How to copy an entire web page. How to copy a page in word

It is not uncommon for a computer to have an Internet connection, and if you know that you will be working on your own, you can take some time to save the pages of the site that you need. In addition, you can primitively copy the content of the page and transfer it to word document, or save as a screenshot using a graphics editor.


1. If you need to save the page in its original form with text, images and links, then in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox for this you need to click in the free area of ​​the page with the right mouse button, prefer the command "Save as", and save the "entire web page". For Internet Explorer and Opera, this command is allowed to be executed by clicking on the "Page" - "Save As" menu. An alternative in any of the browsers will be the same command using the hot keys Ctrl + S.

2. If you want to transfer the content of the site page by copying it to a Word document, then you should press the key combination Ctrl + A. With this command, you will select every item on the page. Now press Ctrl+C (copy), go to the Word document and press the hot keys Ctrl+V, thus pasting the web page into the document.

3. If you only care about a part of the site page, namely what you see in this moment on the screen, you can take a screenshot (screenshot) to copy the page as an image. To do this, press the PrtSc or Alt+PrtSc key, open the Paint editor, and then press the Ctrl+V key combination. The page will appear in the editor window. Now save it by clicking on the menu "File" - "Save As".

When exchanging information, it is periodically necessary to give the interlocutor a link to one or another source, and occasionally take a link given by another and follow it. There are two main methods to copy a link - keyboard-enabled and mouse-enabled.

You will need

  • Computer with internet connection;
  • Elementary skills in the field of computer special technologies.


1. To copy a link from the address bar, hover over it and click. The link will immediately highlight itself. Next are two options. You can press the right mouse button and click the copy button in the pop-up menu, or press the “ctrl c” keys on the keyboard at the same time. After that, the link can be inserted anywhere.

Often on the Internet we come across something that we would like to save on a personal computer: an authentic recipe, a useful article, fascinating ideas for website design. It is at such moments that the knowledge to save a web page will fit. It is also useful to know this for those who are forced to save Internet traffic.

You will need

  • – PC with Internet browser installed
  • - Internet access
  • - You may need a graphics editor


1. Open the page of the site you want to save using one of the web browsers (say, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome). Make sure you are on the exact page you need.

2. Find the menu item "Save As" or "Save Page As". More often than not, you should look for it in the "File" menu (click on the word "File" in the upper left once with the left mouse button to see a drop-down list of valid actions). However, in some browsers it is quite difficult to find this menu item. Say, if you use Opera, you first have to go to the menu, which is called “Menu” (red button at the top left), find the “Page” item there, and then find the “Save As” sub-item in it. In order to save a web page in the Google Chrome browser, you need to go to the tools menu (the icon in the form of a wrench at the top right).

3. If you have successfully completed the previous step, a dialog box will appear on the screen. Select the location on your computer where you would like to save the site page. You can choose the desired folder by clicking on the triangle arrow at the top of the window or by choosing one of the icons on the left.

4. Select a file name under which the page will be saved. You can either leave the name suggested by the computer, or enter your name in this line.

5. Set the file type by clicking on the arrow in the form of a triangle next to this field. If you need to save the entire page so that it can be displayed "as is" later, select the "Web Page, Entire" file type. In this case, a stretch.html document and a folder containing all the graphic elements of the site page will be made on your PC. It is this method that is used more often than everyone. Selecting the menu item “One web archive file (*.mht)” will result in the creation of one large file, in which all the pictures will also be saved, but it will open more slowly. If only text matters, and images are either missing or not needed, use the "Web page, HTML only" format. In addition, it is also possible to save a web page in a text file with a .txt extension. However, in contrast to the above methods, in this form, the saved page is understood to be crappier, because all advertising headings and auxiliary signatures remain in the text.

6. Occasionally you want to save a page as a picture. Having opened the required page in the browser, press the key combination Shift + Print Screen. After that, launch some graphic editor, say, Paint, paste the resulting image with the Shift + Insert key combination and save it. But remember that when applying this method, only that part of the web page that fits on the screen of your monitor will be saved.

After saving a web page on your computer, check immediately if it displays normally. To do this, go to the folder where you saved and open the document you made. Please be aware that some web pages may be copy-protected.

Helpful advice
In most web browsers, you can open the "Save page as" window with support for the Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut.

If you are faced with the task of copying the contents of a PDF file and transferring it to document Word, then most likely everyone will not be able to do this with the usual Copy - Paste method. It is better to use a program for converting.

You will need

  • PDF2Word or ABBYY PDF Transformer. Software downloads are available on the official websites: and


1. If you have installed PDF2 Word, open the program and select File - Open to add the PDF file whose content you want to copy.

2. Later, after you add the file, a dialog box will open in front of you, in which you can choose different options for converting settings. For example, on the Graphics tab, you may prefer text copy mode without pictures.

3. After that, you will be asked to prefer the folder in which the received file will be saved. document word. Later, the conversion process will begin, the execution time of which will depend on the size of the initial file. Upon completion of the conversion, the received document word.

4. If you have installed ABBYY PDF Transformer, open the Convert document PDF" and select the PDF file by clicking the "Open PDF" button.

5. In the menu on the left, you can choose the conversion settings and the path to the folder with the final file. Later, after the settings are made, click the "Convert" button and after a while a ready-made document word.

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Many Internet users are accustomed to saving links to sites as bookmarks, which are located in the configuration files of the browser. True, some still, in the old fashioned way, have the habit of making links to text files so that they are not lost.

You will need


1. To open link on the page, you need to copy it and paste it into the address bar of any of the browsers installed on your computer. There are several methods for performing this simple operation. Text files it is allowed to open both using the standard Notepad program of the Windows operating system family, and using the purchased MS Word software (Microsoft Office Word package).

2. Open the file containing the links. To open it, double-click the text file icon, or open text editor, then press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O, select the file and click the "Open" button.

3. Highlight link. The selection is made with the left mouse button. Please note that for the correct loading of the Internet page, you need to start the selection with the characters http. The selection should be completed on the symbol, the one that will be preceded by a space, for example,

4. Copying the selected link text is done mainly with the help of "hot keys" (keyboard shortcuts). Press Ctrl+C, you can also use Ctrl+Ins for copying. In addition to the "burning keys" it is allowed to use the menu tools of the programs used. Click the top menu "Edit" and select "Copy".

5. Launch your browser and paste the copied text into the address bar link. Pasting using "burning keys" is performed by pressing Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert. When using the menu browser insertion is carried out by clicking on the element of the top menu "Edit" and the command "Paste". Press the Enter key to jump to the link.

Helpful advice
It is worth noting that when links are saved in MS Word, they are mechanically converted into hyperlinks. To quickly open a hyperlink in the browser, just hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on the link text.

Capture the contents of the monitor, that is, take a screenshot (picture screen), sometimes it is primitively necessary. Let's say, at the origin of some snags to be sent to the expert for consideration. There are various methods to save what is happening on the screen.


1. The easiest way to take a screenshot is to use the standard system function, press the Print Screen key. It is located at the top of the keyboard on the right side, later than the F soft keys. After pressing it, you need to create a graphic file in any folder you want, say, a Paint picture, office picture manager. After that open given file and prefer the function to paste, or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. Later, in the folder with the made graphic file, a snapshot of your screen, one that, if desired, can be edited in any editor. The finished drawing can be sent by mail, posted on the site or printed.

2. In order to take a picture screen, in addition to system utilities, there are special programs. Their main difference from standard way, lies in a wider set of tools and functions. True, the basic rule of action remains the same. In special programs, it is allowed to take a picture in a non-primitive way screen, but also save it in any desired graphic format. In addition, in such programs it is possible to prefer not only each screen for a picture, but a certain, selected area. It is also allowed to paint over some parts of the image, for example, your own data, names or other information that you do not want to show.

The Internet contains a lot of useful content. In order to have information from some site on your personal computer everyone just needs to save the contents of the exciting page on one of the hard drives.


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For all user operations with databases under the control of the MySQL DBMS, it is better to use free app phpMyAdmin. It can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website and installed both locally and on remote server. If you are using the control panel of your hosting provider, then you do not need to install it, because most hosters have this application installed by default.


1. Use the table export feature to get the contents of the initial database as SQL statements. To do this, load the phpMyAdmin interface and log in to the SQL server that stores the initial database, go to it by clicking the appropriate link in the left frame. After that, click on the "Export" link in the right frame.

2. Click on the "Select all" link located above the list of tables in this database in the "Export" segments of the right frame of the application interface. In the "Parameters" segments, all settings can be left in the form in which phpMyAdmin sets them by default. If the amount of data stored by the tables of this database is huge, then it is better to use files for transfer - check the box next to the inscription "Save as a file." Without this mark, the application will place the exported data in a multi-line text field, from which it can be easily copied, and then pasted into the appropriate field on the destination SQL server. Click the "OK" button, and the program will compose and send the necessary requests, and then either offer to save the file with the exported data, or display them in the appropriate field on the next loaded page.

3. Log in to the similar interface of the phpMyAdmin application on the SQL server where you want to place the database to be transferred. Do this in a new browser tab if the data is to be transferred using the "copy/paste" method. Enter the name of the database in the "New Database" field and click the "Make" button. The program will send a request, executing the one that the server will make an empty database with the specified name, notify the application about this, and it will open the page of the empty database for now.

4. Use the import function to create copies of the initial tables and the data stored in them in this database if the transfer is carried out with the help of files. By clicking on the "Import" tab in the right frame, you will open a form in which you need to click the "Browse" button, find the file made when exporting data, and then click the "OK" button. The application will upload the instructions contained in the file to the server, and after they are executed, it will update the pages, displaying a list of the tables made in the left frame, and more detailed information about them in the right frame.

5. Instead of the previous step, click the SQL tab if you are migrating without using intermediate files. After that, switch to the browser tab where you have the form with the SQL statements of the exported data open, select and copy them. Switching back, paste everything you copied into the field under the words "Execute SQL query(s) against the database" and click the "OK" button. The application will send requests to the server, which will make tables, fill them with data and return a summary report. PhpMyAdmin will show you this report and update the content information of the now non-empty database.

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YouTube is one of the most famous video hosting sites today. Its database contains a huge number of videos that can not only be viewed online, but also downloaded to a computer. Various applications and online sources are used to download videos from the service.


1. To download the video, go to its YouTube page. If you still don't know which video you want to download, use the search located on the site page in the upper part of the window.

2. Once you find the video you want, you'll need to copy its URL. To do this, click on the address bar at the top of the browser window. Select each text located in the field and right-click on it, then click "Copy". You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl and A to select each text, and Ctrl and C to copy.

3. Go to the video download maintenance page. Among all sources, it is allowed to notice, the one that allows you to download videos not only from YouTube, but also from some other sources. Paste the copied address into search string the main page of the site, then click "Download".

4. Wait for the origin on the search results page. in the output you will see your video. To download it, use the links on the right side of the browser window. They will look like MP4 360p, MP4 720p, etc. The higher the number, the higher the video quality and the larger the file size. Click on one of the links and select a directory to save on your computer. After the completion of the download, the file you need will appear in the specified directory. The download of the video from the source is completed.

5. For frequently downloading videos from YouTube, there are also special computer programs. Let's say the VK Music utility will help you download the necessary videos using the corresponding function of the program. Video recordings can also be downloaded through the included Download Master utility. Download any similar program and install it, and then paste the URL of the video copied on YouTube into the appropriate line of the program and click "Download".

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When developing a new plan in the network, it is necessary to develop the latest design to be different from the old. And if you want to make two identical site then how to copy design his site, the one that is closer to the network?


1. The plan design on the Internet does not consist of a single file or picture. As usual, full-fledged plans are a huge complex of files that form a universal design site. This takes into account not only the main page, but also all other web pages related to the plan. This also includes pictures, which are some icons, and media files, articles and much more. All this is in design e site .

2. To copy a sample of your site, you need to transfer the files that are on the hosting server. If you have an engine, then you need to put the same mechanism on the 2nd plane so that it is allowed to attach the future design. At this point in time, modern special engine technologies allow the use of several samples, between which you can switch from the manager panel. This procedure takes a few seconds.

3. Locate the Samples or Templates folder. Categories may be named differently in different engines. You need to copy all categories of folders and files from the server. First, save them on the local disk of the PC. In order to throw design to another site, you need to copy the sample files. To do this, use the manager panel. Do not forget that in addition to system files, all graphic files must also be present, on the contrary, the system will not display the site correctly.

4. If you need to copy design site, consisting of one or more html pages, for this it is enough to use the standard browser settings. Go to page site. Next, right-click and select "start code". Everyone will appear html code pages. Save it as index.html. If there are pictures on the site, copy them to your computer. Then transfer all this to your hosting server.

In order to save a web page before making changes, you need to copy it in advance. This is more practical than writing down the address of the publication, tea if you update the information on the site, it will be difficult to see the initial data.


1. Copying a page is allowed in several ways. If you need to save it as a picture, then press the PrintScreen key, which is located in the first row on the right. With her help, a photograph of the monitor's working area is obtained, limited by its size. But if you need not the whole, but part of the page, then this method allows you to get a good image of the desired piece of the web page.

2. Open the Paint program. This is a typical graphic editor, the one that is present in the Windows operating system. Go to Start, expand All Programs, open the Typical folder and with support double click click to launch Paint. If it doesn't work, go to the program's storage folder: "Start" - "Computer" - "Local Disk C" - "Windows" - "System32" - "Mspaint".

3. On the toolbar, select "Paste" or press Ctrl + V. In the application window, you will see a picture of the copied page. If you need it completely, then click "Save as" in the menu and select the format. The default is "24-bit image (*.bmp, *.dib)" or PNG (*.png).

4. If you want to cut a separate section - select it, press Ctrl + C, then select the "Create" command. To the question "Save metamorphoses in the file" Nameless ", click" Do not save ". Reduce the opened sheet to the smallest size - it should not exceed the selected object. Paste the picture using Ctrl + V and save it on your computer.

5. If you need to copy a web page with the possibility of further viewing in its entirety, open it in a browser window, right-click in any free space and from the drop-down menu, first select "Save as", and then - "Web page, entirely". The document will be copied with html extension, plus a folder will be made to it, into which graphic files and scripts will fall.

Video, which is usually only available for viewing on sources such as or, is actually quite easy to save to a computer, all you need is to have the necessary browser add-ons and a high-speed Internet connection.

You will need

  • - Mozilla Firefox browser.


1. Download and install the Mozilla Firefox browser on your computer. Use better than anyone latest version programs from the official website

2. Launch the installed browser, open the "Add-ons" menu item in the program tools. You will see in the window new inset management of various additional applications made to support the browser of certain functions.

3. On the left side of the tab, select Stretches. Please note that while doing this, your internet connection was vigorous. In the line in the upper right corner, enter the words video saver and press enter. Wait a while for the browser to filter all available browser extensions.

4. Review the displayed options. Among them, there should be a Youtube source video downloader, install it in your browser and restart the program. Enter in the address bar the address of any video on this source, try to download it using the new menu that appears.

5. If you want to save a video from to your computer, open the browser extensions control panel and enter VK Downloader in the search bar, press Enter and select the required one from the options found. Be careful - it's cooler than anyone to install those add-ons that are especially in demand among users and which have a lot of feedback, from the fact that many of them may contain harmful code.

6. After installing the plugin, restart your browser and go to the public network page. Use the search bar to find the video you need, open it. At the bottom there will be a list of options: download, download 240p, download 360p, download 720p. Choose from them a video with the resolution that suits you and wait for the download to finish.

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Be careful when installing additional plugins in your browser.

Helpful advice
Scan downloaded add-ons for viruses.

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How to copy a web page if the page has copy protection? Many of us have visited sites on the Internet where we were not able to copy the content of the site page in the usual way.

To copy the content, we select the contents of the web page with the right mouse button, in order to copy the selection later, but this way it is not possible to save the web page. This site may have a copy protection program or plug-in installed.

The plugin blocks the use of selection with the mouse. Many webmasters thus want to protect their intellectual property to protect content from being copied.

Some not very conscientious site owners copy the content of other people's articles on other sites, and publish the copied articles under their own name.

Most of those who copy articles on the pages of sites are still conscientious people. They copy, only in order not to lose the necessary information. The addresses of visited sites are lost, it is not always possible to remember on which site you saw this information before, which has become necessary only now.

But, unfortunately, and for some, perhaps fortunately, 100% copy protection does not exist. There are several ways to copy the content of a site page or a specific article on a site.

The easiest way is, of course, simply copying the text from the site page, but this is a rather laborious process.

An individual web page or site can be bookmarked in your browser, but this is not a copy.

There are several more ways to copy, and I want to tell you about them. You will learn how to copy a web page, even if the site has content copy protection set.

Web page screenshot

The second easiest way is to take a screenshot of the entire page or a specific article.

With the help of the operating Windows systems, when you press the "Print Screen" keyboard key, the open page of the site is copied. After copying to the clipboard, we can open the page in a graphic editor, for example, in the built-in operating system graphic editor Paint.

In the Paint editor, click on the "Home" tab, and then on the "Insert" button. After inserting the image, you can edit it, if necessary, and then save it in the desired graphic format.

The disadvantages of this method are that the copy is saved as a graphic file, it will not be possible to edit the text in it, not the entire page can get into the image if it does not fit completely on the monitor screen.

For those users on whose computers operating systems are installed Windows Vista and Windows 7 (in older editions), installed good program to take screenshots - Scissors.

With its help, you can copy not only the entire page, but also a separate part of the article or only the article itself, if it is small. This can also be done with the help of other programs for taking screenshots, as well as with the help of appropriate add-ons (extensions) of browsers.

How to save a web page as a web document or web archive

Consider the question of how to copy a web page in the most popular browsers.

In the Internet Explorer browser, you will need to enter the menu "Tools" => "File" => "Save As ..." (or simultaneously pressing the "Ctrl" + "S" keys on the keyboard). After that, the Explorer window opens.

In the Explorer window, after selecting the save location, there are several options for saving the file.

If you have selected the options: “Full web page” or “Web page, only HTML”, then after saving the page, next to the file - “HTML document”, a folder with the contents of the site page will be saved.

After opening the web archive, you open the saved page of the site, from where you can copy in the usual way the entire page, or just an article, or part of an article for further editing or saving, for example, in the Word program from Microsoft Office.

IN Opera browser you must click on the "Opera" button, then "Page" => "Save as ...", then you should select the save option, similarly as in the Internet Explorer browser.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to click on the "Firefox" => "Save As ..." button, then select the desired option to save the web page. Saving to the web archive in the Mozilla Firefox browser is possible if set to Firefox browser the corresponding extension.

To copy a web page, in the Google Chrome browser, click on the button "Setting and managing Google Chrome" => "Save page as ...", then you need to select the saving method from two options: "Full web page" or "Web page , HTML only".

Save a web page to PDF using a virtual printer

Cloud Print allows you to convert any document or image from a program that supports printing to PDF format.

To use the virtual printer in Internet browsers Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, you need to install a virtual printer program on your computer, for example, .

In this example, I am using free program- virtual printer Bullzip PDF Printer.

The installation of the program is standard, and it takes place in Russian. The program is installed into the operating system as a virtual printer. Once installed on your computer, Bullzip PDF Printer appears in the list of installed printers and faxes.

After you have entered the page of the site that you need to save, then in the browser settings you need to click on the “Print” item.

In the window that opens, you will need to select the Bullzip PDF Printer virtual printer from the list of installed printers. After that, you need to click on the "OK" button.

The page is being saved to your computer, and you, in the Explorer window, must select a place for save PDF file.

How to copy a web page using a browser, read on.

Saving a Page to PDF in Google Chrome Browser

Using Google browser Chrome, it is possible to save site pages as PDF file, without using a third-party virtual printer. Cloud Print is built into the Google Chrome browser.

To do this, press the key combination "Ctrl" + "P" on the keyboard. In the "Print" window that opens, in the "Destination Printer" tab, select the "Save as PDF" item.

The web page will be saved as a PDF.

RightToClick extension for Mozilla Firefox

By installing this extension to the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can remove protection from using the right mouse button to select the desired content on the site for further copying.

To install the RightToClick add-on, you must click on the button "Firefox" => "Add-ons" => "Get add-ons". In the field "Search among add-ons" you need to enter the expression - "RightToClick". On the RightToClick extension page that opens, you need to click on the "Add to Firefox" button, and then on the link "Install now" => "Relaunch now".

On the Mozilla Firefox browser panel (top or bottom), there will be an icon for the RightToClick extension, in the form of an arrow.

Now, in order to copy text or images from a web page on which the right mouse button is blocked, just click on the RightToClick extension icon.

After that, you will be able to copy the contents of the web page using the selection, using the right mouse button for this.

Article Conclusions

There are several ways in which you can copy a web page to your computer.

Let's take a look at a simple problem of working on the Internet.

In times of technological progress, literally every second person is an Internet user.

Connections are different, and companies involved in connecting to the worldwide network are becoming much larger every day. Many people need the Internet to work, and the possibility of being left without access to the necessary site sometimes scares the consumer. There are cases when a person knows the specific pages of the site that are needed for work. To be safe, you can copy the information yourself and work quietly. However, keep in mind that the promotion of sites created on the basis of copied pages, as well as their promotion, will be very problematic. Because search engines prefer original information.

If you want to save a page with text, links and images in their original form, Mozilla and Google users should right-click in an empty space and select a command from the list (in our case, “Save As”), then select the line that says “Web Page fully". After performing such actions, the page will be saved. An alternative to the steps taken for Opera and Internet Explorer is to click the "Page" line in the menu, and then "Save As". In any browser, you can achieve the desired result by pressing the combination Ctrl + S.

For some jobs, you only need to copy the part of the page currently on the screen. In this case, it is enough to take a screenshot (in other words: a screenshot). It is necessary to press the PrtSc key or a combination of Ctrl and V, then a specific page will be visible in the Paint window of the editor, it will need to be saved by selecting the "File" and "Save As" lines from the menu.

People who print large amounts of text often take advantage of the ability to copy a page into Word documents. To do this, select the necessary material by pressing the Ctrl and A keys, and copy it by pressing Ctrl and C. After that, this page is inserted into the Word document by pressing Ctrl and V.

Internet users often ask questions on forums about how to copy a page from a copy-protected site. Naturally, the easiest way is to turn to a professional hacker and get the necessary information for a fee, but you can do it yourself. The most reliable way is to extract the necessary text from the code of the page itself. You need a browser window and press Ctrl and U, then find the text in this code, copy and select it in the usual way.

Any human action can be brought to automatism, and copying site pages is no exception. It is enough just to want and make an effort.

I will describe an almost universal way of copying. Usually, copy protection scripts and tags are written in the head of the page code or at the very beginning of it. The text itself and the pictures to be copied are located somewhere in the middle of the source code of the page. They no longer have copy protection tags. The task is to find, select and copy the necessary text and pictures in the source code of the page.

First you need to open the source code of the page.

To do this, in Internet Explorer, go to View -> View HTML Code.

In Firefox go to Tools -> Web Development - Source pages.

In Google Chrome, click the Settings icon in the top right corner. Then select Tools -> View Source.
In Opera, click on the Opera button in the upper left corner of the screen and select Developer Tools - View Source from the menu.

Usually at the beginning of the page code there are descriptions of styles, various scripts for copy protection, sponsored links, etc. We skip all this and look for the actual text, pictures, i.e. what we want to copy. The text will be interspersed with html tags. Try to determine the beginning and end of such a solid, complete fragment that you need. It starts with div, p tags, h1, h2, h3 heading tags, table tags, and so on. Usually such text is located in a heap and it is quite easy to identify it in the source code of the page. It is somewhere in the middle of the code.
But sometimes a whole paragraph of text or even an article can be in one very long line. Carefully review the source code so as not to miss such a line. It is especially difficult to see it when there are a lot of advertisements on the page. It is also difficult to single out a fragment of the article itself when there is little text and a lot of inserted pictures.
Select this fragment with the mouse and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl + C). Open Notepad and paste the text from the clipboard. When viewing the code, do not copy advertising inserts like Yandex.Direct, etc. But even if you accidentally copy them, they are unlikely to be displayed in the resulting document, as they fall out of the context of the page display.

In order for the text to be displayed correctly in the browser, enter the tag in the first line , and at the end of the text, enter the closing tag. Save the text as a file with the .htm extension.

Problem solved. In File Explorer, click on the file name and it will open in your default browser. With this method Windows opening sometimes it displays the page incorrectly, so it's better to choose File - Open file in the browser menu. In Firefox, this requires the Menu Bar to be enabled if it is disabled.
The information you need will be displayed on the screen, although not as beautifully as on the original page. So, you still managed to copy the page to your computer.

Sometimes, instead of readable text, bugs are displayed, since the html file turned out to be not quite correct. In this case, you just need to change the text encoding. In Firefox, for example, in the top menu, go to View - Text Encoding and select Unicode or sometimes the older one - Cyrillic (Windows). Another way is to change the encoding forcibly by writing it in the file header. You can try different encodings. To do this, at the very beginning of the .htm file after the tag write lines like this:

You can determine the text encoding in Notepad++. Open the .htm file with this program. At the bottom of the window, the status bar will show the encoding. It remains to register it in the tag . You can change the encoding. Select Encoding from the top menu. In the list that opens, select Convert to the required encoding. The encoding will change in the status bar. Save the resulting file.

If the text is displayed in the form of a table, but the cells are not highlighted with lines, then this is also easy to fix. Find the table tag in the htm file and add border=1 cellspacing=0 at the end of the tag. It will turn out something like this:

Save the file and open it in a browser - the table will be highlighted with thin lines. If you remove cellspacing=0, then the table cells will be highlighted with double lines.

But each time opening the page in the browser is not very convenient. It often happens that the text is copied, but the pictures are not. So let's continue. Again, select the text of the resulting htm page, copy and paste it into a Word document. You will have to manually insert the pictures into the Word document.
On the site page, right-click on the picture (RMB) and select Save Image As... from the menu. The Save window will open, in which the file type must be JPEG Image or another graphic format (GIF, PNG). Enter the desired file name or leave the one provided. Remember the location where you saved the picture. Open a Word document and place the cursor where the picture should be. From the Word main menu, select Insert - Picture. In the Insert Picture window, select the saved picture and click Insert. The picture will be inserted into the document in the right place. Repeat these steps for all other pictures. Don't forget to save your modified Word document.
On Linux, you can use the text editor gedit or similar instead of Notepad, and the free LibreOffice package instead of Word.

In short, do you understand? First, we create an html document in Notepad - a document without security scripts and advertising inserts, containing the information you need, then open it in your favorite browser.
Select the entire page that opens and copy it into Word. But! Sometimes it happens that the mouse indicator is spinning, but the text is not inserted into the Word document - you have to wait a bit. If no waiting helps, then do the following. Paste the selected fragment into the text editor Notepad. The text will contain paragraphs and headings, as required. Select all the text again and copy it into a Word document. The text should paste without problems, as it now lacks the tags that confuse MS Word. Then you can change the font, highlight the headings, etc.
If the pictures are not copied, then go to the site again. We copy the pictures from the site one by one and paste them into the right places in the Word document. We save the Word document. Such is the technology. In 90% of cases it works great.

Sometimes the pictures climb out of the edge of the sheet or, on the contrary, are very small. This is easy to fix. Click on the picture (squares will appear in the corners). Move the mouse cursor to the lower left (right) corner of the picture. As soon as a double-headed arrow appears, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the cursor in (or out) along the diagonal of the picture, reducing (or stretching) it. Release the button. The picture will decrease (increase) in size and fit within the sheet.
It often happens that the text after insertion is aligned to the width of the page, i.e. several spaces between words. This text is hard to read. To correct, select all the text and click the Align Left button.

If the picture is small and details are hard to see, try clicking on it to see it enlarged. Many sites allow you to do this. It remains to save this enlarged copy of the picture. It happens that the enlarged picture cannot be copied or saved. When you right-click on the picture, a menu appears with the items Copy link, etc., but there is no item Save as ... or Copy image. This happens when viewing an image gallery. Then we open the source code of the page and look for a link to the image in it, which contains the .jpg extension. For example, something like We click on the link. The image should open. If not guessed, then we are looking for the next similar link. When the required image is found, right-click on it and select Save As... or Copy Image. Make sure the file you are saving has the extension .jpg, .png or .gif, i.e. graphic format.

It happens that the webmaster inserts text on the page in the form of an image. You cannot select the text and copy it, but you can copy the picture itself and paste it into Word. Right-click (RMB) on the text and select from the menu Save image as... If there is no such item in the menu, but there is Save as... so the browser offers to save it as a web page. In this case it is not required. Then click on the text with the mouse, usually after that the text is displayed in an enlarged form. Right-click again, the menu item should appear Save image as.. as the text will be displayed as an image. Save the image and then paste into Word. Similarly, you can copy other pages of text.

So far, I know of one resource where this technique does not work. This Google Play Books.

The free book snippet is highlighted, but it can't be copied. You can do the following.

Select the desired fragment of the book page and click the Search in book item in the menu window. In the new window, select the desired fragment again and press Ctrl + C.

Now the snippet can be copied and pasted into a Word document. Only line breaks go astray, you have to manually adjust. Place the cursor where you want it and press Shift+Enter to break the line. It's still better than nothing at all. This method does not copy text in two languages ​​(English and Russian) or containing special characters.

Sometimes you can't see the text on the background of the inserted image because the colors of the text and background are the same. Select this block and change the background color or text color to make the text stand out.

It happens that the page is copied without problems, but the text inserted in Word is pale gray and all lines are underlined. Such text is difficult to read and links contained in the text are masked. This happens with a tabular layout of the site. Table tags table, tr, td are visible in the source code. Of course, you can manually remove them. But this is a thankless job. It's easier to do it the other way. On the site page, select the first paragraph of the text and copy it. Insert a paragraph into a new Word document. Right-click on the picture following the paragraph and select Copy Image from the menu. Paste the picture into the Word document following the paragraph copied earlier. In this way, you can copy all the information from the page into a Word document. The text is displayed normally and all links to other resources are saved in it. It is also tiring, but the result is worth it. Those. we separately copy the cells of the tabular layout to the Word document.

Often there are tables on the page that need to be copied. Use the Internet Explorer browser for this purpose. For all its shortcomings, it correctly copies tables. Microsoft Edge from Windows 10 copies the tables correctly too. Select the table and press Copy (Ctrl+C). Open MS Word and paste the copied snippet. The table should be inserted without distortion into the MS Word document. When using Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome browsers, you will most likely get a solid paragraph of text with a set of words instead of a table without any division into lines and columns.

Sometimes there is text on the site, but it is not in the htm file - instead of it there are spaces and line breaks. And as a picture, this block of text cannot be saved. Often this happens in articles devoted to the html language. Then I apply the "power" technique. I make a screen of the desired part of the page (press Alt + PrintScreen to save the active window). Launch Paint and paste the image (Ctrl + V). Press the Select tool and select the desired part of the image. Right-click and select Copy from the menu. We go to the Word document, put the cursor in the right place and insert the picture (Ctrl + V).

If you are good at html code, you can find and remove (comment out) the copy protection script in the source code. It remains to save the modified code as an htm file.

Select the source code with the mouse or select Select All from the menu. Press Ctrl + C or select Copy from the menu. Paste the copied code into Notepad (not Word!). WordPad is also not recommended. It sometimes throws an error when pasting text.

Source code is text that has a heading - head and a body - body. Find in it a line like this:

This tag contains copy protection settings. You need to remove these parameters, leaving those that do not affect protection. In this case, you can leave the parameter that sets the background color, and delete the rest. It will turn out like this:

Another option is to comment out the original tag and enter a new shortened one.

Save the corrected text as a text file with the .htm extension. Open the saved page in a browser. To do this, in the line for entering the name of the site, type the name of the htm file. Or just click on the file name and it will open in the browser. Now it becomes possible to select and copy text, pictures and paste them into Word or another program.

Often it is not even necessary to correct the code; after saving as an .htm file, copying becomes possible without any corrections.

Webmasters use different methods of copy protection. If the above did not help, try removing the header of the html file, i.e. all text between tags And. Displaying html - page will be broken, but it will become possible copying. The copied page can be pasted into MS Word and edited as you wish.

If you need to copy text without graphics, you can use a text browser. Linux has several text (console) browsers. They display only text without graphics or ads, so they work very fast. They can also be used to copy protected pages.
To copy plain text without tables, you can use the lynx browser, there is a version for Windows. In the lynx browser, simply select the text with the mouse and copy it to the clipboard. At the bottom of the screen are the status bar and help lines.
If the page contains tables and frames, then use links. It renders tables correctly. For example, the above page can be copied like this. On Linux, expand the terminal window to full screen and issue the command links

If the Russian text is displayed in English letters (transliteration), then you need to make settings. Press Esc, the top menu bar will appear. In it, select File -> Setup -> Character Set. In the list, select the Unicode UTF-8 encoding or another Russian encoding in which the web page is written. You can see it in the source code of the page in the header. You can also change the menu language to Russian. We go File -> Setup -> Language -> Russian. And the last: File -> Settings -> Save settings.
Select Save Formatted Document from the menu. Save as a plain text file. Moreover, the text will be in black letters on a white background. As they say, cheap and cheerful.
Click on the link to go to another page. Links are highlighted in a brighter color.

The question of how to copy a website page often arises among inexperienced Internet users. In the article we will give a detailed answer to it.

copied, pasted, saved

The Ctrl + C key combination for copying (fast or hot keys) is easy to remember through a simple association with the identity of the sound of the initial letters "K" (copy) and "C" (copy), especially since there are already two of the latter in the combination. The same goes for the next pair. keyboard shortcuts for "B-rate" copied (Ctrl+V ), without which the first one makes no sense. It is possible, of course, to do all this in context menu, calling it with the right button and choosing the appropriate commands, but with hot keys, there are fewer actions.

If these little tricks "get stuck" in the subconscious, then as soon as the question arises in it, how to copy (part of the site page, for example), the hand itself will reach for the familiar keyboard shortcut. When the fragment you selected with the mouse (or the entire web page turns blue), all that remains is to insert it into a pre-prepared Word document.

Why Word? Because it will save all the pictures, links and formatting. But this is rather an instinctive, rather than a deliberate and rational technique. And how to copy the page of the site completely, every self-respecting browser knows, and for this they have the command "Save as ..." (Save as ...) in the context menus.

What do you have in the context menu today?

If you right-click on the page anywhere where there are no pictures, links or forms, the context menu will kindly "jump out" right there. Each browser has its own specialties in this menu, but they all offer different options for navigating, saving a page, viewing its source code, manipulating images, frames, etc.

The "Save As" command is also in the "File" menu in Mozilla Firefox, Safari browsers, and in Chrome it sounds "Save page as" and is located on the settings panel called by the button with three stripes in the upper right corner. In Opera, this panel is opened by clicking on the browser logo (red letter "O" in the upper left corner), where the "Save As" command is located in the "Page" submenu. In the Internet Explorer browser, you need to click on the gear at the top right, go to "Tools" and select the "Save As" command from the "File" menu.

Browsers are, of course, very smart programs, but the computer has a simple solution to bring up the "Save As" dialog box - this is the key combination Ctrl + S, which, by the way, is very useful to periodically press when working with text, in order to avoid known trouble.

How to copy a web page

In the specified dialog box, you are prompted to select the folder where you want to place the copied file, and 4 options for saving it: "Web page, full", "Web page, HTML only", "Text files" and "All files". If we are interested in how to copy the site page (1), of course, select the option "Web page, complete" (Web Page, complete ...) and, after giving the file a name, click the "Save" button.

Having opened the specified directory, we will find a folder there with all the contents of the web page (images, scripts, forms, index, authorize, bootstrap files, etc.), as well as a file with the .htm extension separately from the folder, opening which, you will see that this is a "naked" html framework with "live" links, but without styling. If you pay attention to the address bar, you will see this entry: file:///C:/Users/... etc. Need comments? This file is already on your disk, therefore, it will open in all browsers and without the Internet, but the links, of course, will not work.

By saving the web page in other options, you will get exactly what you chose (HTML only, text only, or all files).

How to break through the defense

Now we need to figure out how to copy the site page (2) if it is copy-protected. In this case, in the context menu of the page (right-click), select the command "Page source code" (in Mozilla Firefox), or "View source code", "View page code", "View HTML code", etc. in other browsers. Moreover, it is not necessary to open the code of the entire page, since the browser can only show the selected fragment. By the way, in Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox, the source code is opened with the Ctrl+U key combination.

If the users who are figuring out how to copy a page of a site (3) had one of such "light" web editors like Web Page Maker installed on their computer, they would probably have guessed to open in it and then save any page almost in its original form, and together with all the "protective measures". After saving by the command "Export to Html ...", the Web Page Maker site builder will put all image files in a folder and give you an html file of the loaded page with "local registration".


If it doesn't matter to you how to copy a site page, just to get it with all the content, then you can save the file in pdf format. This option may be less popular than the usual methods, but it is very simple, affordable and effective, especially since in the Google Chrome browser, for example, this can be done without "outside help".

By clicking on the already familiar button in the upper right, open the browser settings panel and select "Print" (Ctrl + P). In the print settings window on the left, click "Change" in the "Printer" line, then in the next window, specify "Save as PDF" as the local destination. We complete the procedure with the "Save" button, indicating where to put the file.

The "outside help" that will be required to convert to pdf in other browsers is special extensions or special web services.

How to save a website page on a computer?

To have access to the contents of a web portal even without a network connection, you need to make a local copy of the page (screenshot, text or HTML file), which will be stored on disk. So you can access the information at any time. Of course, if the computer with the necessary data is nearby. You can transfer not only text content, but also pictures, formatting elements, structure. Learn how to take a screenshot of a global network resource page, copy it at once with all graphic and multimedia content, or save its content as a file.

Copy from browser

You can transfer data from the browser to any text editor. For this, it is best Microsoft Word. It displays images and formatting correctly. Although, due to the specifics of the document, advertising, menus and some frames may not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Here's how to copy a website page:

  1. Open the desired URL.
  2. Press Ctrl+A. Or right-click on any area free from images and flash-animation and select "Select" in the context menu. This must be done to cover all the information, and not some arbitrary piece of the article.
  3. ctrl+c. Or in the same context menu, find the "Copy" option.
  4. Open Word.
  5. Place the cursor in the document and press Ctrl+V.
  6. After that, you need to save the file.

Sometimes it turns out that only text is transferred. If you need the rest of the content, you can take it. Here's how to copy the entire web resource page - with all hyperlinks, pictures:

  1. Follow the previous steps up to point 4.
  2. Right click in the document.
  3. In the "Paste Options" section, look for the "Keep Source Formatting" button. Hover over it - the name will appear in the tooltip. If you have a computer with Office 2007, the option to select this option appears only after pasting - next to the added fragment, the corresponding icon will be displayed.

Method number 1: copy-paste

In some cases, graphics and formatting cannot be copied. Text only. Even without division into paragraphs. But you can take a screenshot or use a special software to transfer page content to a computer.

Sometimes there is a so-called "Copy protection" on the resource. It lies in the fact that the text on them cannot be selected or moved to another place. But this limitation can be bypassed. Here's how to do it:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the page.
  2. Select Source Code or View Code.
  3. A window will open in which all the information is in html tags.
  4. To find the desired piece of text, press Ctrl + F and in the field that appears, enter part of a word or sentence. The searched passage will be displayed, which can be selected and copied.

If you want to save a whole site to your computer, you don't need to completely remove the tags so that only useful information remains. You can use any html editor. Suitable, for example, FrontPage. No knowledge of web design is required.

  1. Select all html code.
  2. Open the web page editor.
  3. Copy this code there.
  4. Switch to preview mode to see what the copy will look like.
  5. Go to File - Save As. Select the file type (it is better to leave the default HTML), specify the path to the folder where it will be located, and confirm the action. It will be stored on an electronic computer.

Copy protection can be tied to some js script. To disable it, you must disable JavaScript in your browser. This can be done in the web browser settings. But because of this, the parameters of the entire page sometimes go astray. It will display incorrectly or give an error. After all, many different scripts work there, and not one that blocks the selection.

If the service has such protection, it is better to figure out how to copy the page of the global network resource in another way. For example, you can take a screenshot.


Taking a screenshot is the easiest way to add some information to your computer. It is saved as a graphic file. It can be opened and viewed at any time. Here's how to take a screenshot:

  1. Go to the desired portal.
  2. Press the PrintScreen button on your keyboard (sometimes called "PrntScr" or "PrtSc"). The screenshot will be added to the clipboard, a temporary storage used during Copy-Paste operations.
  3. Open any graphic editor. The Windows operating system has its own - called "Paint". You can use it. In it, you can crop and slightly correct the screenshot. For more serious graphics editing, you need to install professional programs on your computer ( Adobe Photoshop, For example). But to just make a copy of the page, your own Windows Tools.
  4. Paste the screenshot into the editor. To do this, press Ctrl+V.
  5. You can add it to a word processor (the same Word), which supports graphics.

You can get a snapshot of the page using graphic editors. For example Paint.

The information will be presented as a solid picture, not a set of symbols. If you need to copy any part of the material, you will have to retype it manually. After all, a screenshot is not an article. To make the task easier, use utilities for OCR from pictures.

So it is convenient to copy small pieces. But with bulk content, it’s more difficult. You will have to take a lot of pictures, scroll, often open the editor. But you can figure out how to take a screenshot of the entire portal page, and not part of it. Use specialized programs.

Screenshot utilities

There are programs for working with screenshots. With their help, you can cover the content completely, and not screen it in pieces.

  • Popular Application with varied functionality.
  • Web browser extension. You can make a picture of the entire page by simply clicking the button on the toolbar.
  • Removes everything that can be removed: arbitrary areas, windows, large web resources. There is a toolkit for editing the resulting images and a library of effects.
  • Automatically scrolls, takes a series of frames and independently combines them into one screenshot.

There are also online services that can generate a snapshot. They work on the same principle: insert the site address - get a picture. Here are some of them.

  • Capture Full Page
  • Web Screenshots
  • Thumbalizr
  • Snapito

Save as HTML file

Here's how to save a WAN resource page to your computer in html format. Subsequently, it can be converted to another type. With this copying, pictures from the web portal are placed in a separate folder, which will have the same name as the html file and is located in the same place as it.

  1. Open the site.
  2. Right-click anywhere that is free of pictures, backgrounds, videos, and animations.
  3. Select Save As. In Mozilla Firefox, a similar button can be found in the menu. To do this, click on the icon with three horizontal lines. In Opera, these settings are called up by clicking on the logo.
  4. Set a name. Specify the path.
  5. Confirm the action.

Save as PDF

In Google Chrome, you can create a PDF file from a page. This function is for printing on a printer. But copying to a computer is also available.

  1. Click on the icon in the form of three lines (they are on the top right).
  2. Click "Print" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P.
  3. Click Change.
  4. "Save as PDF" option.
  5. On the left panel, click the button with the same name again.
  6. Give the file a name and specify the path.

This feature is available exclusively in Chrome. Other web browsers require plugins. Printpdf for Firefox and Web2PDFConvert for Opera.

Utilities for saving entire sites

There are programs for copying entire global network resources. That is, with all content, transitions, menus, links. It will be possible to “walk” on such a page, as on a real one. The following utilities are suitable for this:

  • HTTrack Website Copier.
  • Local Website Archive.
  • Teleport Pro.
  • Web Copier Pro.

There are many ways to transfer a website page to a PC. Which one to choose depends on your needs. If you want to save information so that you can study it later, a simple screenshot is enough. But when you need to work with this data, edit it, add it to documents, it is better to copy it or create an html file.

How to copy a web page with copy protection

How to copy a web page if the page has copy protection? Many of us have visited sites on the Internet where we were not able to copy the content of the site page in the usual way.

To copy the content, we select the contents of the web page with the right mouse button, in order to copy the selection later, but this way it is not possible to save the web page. This site may have a copy protection program or plug-in installed.

The plugin blocks the use of selection with the mouse. Many webmasters thus want to protect their intellectual property to protect content from being copied.

Some not very conscientious site owners copy the content of other people's articles on other sites, and publish the copied articles under their own name.

Most of those who copy articles on the pages of sites are still conscientious people. They copy, only in order not to lose the necessary information. The addresses of visited sites are lost, it is not always possible to remember on which site you saw this information before, which has become necessary only now.

But, unfortunately, and for some, perhaps fortunately, 100% copy protection does not exist. There are several ways to copy the content of a site page or a specific article on a site.

The easiest way is, of course, simply copying the text from the site page, but this is a rather laborious process.

An individual web page or site can be bookmarked in your browser, but this is not a copy.

There are several more ways to copy, and I want to tell you about them. You will learn how to copy a web page, even if the site has content copy protection set.

Web page screenshot

The second easiest way is to take a screenshot of the entire page or a specific article.

Using the tool of the Windows operating system, when you press the “Print Screen” keyboard key, the open page of the site is copied. After copying to the clipboard, we can open the page in a graphics editor, for example, in the Paint editor built into the operating system.

In the Paint editor, click on the "Home" tab, and then on the "Insert" button. After inserting the image, you can edit it, if necessary, and then save it in the desired graphic format.

The disadvantages of this method are that the copy is saved as a graphic file, it will not be possible to edit the text in it, not the entire page can get into the image if it does not fit completely on the monitor screen.

Those users on whose computers Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems (in older editions) are installed have a good program for taking screenshots - Scissors.

With its help, you can copy not only the entire page, but also a separate part of the article or only the article itself, if it is small. This can also be done with the help of other programs for taking screenshots, as well as with the help of appropriate add-ons (extensions) of browsers.

How to save a web page as a web document or web archive

Consider the question of how to copy a web page in the most popular browsers.

In the Internet Explorer browser, you will need to enter the menu "Tools" => "File" => "Save As ..." (or simultaneously pressing the "Ctrl" + "S" keys on the keyboard). After that, the Explorer window opens.

In the Explorer window, after selecting the save location, there are several options for saving the file.

If you have selected the options: “Full web page” or “Web page, only HTML”, then after saving the page, next to the file - “HTML document”, a folder with the contents of the site page will be saved.

After opening the web archive, you open the saved page of the site, from where you can copy the entire page in the usual way, or just the article, or part of the article for further editing or saving, for example, in the Word program from Microsoft Office.

In the Opera browser, you must click on the "Opera" button, then "Page" \u003d\u003e "Save as ...", then you should select the save option, similarly as in the Internet Explorer browser.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to click on the "Firefox" => "Save As ..." button, then select the desired option to save the web page. Saving to the web archive in the Mozilla Firefox browser is possible by installing the appropriate extension in the Firefox browser.

To copy a web page, in the Google Chrome browser, click on the button "Setting and managing Google Chrome" => "Save page as ...", then you need to select the saving method from two options: "Full web page" or "Web page , HTML only".

Save a web page to PDF using a virtual printer

Cloud Print allows you to convert any document or image from a program that supports printing to PDF format.

In order to use a virtual printer in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera browsers, you need to install a virtual printer program on your computer, for example, PDFCreator.

In this example, I'm using the free Bullzip PDF Printer virtual printer.

The installation of the program is standard, and it takes place in Russian. The program is installed into the operating system as a virtual printer. Once installed on your computer, Bullzip PDF Printer appears in the list of installed printers and faxes.

After you have entered the page of the site that you need to save, then in the browser settings you need to click on the “Print” item.

In the window that opens, you will need to select the Bullzip PDF Printer virtual printer from the list of installed printers. After that, you need to click on the "OK" button.

The page is being saved to your computer, and you, in the Explorer window, must choose a location to save the PDF file.

You can save a web page to PDF in a form that is easy to read and print using online service Print Friendly & PDF, as well as with the help of extensions (add-ons) of the same name for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

How to copy a web page using a browser, read on.

Saving a Page to PDF in Google Chrome Browser

When using the Google Chrome browser, it is possible to save site pages as a PDF file, without using an external virtual printer. Cloud Print is built into the Google Chrome browser.

To do this, press the key combination "Ctrl" + "P" on the keyboard. In the "Print" window that opens, in the "Destination Printer" tab, select the "Save as PDF" item.

The web page will be saved as a PDF.

RightToClick extension for Mozilla Firefox

By installing this extension to the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can remove protection from using the right mouse button to select the desired content on the site for further copying.

To install the RightToClick add-on, you must click on the button "Firefox" => "Add-ons" => "Get add-ons". In the field "Search among add-ons" you need to enter the expression - "RightToClick". On the RightToClick extension page that opens, you need to click on the "Add to Firefox" button, and then on the link "Install now" => "Relaunch now".

On the Mozilla Firefox browser panel (top or bottom), there will be an icon for the RightToClick extension, in the form of an arrow.

Now, in order to copy text or images from a web page on which the right mouse button is blocked, just click on the RightToClick extension icon.

After that, you will be able to copy the contents of the web page using the selection, using the right mouse button for this.


There are several ways in which you can copy a web page to your computer.

How to save a page from the Internet to a computer

The Internet for most people is a kind of library, reference book and guide. It represents an opportunity for a person to develop, increase his level of education and knowledge. With it, you can get answers to your questions, study certain topics, including even in foreign languages, because almost all browsers have built-in translators. All in all, it's a storehouse of information with unlimited potential. Many people can no longer imagine everyday life without the Internet.

2023 | How to translate