Download glary utilities in Russian. Overview of the free version of Glary Utilities. Video instruction for activation

Here is a Windows cleaning program that surpasses such monsters as CCleaner, AusLogics BoostSpeed, Advanced System Care, Wise Memory Optimizer in terms of characteristics. With it, you will save your PC from junk files, shortcuts and applications, and speed up system startup and performance.

Various specialized publications, comparing optimizers, came to the conclusion that this software occupies a leading position in its segment. The so-called “utility index” (demand, speed and efficiency of each of the functions) of Glary Utilities is 97-98%, while the same indicator, for example, for Wise Memory Optimizer is only 60%, and for Advanced System Care - 85%.

And if you are seriously thinking about making your computer run faster, it's time to download Glary Utilities. The Russian version of this impressive software allows you to easily understand the menu.

You don’t really need to figure it out - there are only three main sections: “Brief overview”, “1st click” and “Modules”.

The first one is most interesting with the items “Erase traces of privacy when finished Windows work”, “Deep cleaning + fix” and also “Autostart manager”.

As for the “1st click” item, everything seems to be clear here. It is enough to select an operation (registry cleaning, spyware removal, etc.) and click "Find problems". The "Modules" section presents all the available options of this program for optimizing Windows. Here are tools for working with OS registry data, disks, startup, scheduler, recovery, drivers, individual applications and privacy. And besides, you will find tweaks and tools to find and remove spyware.


  • acceleration of the launch of the operating system;
  • search + correction of erroneous entries in the registry;
  • elimination of unnecessary files, folders, shortcuts, applications;
  • autoload management;
  • overwriting traces of programs (including remote ones);
  • blocking spyware, adware and other pests;
  • release of the RAM;
  • disk cleaning and defragmentation;
  • splitting, recombining and encrypting files;
  • System Restore.


  • effective tuning and optimization;
  • getting rid of "junk" on the computer;
  • extended access to individual files and applications;
  • Glary Utilities menu - in Russian.

Things to work on:

  • fixed cases of conflicts with some antiviruses;
  • not the fastest scan (in the Pro version it is much faster).

Speed Windows boot approached the maximum possible - 97%. This is the first thing we noticed after using Glary Utilities. More than 30 million users in the world have already managed to download this package of utilities for free and make sure of its effectiveness. Shall we join?

Glary Utilities Free is free program for optimization and customization operating system, which includes a wide range of tools and utilities that allow you to effectively manage all Windows components to achieve optimal computer performance.

Management and navigation should not cause any difficulties for most users, even despite the huge number of functions offered by this software package. Glary Utilities interface in Russian.

Features of Glary Utilities

1-Click tab - here you can quickly check your computer for possible problems: register, HDD, system errors, startup, temporary files, etc. To check, just click "Find problems", and after scanning, click "Fix".

The Modules tab includes the following software tools:

  • Windows registry: cleaning, defragmenting, backup, recovery;
  • Disk space: disk cleanup and explorer, removal of duplicates, empty folders, broken shortcuts;
  • Spyware - malware removal;
  • System tweaks: memory optimization and browser assistant;
  • Privacy: space cleaner, encryption, history deletion, file shredder;
  • System management: task manager, startup, task scheduler, services, context menu;
  • Hard drives: error checking, defragmentation, including at boot;
  • Drivers: backup, delete, restore, update;
  • Files: split, restore, quick search;
  • Programs: removal, including batch uninstallation, check for updates;
  • System status: PC backup, system file restore, undo changes, general information.

Download Glary Utilities

With Glary Utilities, you can easily achieve optimal performance and stability from your computer or laptop, significantly increasing system performance. On our website you can download latest version Glary Utilities in Russian for Windows.

Download Glary Utilities for free, without registration.

Glary Utilities is a free program for optimizing and customizing the Windows operating system...

Version: Glary Utilities

Size: 17 MB

Operating system: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Russian language

Program status: Free

Developer: Glarysoft

Glary Utilities is a package of utilities for cleaning, optimizing and improving computer performance. Presented on this page of the website https://website is the Glary Utilities program produced by the Chinese company Glarysoft Ltd. is a free set of system tools for cleaning, tweaking, optimizing and improving performance personal computer. There is also a Glary Utilities app for mobile devices based on OS Android. Here you can read the description, see screenshots and download the latest version of Glary Utilities in Russian for free via a direct link from the official website. Direct link to this material: https://website/ru/utility/glary

Some information about Glary Utilities

After a short analysis, Glary Utilities will display all the information about the processor, memory, system, monitor, network, sound devices, SSD and USB drives, connected equipment and more. A set of utilities will effectively clean your computer from outdated browser and font caches, Internet activity history, empty folders, broken and unused shortcuts, temporary, duplicate and unnecessary files. The program will effectively increase the free space on HDD and SSD drives, restore unused memory, journal and registry of the system, activate Windows start and work computer programs, will raise the level of security and safety. To do all this without any effort, just download Glary Utilities for free for Windows XP SP 3, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, install it on your PC or laptop, run it and start playing. Consider the main components of Glary Utilities and the purpose of these utility modules:

System Information displays useful information about the computer,
- Disk Analysis displays detailed information about files and directories,
- Disk Cleaner cleans hard drives, SSDs, USB drives,
- Duplicate searches for duplicates on hard drives,
- File Shredder securely deletes files so that the possibility of recovering them is excluded,
- Undelete restores accidentally deleted,
- File Shredder permanently deletes data,
- Uninstall Manager uninstalls user software and removes all its traces and debris,
- Memory Optimizer optimizes RAM,
- Process Manager monitors the correct operation of active programs and blocks spyware and Trojans,
- Context MM manages the context menu,
- Startup Manager is responsible for the correctness of startup,
- Tracks Eraser covers Internet traces, cookies and more,
- IE Assistant manages the settings and advanced features of Internet Explorer.

A free download for personal use, a suite of utilities with more than twenty modules successfully copes with the optimization, tuning, cleaning and speeding up the Windows operating system. If the user decides to download the latest version of Glari Utilities for free in Russian and is not going to understand the settings, then it is worth starting the program in automatic mode in a couple of mouse clicks. Experienced users, system administrators and other professionals have the opportunity to fine-tune the program. By installing plugins, you can get full compatibility with fifty popular programs.

Interface and functionality of Glary Utilities

Understandable to every user from the first minute of the launch process, convenient for regular use, the multilingual user interface of Glary Utilities allows you to quickly launch a check and optimize your computer without spending time studying the possibilities and reading technical documentation. The most difficult thing is to find and download Glari Utilities for free the latest version in Russian, and on this page of the site https: // site this process will not take much time. High-quality translation into Russian of windows, menus, settings allows Russian-speaking users to feel quite comfortable and without any fear to work with the program.

Many users recommend downloading Glary Utilities for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, as well as Vista and XP SP 3 (32-bit and 64-bit) for free in Russian in order to clean the system of unnecessary things, optimize, and increase the performance of a personal computer. The program features include:

Fast and free PC acceleration,
- increase the stability of the system,
- uninstalling user software,
- restoring and backing up device drivers,
- blocking the operation of malicious software,
- patching holes in system security,
- protection of confidential and personal information,
- data encryption to protect against unauthorized access,
- RAM optimization,
- search for dangerous launch elements,
- autorun control,
- removal of temporary, duplicate and old files,
- error correction, backup and restoration of the Windows registry,
- defragmentation and getting rid of invalid or old registration records,
- direct access to default system functions,
- increase in free space on HDD and SSD drives,
- defragmentation used when Windows startup files,
- label repair
- managing the content of the context in the menu,
- management of add-ons and browser plugins,
- covering all traces of the user on the Internet,
- removal of traces of the user's work on the computer,
- splitting and joining large files,
- many automated options.

For most users, it is enough to simply fix errors, get rid of crashes, brakes, freezes and slightly increase the speed of the computer. For these purposes, the capabilities of the freely distributed version will be enough. With the serial included or already treated, no one can prohibit the installer of the Glary Utilities Pro program from downloading via torrent, but is it worth it, considering that you can download the Glary Utilities Russian free version for free from the official website without leaving https://programmywindows. com without registration, SMS, viruses and malicious components. Users recommend this tidying tool with an impressive set of system tools for cleaning, tuning, optimizing and improving the performance of a personal computer. Given one-stop solution it will fix errors for free, clean up the Windows magazine, cure brakes, crashes, freezes and effectively increase the speed of the OS, system components, services and user software.

Glary Utilities is a set of tools that are designed to customize and optimize the OS. In addition, using this utility, you can join and separate files, encrypt and search for duplicates. Just a couple of clicks allow you to perform the necessary actions.

The program interface is clear. It will be easy for a beginner to follow the necessary steps. Application in Russian.

Password for all archives: 1progs

Key for Glary Utilities Pro

To activate the program, use the following data:

Username: website
Key: 9788-6167-9589-JIHW-FACJ

Video instruction for activation

The main features of the program:

  • System Setup.
  • Correction of errors in the registry.
  • Removing programs.
  • Removing unnecessary files.
  • Management of system processes.
  • Operating system optimization.
  • Blocking of virus programs.

Developers release this program in trial version. The free utility can be used for a specific period. After that, you will need to download a special Glary Utilities key.

Glary Utilities must be activated in order to use this application permanently. After entering license key the user will have access to all functionality this wonderful utility.

Advantages of the program:

  1. AT free version there are many useful features.
  2. Russian language support.
  3. Solving basic problems on the PC.
  4. Windows Startup Control.
  5. Context menu management.
  6. Disk space analysis.

There were no shortcomings in the program. The application works without a hitch. Performs its functions for five plus.

The program is worthy of attention. PC users are advised to download it because the utility makes deep control of the operating system. For novice users, you can run an automatic scanner that will find all the errors in the operating system.

Navigation and control of the program does not cause any difficulties for users. The application offers a lot of useful features that will be useful for the operating system and all the data on the computer.

Program Overview

Glary Utilities troubleshoot system security, optimize system registry, will update outdated drivers, increase free disk space, protect confidential information, eliminate errors in services and programs, perform defragmentation hard drives and remove malware. It will also allow you to restore "accidentally" deleted files from the trash and uninstall programs that cannot be removed by conventional means.

System requirements for computer

  • System: Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit).

Phone system requirements

  • System: Android (2.2 or later).
Program features
System optimization
Cleaning the registry of all kinds of errors that affect the speed of the computer.
Restoring and backing up the registry.
Disk defragmentation to increase disk space and speed up OS loading.
Remove empty folders, broken shortcuts, temporary files and duplicate files to increase free space on your hard drive.
Clearing browsing history, cache and saved passwords in Internet browsers Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser and others.
Examination file system for errors. Note! If you don't fix hard drive errors, over time your operating system will crash and require you to restore it when you start your computer.
Support for Windows Startup Manager, system processes and services to improve your computer's performance and start quickly.
File and system recovery
Recovery deleted files. If you accidentally deleted important documents, then Glary Utilities is able to recover them (with a high probability), otherwise use Recuva or Puran File Recovery.
Restoring system files. Most often, system files get corrupted due to malicious activity on the computer. Malicious objects modify or remove them. As a result, the operating system does not work correctly or it fails.
Restoring the health of the operating system by rolling back to a previous state.
Additional modules
Permanently delete files to protect confidential information. Thanks to this feature, no program will be able to recover deleted files.
Encryption and decryption of files.
Search and removal of malicious programs.
Uninstallation of computer programs.

Glary Utilities for Windows