Remix OS: overview, where to download and how to install. How to install Remix OS on your computer Installing remix os on ubuntu

Emulation is designed to extend the standard functionality of the PC software shell. Installing Remix OS is an opportunity to test a full-fledged operating system based on Android. Today we will talk about the features of the platform, its capabilities, methods of software "installation".

Remix OS is a software shell based on Android. The user interface has common features with the "desktop" OS: the bottom taskbar, similar to the button "Start" in the left corner of the screen (brings up a list installed apps).

Scroll software sorted by date of last modification, alphabetical, size, frequency of use, there is a search bar and a logout mechanism.

The right half of the taskbar is occupied by the system tray, where you can adjust: volume settings, wireless network, brightness, time and date. Additional information about the indicator is called up by a single click.

Installing Remix OS provides multitasking that is done in spectacular fashion. The user has the right to open several applications in windowed mode, change the order of their display, size. Each program is equipped with a header with control buttons: minimize, close or maximize to full screen mode, the functionality of hot keys is preserved.

Remix OS is ideal for testing your own apps, diving deeper into the Android ecosystem.

Popular installation methods

Before installation, make sure that the following system requirements match the specifications of your PC:

  • Availability of 2 GB random access memory.
  • The minimum physical memory size is 8 GB.
  • Broadband Internet connection.

If there are no problems with the hardware, go to the review step by step instructions. The distribution download link is at the end of the article.

Method number 1

Developers from the Chinese company Jide have finally translated their operating system Remix OS to new version Android - 6.0 Marshmallow. This "desktop Android" has become much more convenient and flexible in terms of customization. If version 2.0 was raw enough for full use on a computer, then Remix OS 3.0 is stable and offers all the necessary features. Even the shop Play Store appeared. It was on the third version of the system that we decided to review.

What is Remix OS?

Remix OS is Android, but with a shell that mimics desktop OS like Windows or OS X. Here, instead of the usual top and bottom panels, there is only a classic taskbar, where on the right are icons for managing settings, and on the left are icons of running applications, two control buttons (Home and back), as well as a button to open an analogue of the Start menu. The latter is done quite simply: it displays the icons of all installed applications, which can be sorted and searched for. There is a button to call reboot, sleep or shutdown.

The highlight of the system is the multi-window mode. Unlike standard Android, Remix OS allows you to work with several running applications at once on one screen with the ability to resize windows and switch between them instantly. Everything is like in Windows and other modern operating systems for computers. At the same time, Remix OS works on almost all more or less modern computers and laptops.

The standard Android notification center here is very similar to that of OS X or new Windows 10. The reminders themselves are interactive, as in regular Android, but this already depends on specific programs.

The main advantage of Remix OS is an open and extensive app ecosystem and a huge community from Android.

← Read our instructions.

What's new in version 3.0?

First of all, it is worth noting that the developers have switched to a new version of Android - the sixth. Many changes in Remix OS 3.0 are related to this. For example, application privilege management has appeared, performance has improved, and the notification system has improved. One of the important innovations of the update is a full-fledged multi-window. Now you can display an unlimited number of applications on the screen in windows that can be freely resized. Changing the window is now possible on each of the four sides - previously only the height could be changed. Applications with video playback now work correctly in full screen mode - no borders.

The developers at Jide know what is important for computer users, so they have added support for almost all popular keyboard shortcuts from Windows and other operating systems: ALT+Tab, CTRL+Tab, CTRL+Shift+Tab, Shift+Enter, Ctrl+T, Ctrl+ W and many others that are used when typing or navigating in a browser. Keyboard layout switching should now be easier as a dedicated feature has been added. But I still needed to install a third-party application and configure it to switch using the Shift + Alt combination. But after all these manipulations, I was even able to write this review directly in Remix OS 3.0 using a word processor Microsoft Word.

Significantly expanded support for processors and video cards. Remix OS now runs on almost all modern PCs. The system correctly detects NVIDIA and AMD chips.

And most importantly, the pre-installed Play Store has finally appeared. After installing the third version of Remix OS, you can see the "Play Activator" icon on the desktop. With it, you can install a store in a couple of clicks Google Play Store with its huge catalog of apps, games and more.

By the way, about games. For mobile gamers, keyboard and mouse support has been added for more convenient control in games. Unfortunately, in most serious games like GTA or Minecraft, the controls are almost impossible to set up, but you can play through tears if you wish.

What can Remix OS 3.0 do?

During the testing of the third version of Remix, I got the impression that this system is already quite stable and quite self-sufficient. She can do everything the typical needs Windows user and Android, so you can install Remix OS 3.0 on a laptop and try to live with it.


Even standard Chrome offers decent Internet surfing on Remix OS 3.0. All articles are displayed either in desktop or responsive mode. For all the time of use, I did not have any problems with the sites. Sometimes it even seemed that local Chrome worked faster than full-fledged browsers in installed next to Windows. All downloads are collected in a special menu that can be called from the taskbar.

Video and music

If everything is fine with the music - just download any player and upload your tracks there, then there may be problems with the video. The pre-installed MX Player often refuses to either play some videos at all, or their audio track. I managed to find a good omnivorous player that plays even big movies without problems - . In it, I even managed to watch a large MKV weighing about 4 GB. In browsers and applications like Twitch, videos play without problems.

If you have patience and deal with switching layouts, then on Remix OS 3.0 you can even work with texts, tables and other things. Personally, I was able to write this review in its entirety in Microsoft Word on Remix OS 3.0. I did not experience any particular discomfort, but this is rather the merit of the Microsoft word processor itself - its Android version works really well. Of course, there is no question of any programming or development in the "remix" - this system is not for such users. Mail can also be managed - through the appropriate applications or even using the web version. The OS is quite stable, so you don't have to worry about the safety of the progress of your work in general.

The system also has a built-in file manager, and it's quite comfortable, I must admit. At least you don't need to install a third party.


Unfortunately, the emulated touch key binding feature still doesn't allow you to play most of the good Android games properly. In racing, it is not bad, it helps well in arcades and shooters, but this is not enough. Remix OS is still only suitable for strategy and other games where there is no active gameplay. But on the other hand, most games work stably and with good performance, of course, depending on the computer.


Almost all applications compatible with Android 6.0 Marshmallow work fine in Remix OS 3.0. For those who lack the standard features of the system, there is built-in root access that works out of the box. However, I had difficulties with several programs. For example, not a single VKontakte client worked without departures. I had to use the web version.


If the second version of the "remix" was difficult to use for many reasons, then Remix OS 3.0 is more like a more or less solid product. This system can really be installed on a laptop or even a computer. For serious work, it is not suitable, but it is quite possible to indulge. But for laptops - this is a great option, since the system is not very demanding on resources and gives access to an extensive library android applications.

On the left is the Android 7.0 desktop interface, on the right is Remix OS

Clearly, Google's pure Android will take another couple of years to reach Remix OS 3.0's convenience level. As you know, Google has already begun work in this direction. Whether Remix OS and Android will conquer the computer market is unlikely in the coming years, but in the long term it is.

Every Android user dreams of installing this operating system on a computer. Remix OS is a new OS based on Android with a desktop interface and we're about to install it!

Remix OS was created by ex-Google employees based on the operating system Android systems, but has a convenient desktop interface by default (like Windows), opening and running applications in multi-window mode, the taskbar and notifications, millions of programs and games, and all this for a desktop computer is completely free!

Now from words to deeds! In this article, we will learn how to install it on your computer or laptop so that you can boot into both Windows and Remix OS in the future.

Download the Remix OS image

In order to install Remix OS, you must first download it, you can do this by going to the official website of the developers.

There are versions for both 64-bit and 32-bit systems. You can find out which version your computer supports by looking at the specifications of your processor on the Internet (almost all processors after 2011 are 64-bit).

Creating a separate section

The developers of the Jide Company provided for the installation of the Remix OS system directly on the disk C:, where Windows is already installed, is not quite the right approach, so we will create a separate partition for our desktop Android!

What and how to create a Section?

Create a section will be standard Windows tools, through disk management.

To go to Disk Management:

1 . Go to " Control Panel» -> « System and safety»;

Create a section

1 . If you have two logical drives and more, right-click on the one with the most free space and click the " Shrink Volume" if you only have one partition C:, then the choice is not great, we compress it.

Everything is ready, now we proceed to the stage of preliminary installation of Remix on the computer.

Remix OS pre-installation

After we have created a partition for Remix OS, we proceed to the stage of installing the operating system on HDD from under Windows.

1 . Unzip the archive with Remix OS;
2 . Run the included utility remixos-installation-tool;

3 . We select the image, installation on the hard drive, as well as the partition that we created for our desktop Android.

All is ready! Now it remains to restart the computer and complete the installation!

Installing Remix OS on a Computer

1 . After the computer restarts, you will be prompted to boot into Windows or Remix OS, select the second option, after which the further installation operating system, approximately lasts it will be from 5 to 15 minutes.

2 . At the end, you will be asked to select a language and the Remix OS desktop will appear in front of you;

3 . In the settings, you can set the localization "Russian language".


On January 12, the official release of the Remix OS 2.0 shell took place, which is based on Android x86 and is designed for computers and hybrid tablets. We decided to deal with the installation of this system on computers and prepare an article for the readers of the Treshbox about this process.

Summer 2016 Remix OS 3.0 released. Read more about it on the Treshbox: Before the instruction itself, it is worth telling what this Remix OS 2.0 is. This fork of Android x86 aims to bring the Android app ecosystem to computers with a user-friendly desktop experience. In the second version of Remix OS, the developers from the startup Jide have added a convenient windowed interface where you can use several Android applications at the same time. At the same time, applications are scaled to fit the window, and the entire interface has normal mouse and keyboard controls - no bottom bar with three buttons.

How to install Remix OS 2.0 on a computer

To install the system, you will need a USB flash drive with USB 3.0 support, a write / read speed of at least 10 Mbps, a memory capacity of at least 8 GB, as well as the computer itself on which you are going to install the system. It is worth noting that the requirements for a USB drive are quite formal - many users installed Remix OS 2.0 using an old USB 2.0 standard flash drive with 4 GB of memory.

1. Download the image and install it on a flash drive

You can download the system image on the official website of the startup Jide via direct link (687 Mb, torrent). Available image with EFI support (torrent). You can also download an image for 32-bit systems (torrent). Inside the archive you will find both the image itself and a special utility for installing it on a USB flash drive. Before moving on to installing the image, you need to format your drive for the FAT32 file system and delete all data.

Updated: On March 1, 2016, the first beta version of Remix OS 2.0 was released. Fresh links to download the system:

  • 64 bits (UEFI + Legacy BIOS) - direct link + torrent.
  • 32 bits (Legacy BIOS) - torrent.

The Remix OS USB Tool, which you can find in the image archive, is a special variation of Unetbootin. Run the utility, select the Remix OS 2.0 ISO image, as well as the USB drive on which you will install it. Next, click the “Ok” button, after which the installation of the image on the flash drive will begin. You can also use the original Unetbootin utility by selecting the FreeBSD distribution and the Remix OS 2.0 image in it. The result will be the same.

If everything went well, the utility will immediately prompt you to restart your computer in order to boot into Remix OS 2.0 from a flash drive. If you are installing the system on the computer where you are recording the image, then you can safely press the reboot button, but before that it is better to read the next paragraph of the instruction.

2. Boot from USB

After restarting the computer, you need to call the alternative boot menu "a. On different computers it is done in their own way. On the ASUS laptops- the Esc button, for example. On regular PCs, mostly with F8 or the buttons next to it. It is better to find out about this on the Internet in advance. Also, before such a boot, you should check the Legacy Boot Mode Enabled function in the BIOS. It must be enabled.

After turning on the computer, we call up the alternative boot menu and select your USB drive in it. Next, a menu should appear on the screen with two items - “Guest Mode” and “Resident Mode”. The first is the normal Live CD mode, where the user boots the system from a disc and tries it without saving all the data. The second mode allows you to use Remix OS 2.0 as a complete system on a USB stick. When this mode is selected, the OS boots in a mode where all the progress and manipulations of the user are saved on the drive and can be accessed next time.

It is for the “Resident Mode” that a USB 3.0 flash drive and a fast write / read speed are required. The developers suggest that it is in the mode of saving all data to USB that you need to use Remix OS 2.0.

If your system does not boot after such an installation, then you can try to carry out the same process, but enter a different command to call the installation programs: /kernel initrd=/initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet INSTALL=1

4. Alternative installation

You can also install Remix OS 2.0 from under another Linux system, in particular - Ubuntu. To do this, you must already have Ubuntu installed on your computer with the Grub bootloader.


  1. Create a "remix" folder (without quotes) in /directory on Ubuntu.
  2. Open the ISO / IMG image of the Remix OS 2.0 operating system with some archiver or a simple explorer; take files from the image initrd.img, kernel, ramdisk.img, system.img and move them to the “remix” folder.
  3. Inside the “remix” folder, make another “data” folder.
  4. Open the console and enter the command gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom
  5. The console will ask you for an administrator password - enter it.
  6. Next, a text editor window will appear with a specific document; at the end of the text, you need to insert the following text (in order not to lose the formatting, it is better to copy the code from there):
    menuentry "Remix OS" --class android-x86 (
    insmod part_gpt
    search --file --no-floppy --set=root /remix/system.img
    linux /remix/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64
    androidboot.selinux=permissive CMDLINE
    initrd /remix/initrd.img
  7. Save your changes and close the editor.
  8. Enter another command in the console - sudo update-grub
  9. Now, after rebooting, Grub should have a line with the launch of Remix OS 2.0. The system must work.

5. Another way to install from under Windows

The community has also found another way to install Remix OS 2.0 on a hard drive using Windows and get a dual boot.

For this you need:

  1. Create a new partition on a disk with a capacity of at least 8 GB and file system FAT32. This can be done with a simple tool in Windows by typing the word “partition” in the Start menu search. Name the partition REMIX_OS.
  2. Download the Remix OS 2.0 image (in the first section of the article) if you haven't already, as well as the EasyBCD program.
  3. Completely extract the Remix OS 2.0 image (using WinRar) and copy all files from it to the partition you created earlier.
  4. Install the EasyBCD application and launch it.
  5. In the program, select the menu “Add New Entry” → ISO.
  6. In the “Portable / External Media” section, in the Name field, enter Remix OS and click on the “Path” button and select the Remix OS 2.0 image you downloaded.
  7. Next, click the “Tools” → “Restart Computer” button.
  8. Voila, you should see the dual boot menu on the screen - Windows or Remix OS. The system must work.

6. Install on a virtual machine

If you do not want to install Remix OS 2.0 on your hard drive at all and risk the stability of other operating systems in case something goes wrong, then you can use a virtual machine, namely VirtualBox.

Instructions for installing Remix OS 2.0 in VirtualBox (assuming you already have the program virtual machine and system image):

  1. Start VirtualBox and call the menu for creating a new virtual machine. Name it by any name, select the type Linux and the view "Other Linux 64-bit".
  2. Allocate half (recommended) of your RAM to the virtual machine.
  3. Create a new virtual disk for the system, allocate 16 GB of memory for it.
  4. Once the machine has been created, start it up and, when selecting the disk from which it will boot, select the Remix OS 2.0 image.
  5. If everything goes well, then you will see a selection menu between Guest and Resident modes. Select Guest, but press Tab rather than Enter. After that, a line with text will appear below. In it after recording DATA_IN_NEM=1 need to add vga=791
  6. After that press Enter.
  7. Remix OS 2.0 should appear on the screen.

What you need to know about Remix OS 2.0

Shell Remix OS 2.0 is well optimized for working with the mouse and keyboard. Basic keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + C / V / Z / X, Alt + Tab, Alt + F4 and others are supported. The Num Lock buttons work correctly with the entire digital block and Caps Lock.

How to install Google Play and its services on Remix OS 2.0:

  1. Download setup file

Android users appreciate this operating system for its simplicity and versatility at the same time. But imagine that it would be possible to use Android as the main system for your computer or laptop. It would be nice to be able to download and install your favorite apps and games offline. mobile devices, but on conventional computers.

Question Android installations the computer is not new. Since 2009 there is a project android-x86, whose developers are modifying the mobile OS to be used on personal computers.

The Android interface is very convenient, but it is not designed for desktops. Therefore, even installing this operating system on a computer using a virtual machine, it is not very convenient to use it.

To solve these problems, a new operating system, based on the Android-x86 project called Remix OS. This OS is based on the Android kernel, but works like the usual desktop operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc.

Remix OS is a free operating system developed by the company Jide Technology, which was founded by former Google employees. It is based on version Android 5.1 Lollipop, which has been redesigned and extended to provide Windows-like features and user interface. Remix OS includes a start menu, taskbar, familiar windows with buttons (minimize, maximize, close) and, of course, is multitasking. It is also worth noting that the new system can be used in a portable version and be installed on USB stick.

A distinctive feature of Remix OS is its undemanding to system resources. The user interface is not overloaded with unnecessary elements. Therefore, if you have old computer or a laptop, you may well use the new system on older devices.

Now you can use the "mouse" as in Windows, i.e. double click, pressing the right button, scrolling will perform the actions you are used to. Also handy is the built-in notification center, similar to Windows 10.

Most applications and system tools can be found by clicking on the logo button Jide Technology, which is located in the lower left corner of the taskbar (similar to the " Start» on Windows). Here you will see shortcuts to the main programs and settings, as well as a button to turn off or restart the computer.

Remix OS is also built in by default file manager, which resembles Windows Explorer. On the left is a side navigation bar with the usual Documents, Desktop, Downloads, etc. folders.

Because the operating system is multitasking, you can easily run several applications and freely switch between them.

Task bar Remix OS is also quite convenient and functional. The system tray contains icons for the clock, sound settings, network, notification center, similar to the Windows tray.

Also, lovers of desktop systems will like the presence of familiar hot keys:

  • Ctrl + N - create a new document;
  • Ctrl + S - save the document;
  • Alt + F4 - close the program;
  • Alt + Tab - switch between open programs;

Another interesting feature new system is her portability. Those. you can install the operating system on a flash drive and use it on different computers.

Remix OS runs in 2 modes:

  • Guest
  • Residential

When working in guest mode the system does not save user data, documents, and any changes to the OS. This mode can be used to test the operating system.

Resident mode on the contrary, it allows you to save all your data and programs. Using it, you can work with Remix OS as a full-featured operating system.

And now, if you wish, you can watch a video with an overview of the system from the official Jide Technology YouTube channel:

Where to download Remix OS?

Remix OS is available for free download. To do this, go to the developers website (link below) and click the " Free Download».

As a result, you will be taken to the list of files to download. Put a bird in front of the item " I am a developer and have read the above message” and press the button “ Download". The list contains links to 2 archives depending on the type of download: Legacy and EFI. Legacy is compatible with most computers, so it is recommended to download this archive.

How to install Remix OS on a flash drive?

After downloading, unzip the resulting archive. It will contain an ISO image of the system and a tool to burn Remix OS to a USB drive.

For the correct operation of the operating system, a USB stick with a file system is required FAT32, interface 3.0 , not less than 8 GB and recommended write speed 20 Mb/s and more.

Run Remixos OS USB Tool, specify the location of the ISO file, select the USB media, and click OK.

After finishing the burning process, you can try to download Remix OS. To do this, you need to restart the computer and boot from the USB flash drive, specifying the boot order in the BIOS or using the F8-12, Esc keys, depending on the manufacturer of the laptop or computer.

If you are unable to boot from a flash drive written with the Remixos OS Usb Tool, use some ISO burning software to USB drives, such as UltraISO.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Remix OS is just starting its journey, and like any other operating system, it will have flaws, hardware compatibility problems, etc. But the developers promise to regularly release updates to fix bugs and ensure proper system security.