whether to turn it off or not to turn it off Windows work SmartScreen, then it's up to users to decide.

When working with Internet Explorer or Windows 8, you may encounter a warning when you try to download or run certain files. The content of the warning will be something like: "Files from the Internet may harm your computer" or "The operation of this program may compromise the security of your computer." Why is this happening, what could it mean, and how can I disable such warnings? This article will answer all these questions.

SmartScreen Filter Messages

In the desktop version of Internet Explorer, you may see the following messages: "Files downloaded from the Internet can harm your computer" or "SmartScreen Filter has no information about this unsigned program. Running may harm your computer."

Let's find out why we encounter such messages.

What is SmartScreen?

This feature has been added to Internet Explorer since version 8 to improve the security of the browser. If the file you are about to download has already been downloaded by enough people and is considered safe, SmartScreen will allow you to download it without any problems or warnings. If the file hasn't been downloaded yet, or hasn't been downloaded enough times, you'll get a warning that the file might not be safe. In addition, the sites you visit are constantly checked by SmartScreen for the presence of phishing sites in a regularly updated list. When it finds a match, it displays a warning notifying you that the site has been blocked for your own protection. On the one hand, this can be annoying when downloading files from not very popular sites, but on the other hand, it provides additional security for your computer.

Windows 8 has a similar feature, but directly in File Explorer, so you might see similar warnings when running executables. In general, the same principles apply as in Internet Explorer.

SmartScreen is a useless feature?

Given that this feature does get annoying from time to time, the following questions would be relevant: “Is it worth it? Does it make sense?" Answer: "Yes". According to some security studies, Internet Explorer is the most safe browser mainly due to this feature. One good example of such a study: "Internet Explorer 9 outperforms competing browsers in malware blocking test".

So, I have tried to explain what SmartScreen is, how it works and why it is important for the security of your computer. However, if you are convinced that SmartScreen is more of an annoyance than a help, read on to find out how to turn it off.

I'll start this guide by disabling the feature in Windows 8. Then I'll walk you through the process of disabling SmartScreen in Internet Explorer (versions 9 and 10).

Disable SmartScreen in Windows 8

Right-click on the "Action Center" icon and select "Open Action Center" in the pop-up window.

In the Action Center window, take a look at the column on the left. Find the link "Change Windows SmartScreen settings" and click on it.

The Windows SmartScreen window will appear on the screen. Activate the "Do nothing (turn off Windows SmartScreen)" option, and then click "OK".

Done, SmartScreen is disabled, but only in Windows Explorer. If you want to disable the feature in Internet Explorer as well, keep reading.

Disable SmartScreen in Internet Explorer 9 and 10

Launch Internet Explorer. If you're using Windows 8, open the desktop version of the browser, not Metro. Then click on the "Service" button. From the menu that appears, select "Security" -> "Turn off SmartScreen Filter".

Select Disable SmartScreen Filter and click OK.

You have now disabled SmartScreen in Internet Explorer as well.

To enable SmartScreen again, you need to go through the same steps. If you have any questions about this feature, feel free to leave your comments.

Have a great day!

To protect the data stored on the computer from malicious files and programs in the operating sis Windows theme integrated smartscreen filter.

Initially, this feature was available only to users of the Internet Explorer browser, but since the eighth version of Windows, Microsoft has made Smartscreen integral part the operating system itself.

The filter is able to identify and block previously detected malicious and phishing sites, and allows the user to make informed decisions when downloading files from the Internet.

SmartScreen works in three key areas:

  1. Analyzes website pages when working on the Web, tracking suspicious ones. If suspicious web pages are detected, the filter issues a corresponding warning to the user;
  2. Checks the sites visited by the user for the presence in the list of previously exposed phishing Internet resources and sites with malicious content. If the requested page falls under suspicion, the SmartScreen filter blocks access to it for security purposes;
  3. Checks files downloaded by the user according to the list of previously detected sites with malicious and potentially dangerous programs. If the requested file matches a blacklisted file, SmartScreen reports a security block. If a executable file already saved on the PC, the filter will warn of danger when you try to run it.

Default filter blue screen Windows 10 switched to active mode, but if necessary, you can go to the settings at any time and turn it off. The fact is that SmartScreen often mistakenly blocks access to applications that do not pose any threat to the computer.

Please note: if we are talking about a computer working on a network, then in this case only the system administrator has the right to change the specified parameter.

What do the messages from the Smartscreen filter mean?

When a user attempts to run a potentially dangerous application or download a malicious file, the system will display a message similar to the following:

  • "Windows Smartscreen Filter has prevented an unidentified application from running that could put your PC at risk."
  • "Running the requested program may compromise the security of your computer."
  • “SmartScreen Filter has no information about the requested unsigned program. Running it may harm your computer”, etc.

If a program or file is really questionable in terms of security, then it is better to refrain from downloading and / or running it.

However, very often, a known safe application or web page is blocked by the smartscreen filter.

It also happens that while working in Explorer on a Windows 10 computer, a notification pops up unexpectedly on the screen, which notifies that "the Windows smartscreen filter is currently unavailable, therefore it cannot determine whether it is safe to run this application." The last message is displayed with a link to the lack of Internet connection.

Protecting Personal Computer from viruses and other questionable files, SmartScreen becomes a real problem for users latest versions Windows. The only way to get rid of it is to deactivate the filter. Make it easy.

How to disable the Smartscreen filter in Windows 8.1 and 10

To remove the smartscreen filter on Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Control Panel. To do this, just right-click on the "Start" icon and select the appropriate item in the list that appears;
  2. Go to tab " Security and maintenance«;
  3. From the menu on the left, select " Changing Windows smartscreen settings«;
  4. , confirm the selection by pressing the OK buttons;
  5. Perform a system reboot.

Attention! If all the items in the SmartScreen settings change block are inactive, you must first make changes to the registry editor.

To do this, press the Win + R combination on the keyboard and enter the “regedit” command. Next, you need to go through the branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Policies - Microsoft - Windows to the "System" tab. Then you should remove the "EnableSmartScreen" parameter and reboot the system.

The Windows 10 Store also interacts with the SmartScreen filter, since the service analyzes the addresses of all products installed from this resource. This means that even here SmartScreen can become an obstacle to downloading any program or game.

To deactivate the filter, just follow these steps:

  1. Press the button "Start";
  2. Go to "Settings", select the item " Confidentiality«;
  3. In the "General" section, in the sub-item regarding the SmartScreen service, move the switch to the "Off" position.

If necessary, you can always turn on the filter again, for this you need to follow the steps listed above, and turn the switch to the “On“ position.


To disable smartscreen filter on windows 8.1, follow these steps in sequence:

  1. Look into the Windows Action Center through the Control Panel;
  2. In the left menu, select the " Change Windows SmartScreen settings«;
  3. In the dialog box that appears What do you want to do with unidentified applications?»check the box next to « Do Nothing (Disable Windows Smartscreen), confirm the selection by pressing the OK button;
  4. To restart a computer.

To do this, just go to the Windows Action Center again and click on the link "Do not receive more messages on the topic: Windows SmartScreen".

SmartScreen is a security feature that was introduced in Internet Explorer 8 to protect against malicious websites. In Windows 8.1, it was integrated into the desktop. This tool warns the user before launching unrecognized applications from the Internet that could potentially be unsafe. SmartScreen is now present in Windows 10.

When it comes to downloading and installing apps, you need to know what is safe and what is not. True, not all computer users have the proper experience and knowledge in this matter. Thus, if you are one of the first, then the constantly flickering SmartScreen can be annoying.

Important note! If you're new to the Windows 10 plan, then don't disable SmartScreen. It will protect you from installing malware software. In addition, Microsoft has improved this filter by integrating it into Edge browsers and Internet Explorer 11.

The screenshot below shows the direct intervention of the filter. When starting the installation of an unknown application or program, you need to click on the "I agree ..." field and click on the "Run anyway" button. However, such extra movements take time and interfere with productivity, which is simply annoying.

The optimal solution is to disable SmartScreen. For this:

Note! After all the steps taken, a notification will immediately appear stating that it is unsafe.

How to disable SmartScreen in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge

This filter is very annoying when installing desktop programs, but not in a browser. If you are an Internet Explorer or Edge user, then it's best to leave it. Even the most experienced technician can randomly click on a malicious link or ad.

However, if that's what you want so badly, then:

With the Edge browser, no difficulties should arise. Open it and do everything as shown in the screenshots below:

If you're having a problem uploading a valid file, then the steps above will help fix it.

Video - How to disable the SmartScreen filter in Internet Explorer

How to Disable SmartScreen Filter in Windows 10 Step by Step

To stop this built-in tool in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Win" button, in the search enter the word "Defender", click on the icon "Defender Security Center".

  2. In the window that opens, click on the "Application and browser control" section.

  3. Then turn off the "Verify applications and files" option (see photo below). Such an action will not go unnoticed, as you will see a yellow danger sign and a warning that after disabling the SmartScreen filter, the computer will be vulnerable. Unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of this notification, so you will continue to see it until you enable the filter again. However, if you have another antivirus program, such actions will not bring you problems.

  4. Then scroll down to the "SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge". On this screen, you can select one of three different options. It is up to you to decide what the filter should do in Microsoft browser Edge: warn you when you encounter malicious websites and files on the Internet; block the threat on your own or do nothing. If you have various performance problems, it is better to disable SmartScreen after all. Another antivirus program will most certainly not allow you to download malicious files and content to your computer.

  5. On the same screen, scroll down to the "SmartScreen for Windows Store Apps" section. As shown in the description of this section, the filter only works when any app downloaded from the store tries to access the Internet. Depending on the case, you can disable the tool or keep it active by selecting the "Warn" setting.


Note! If you're not worried about SmartScreen notifications and want to take full advantage of Windows 10's security, then just leave the filter enabled. This primarily applies to children, parents, grandparents working at a computer under Windows control 7, 8.1 or 10. Definitely, they better leave this tool running, especially in Internet Explorer 11.

Experienced users are unlikely to be hurt much if they stop using SmartScreen while installing software that they believe is not malicious. Safe utilities include open source code. You can always enable the filter again if you wish.

Video - How to disable Smart Screen in Windows 10

“Windows Smartscreen” is a useful built-in feature that serves to keep your computer safe. Smartscreen turns on automatically, simultaneously with the system, some users do not even always know about its existence. This filter collects data about all applications installed on your computer.

When an unidentified program that you have downloaded from the Internet is launched, the smartscreen warns of a possible threat. Sometimes the filter fails and runs when it is not needed. There are times when the launch of programs that are unsafe, according to the smartscreen, is simply necessary for the user. If there is no Internet connection, the filter cannot connect to the required server, because it does not start - this is the most common reason why users try to disable it. If you have a modern antivirus installed, the need for a smartscreen raises some doubts. Before turning off the filter, analyze all the pros and cons of this procedure, and also assess the degree of its necessity.

If you don't know how to disable Windows Smartscreen, read our article.

There are several ways to disable Windows smartscreen. The most convenient, in our opinion, is disabling the filter at the system level, using the control panel. However, you must remember that you must have Administrator rights to perform the following steps.

As you can see, turning off the smartscreen is not difficult, you can easily cope with this task.

If you are thinking about how to disable the smartscreen filter in Windows 7, then don't worry, this procedure is not much different from the previous option. For a change, let's try to do it the other way.

On the menu "Start" choose an item "Run". In the line, type the command msconfig, click "OK".

Then, in the window that appears, open the tab. In the list of processes, find smartscreen, uncheck it. The process ends with the push of a button. “Run”.

Now that you know how to disable the smartscreen filter, it is recommended that you run an antivirus to protect your computer. Also, you should be more careful about the programs that you download from the Internet.

To ensure that a new application or program starts, you do not need to know how to disable smartscreen windows 8. If you downloaded a program from a reliable source, you are sure that it is safe, and the filter still prevented it from starting - just click the button "More".

Next, choose an option "Run anyway" and the program will start. In the event that you still want this message not to appear in the future, you want to know how to disable the smartscreen filter in Windows 8 - follow the instructions below.

  1. Find "Support Center" tab "Control Panel".
  2. On the left in the new window, select .
  3. Next, check the option that suits you. To completely turn off the program, the last item must be checked. Click OK - you're done.

After disabling the filter, do not download programs on suspicious sites, turn on the antivirus.

This version of the OS also has a smartscreen. How to disable in Windows 8.1 - read on. Open the control panel. If in the tab "View" choice on option "Categories"- set it to "Badges". Choose an item "Support Center". A window has opened, on the right, find "Change Windows smartscreen settings". Check the third option. This filter is now disabled on your computer. Don't forget to turn on the smartscreen later if this measure was taken to run one or more programs.

Before deciding on such drastic measures as forcibly disabling the smartscreen filter in Windows 8.1, we recommend that you carefully understand what it is and what it is for. Remember that by disabling the filter, you worsen the security of your computer.